Contenu du sommaire : L'avenir de l'État dans une Économie de marché
Revue |
Revue française d'administration publique ![]() |
Numéro | no 61, 1992/1 |
Titre du numéro | L'avenir de l'État dans une Économie de marché |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Sommaire du n° 61 - p. 5 pages
L'avenir de l'état dans une économie de marché
- Avant-propos - Michel Franc p. 3 pages
Discours d'ouverture
- Discours de M. Marceau Long, Vice-président du Conseil d'État, Président du conseil d'administration de l'Institut International d'Administration Publique - Marceau Long p. 2 pages
- Discours de Son Excellence M. Abdou Diouf, Président de la République du Sénégal - Abdou Diouf p. 4 pages
- Discours de M. Jean-Pierre Soisson, Ministre d'État, Ministre de la fonction publique et de la modernisation de l'administration - Jean-Pierre Soisson p. 2 pages
- Discours de M. Marceau Long, Vice-président du Conseil d'État, Président du conseil d'administration de l'Institut International d'Administration Publique - Marceau Long p. 2 pages
L'État à l'épreuve du marché
- L'encadrement institutionnel de l'économie de marché - Jean-Claude Paye p. 5 pages Institutional Framework of the Market Economy. The rapid development of international trade since the 1950s has led gradually to an expansion of the market economy and a redefinition of the role of State. We are, thus, witnessing a concurrent reduction in direct State action on the economy and the granting of a larger role to the State in implementing the structural adjustments required for economic change. Meanwhile, State is influenced by market economy. Current action and thought tend to submit public authorities to market constraints (privatization, managerial approach to government responsibility).
- L'encadrement institutionnel de l'économie de marché - Jean-Claude Paye p. 5 pages
L'état et les investissements étrangers — Table ronde
- Afrique subsaharienne : compenser un déficit structurel de ressources au Sénégal - Abdoul Aziz Diop p. 3 pages Compensating for a Structural Resource Deficit in Senegal. Senegal requires approximately 200 billion CFA francs annually. Today, the country cannot count solely on the State but must encourage direct private investment. To this end, the government of Senegal has implemented an investment code and undertaken to simplify its legislation.
- De l'économie de rente à l'économie de production : quelle stratégie pour l'État ? - Jean-Michel Sévérino p. 4 pages From Revenue-Based Economy to Production-Based Economy. A Strategy for State ? The difficulties faced by private investment in Africa are compounded by the fact that, since the colonial period, the economy has been basically a revenue distribution economy. It must be completely overhauled and an economy based on production of manufactured goods or the processing of basic agricultural products must be created. To move towards this market economy, Africa must pass through a number of difficult stages.
- La promotion du secteur privé dans les pays en développement. Pour un changement des politiques et des comportements de l'État - Jean-Pierre Gonon p. 8 pages Promoting the Private Sector in Developing Countries : Towards Changing State Policies and Behavior. Everyone agrees that State must play an active role in initiating policies for promoting the private sector. Rather than special measures for encouraging this, the private sector requires a stable and auspicious political environment. This means that State must reorientate its intervention and establish a new type of relation with the private sector.
- Indonésie : une croissance continue des investissements étrangers et domestiques - Jean-Baptiste Kristiadi p. 6 pages Indonesia : The Continuing Growth of Foreign and Domestic Investments. Over the last five years, foreign investment has become a decisive factor in the Indonesian government's industrial development policy. In order to encourage investments, a large movement towards deregulation and debureaucratization has been undertaken in the monetary and infrastructural sectors.
- Mexique : stabilisation, internationalisation, dérégulation : trois moyens pour promouvoir l'investissement - Carlos Maroto Pérez del Río p. 6 pages Stabilisation, Internationalization and Deregulation in Mexico : Three Ways of Promoting Investment. The impact of the 1982 oil crisis was devastating for the Mexican economy. As a consequence, an adjustment program has been implemented. It can be analyzed under three lines. These are stabilizing domestic conditions as a means of improving the quality of life and reinforcing the economic bases, internationalizing trade as a means for stimulating market development and competition, and deregulating as a means for creating an environment favorable to investment and growth.
- Hongrie : la transition vers le marché passe par l'État - Attila Harmathy p. 4 pages The Transition to the Market Depends on State. The nature of State has undergone a profound change in many countries of central and Eastern Europe since 1989. Since this time, the importance of the private sector is not simply considered in terms of efficiency and profitability, but also as an economical basis for democracy.
- Afrique subsaharienne : compenser un déficit structurel de ressources au Sénégal - Abdoul Aziz Diop p. 3 pages
L'enjeu de la modernisation : état régalien ou régulateur ? — Table ronde
- Qu'est-ce que la modernisation ? - Guy Braibant p. 1 page
- Bénin : renforcer la crédibilité de l'État - Pamphile Videgla p. 6 pages Benin : Strengthening State Credibility. Programs for State modernization should take impetus from a deep need for redefining development policies, behavior and priorities. In this context, a certain number of legislative and legal measures have been taken in Benin to institute a free market economy.
- Brésil : la modernisation de la gestion publique - Carlos Pimenta p. 3 pages Brazil : Modernizing Public Management. As the Brazilian government's modernization program is currently understood, economic reorganization, necessary for leading the country towards socio-economic development, is based on the principle of private initiative. This requires that the Brazilian government undertake two urgent measures : the transformation of the production capacities on one hand, and the use of alternative financing instruments for social welfare on the other.
- Hongrie : reconstruire un système de valeurs - István Balázs p. 2 pages Hungary : Restructuring The Value System. We cannot speak of a modernization program in the case of Hungary because we are dealing with a new type of government. It is a permanent program because the establishment of new institutions implies a long process.
- France : un processus continu relayé par un projet politique - Bernard Pêcheur p. 4 pages France : A Continual Process Relayed by a Political Project. The revival of the public service consists in affirming the role of State as a guarantor of republican values, an agent of economic life, and an actor in social cohesion. It is, thus, a process, political in its objective, which tends to extend beyond the traditional dilemma of ‘more' or ‘less' State in France, and to affirm the need for a ‘better' State. This means a government more respectful of civil society, closer to citizens and more efficient.
- France : le contrat de gestion comme moyen de moderniser l'État - Christian Stoffaës p. 6 pages Contracts as Means for Modernization. Management agreements as elements of reponsabilization are very essential tools for modernization. This should become a general formula not only throughout all public enterprises but in all State regalian services.
- Qu'est-ce que la modernisation ? - Guy Braibant p. 1 page
Coopération Internationale et Développement Institutionnel
Les organismes internationaux
- Économie, administration et politique : les trois dimensions de la modernisation - Hamdan Benaissa p. 8 pages Economy, Administration and Politics : The Three Dimensions of Modernization. The notion of State modernization (in the developing countries in particular) has evolved in three stages over the last forty years. Efforts made by international organizations to modernize public administration in developing countries have not been any more successful than the economic modernization measures contained in structural adjustment programs. As a result, international organizations are stressing the need to move on to a third phase : political modernization.
- De la rationalisation de la gestion publique à la notion de «governance» - Olivier Lafourcade p. 6 pages From the Rationalization of Public Management to ‘Governance'. At the beginning of the 1990s, two important dimensions were added to the operations of the World Bank in favor of State modernization : development of the private sector and a more general notion of ‘governance'.
- La gestion de la fonction publique au service de l'économie de marché - Joël Cauden p. 7 pages Public Service Management to Promote the Market EconomyThe success of the transition to a pluralist society and a market economy depends, to a large extent, on the existence of a competent civil service, capable of implementing the directives drawn up by the executive through appropriate legislation and effective application of the desired reforms. Today it seems that the role of international organizations, such as the ILO, should be directed, first of all, towards improving human resources in the public administration. This requires a double action : modernizing management tools and the training in how to use them on one hand, and renewing management policies on the other.
- Renforcer les institutions à travers les politiques de développement - Dominique David p. 3 pages Strengthening Institutions through Development Policies The lack of democracy constitutes an obstacle to development. This implies an imbalance between the extensive technical cooperation resources and the scantiness of results in terms of lasting institutional development.
- Économie, administration et politique : les trois dimensions de la modernisation - Hamdan Benaissa p. 8 pages
La coopération bilatérale
- Le développement institutionnel : une coopération avec et hors l'État - Jean-Claude Faure p. 4 pages Institutional Development : Cooperation Within and Outside the State. To modernize the State, to be capable of accompanying it and supporting it in its new functions, in its new role, means articulating projects and accompanying the development agents and the citizens ‘outside the State'. The process of institutional development, thus, implies new intervention procedures, which require a clarification of the rules and a real mobilization of those involved in development.
- De l'État de droit à la coopération décentralisée - Philippe Zeller p. 2 pages From the Rule of Law to Decentralized CooperationThe development of States towards a market economy can be characterized by a sharp demand for cooperation, a need for assistance in modernizing the central administrations and a shift of power towards the local authorities.
- Le marché dans les relations entre pays industrialisés et en développement - Helmut Schaffer p. 3 pages The Market in the Relations between Developed and Developing Countries. There is no reasonable alternative to implementing a market System with social and ecological responsibility in the developing countries. It is for the assisting nations to support this process in their cooperation policies. All of these efforts will come to naught, however, if there are no basic conditions on the international economic level to permit developing countries to sell their products, so far as they are competitive, on the markets of the industrialized countries.
- Le développement institutionnel : une coopération avec et hors l'État - Jean-Claude Faure p. 4 pages
Quel avenir pour l'état ?
- Introduction - Marceau Long p. 2 pages
- L'État au tournant - Pierre Rosanvallon p. 7 pages Turning Points for State. There should be no illusions as to the new image of an efficient and inexpensive State. If State must be better managed, it cannot be reduced to a management problem (even if it shows itself to be seriously handicapped in this area in relation to other organizations). Behind the word ‘state', we should differentiate between four different constructs in the state-society relation : the regalian state, the State as social institutor, the welfare state, and the state as economic regulator. Certain notions, such as the proprietary state, the ‘super-manager' state and the omniscient state, are being phased out in the East and West. It should be noted that the basic regulatory functions will survive these upheavals. Thus state as economic manager will disappear, making way for the traditional political state.
- Les leçons des privatisations britanniques ou les dilemmes de l'État libéral - Vincent Wright p. 7 pages The Lessons of British Privatization or the Dilemmas of Liberal State. Four main strategies have been mobilized by the Conservatives to reduce and define the role of the State in the economy : greater autonomy, deregulation, marketisation, and privatization. This global policy to redefine the boundary between State and market conceals some contradictions. The British State has certainly altered its relations with the market economy, but in a very complex fashion : withdrawal and distancing in some sectors, more indirect interventionism in a few sectors, and more thorough in others.
- L'État a-t-il un avenir dans une société qui se méfie de lui ? - Ezra Suleiman p. 4 pages Does State Have a Future in a Society Which Holds It Suspect ? In ‘undoing' State, the American nation has deprived the central government of the power to act. The incapacity of the federal authorities to resolve problems has resulted in substantial reactions of rejection of the political System. This implies avoiding, in France and elsewhere, the decline of the community spirit.
- L'État, garant du futur de l'économie de marché - Arturo Israël p. 7 pages State : Guarantor of the Market Economy. There is a large consensus in the need to reorientate the public sector and to improve its quality. To analyze and to determine what should be done with regard to the real underlying causes of the lack of progress in the matter, we must go deeper into the ‘micro-perspective' as far as the functions fulfilled, the requisite qualifications and the objectives carried out, are involved. In this area, progress will come through specific improvements.
- Modernisation de l'État : l'essentiel reste à faire - Yves Cannac p. 4 pages Modernizing State : the Main Part Is to Be Done. In France, a notion of State has been brought to perfection and this perfection is today faced with a situation that is in deep upheaval, due to international economic competition within a free market economy, and more generally the development of society. State must somehow reintegrate with society but, at the same time, affirm the particularity of its functions and define itself as a cog in a System which extends beyond.
- Un double principe de subsidiarité - Michel Gentot p. 4 pages A Double Principle of Subsidiarity. Even if State in France must be renovated and must restore equilibrium in some areas, we cannot really speak in terms of crisis. In addition to certain functions of sovereignty, State is also a long-term depositary, including in terms of social and economic development. State can only survive under suspicious conditions and impose its image on its citizens through a permanent effort at adaptation.
- Un avenir à inventer - Pierre-Yves Cossé p. 4 pages A Future to Be Invented. The future of State largely remains to be invented and to invent this future there are a certain number of deficiencies to be filled. Industry or company strategies should not be managed by the State, but in its own area, State has strategies to carry out, in particular in terms of education, research and solidarity.
- Introduction - Marceau Long p. 2 pages
- Avant-propos - Michel Franc p. 3 pages
Chronique de l'administration
- Au jour le jour - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Yves Jegouzo, Francis Chauvin p. 8 pages
- Le point sur : La loi d'orientation n° 92-125 du 6 février 1992 relative à l'administration territoriale de la République - Yves Jegouzo p. 7 pages
- Au jour le jour - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Yves Jegouzo, Francis Chauvin p. 8 pages
- Chronique des entreprises publiques - André Georges Delion, Michel Durupty p. 10 pages
Informations bibliographiques
Notes de lecture
- Auby (Jean-François). — Droit des collectivités périphériques françaises. — Paris : PUF, 1992 (Collection «droit fondamental») - Jacques Ziller p. 1 page
- Bernard (Paul). — Le Préfet de la République, Le chêne et l'olivier. — Paris : Economica, 1992 - Philippe Ratte p. 1 page
- Chevallier (Jacques) et alii. — La solidarité : un sentiment républicain ? (CURAPP).— Paris : PUF, 1992 - Jean-Philippe Brouant p. 1 page
- Duhamel (Olivier), Meny (Yves). — Dictionnaire constitutionnel. — Paris : PUF, 1992 - Alain Claisse p. 1 page
- Leclercq (Claude). — Libertés publiques. — Paris : Litec, 1991 - Alain Claisse p. 2 pages
- Marcou (Gérard), Vickerman (Roger), Luchaire (Yves). — Le tunnel sous la Manche entre États et marchés. — Lille : Presses universitaires de Lille, 1992 - Jean-Philippe Brouant p. 1 page
- Pertek (Jacques). — L'ingénieur et le droit. — Paris : PUF, 1991. (Coll. «Les grandes thèses du droit français») - Jacques Ziller p. 1 page
- Raynaud (Philippe), Rials (Stéphane). — Une prudence moderne ? — Paris : PUF, 1992. (Coll. «Politique d'aujourd'hui») - Jean-Philippe Brouant p. 1 page
- Sadran (Pierre). — Le système administratif français. — Paris : Montchrestien, 1992 (Collection «Clefs») - Jacques Ziller p. 1 page
- TGV et aménagement du territoire, un enjeu majeur pour le développement local. — Paris : Ed. Syros Alternatives, 1991. (Coll. «TEN») - Jean-Philippe Brouant p. 2 pages
- Auby (Jean-François). — Droit des collectivités périphériques françaises. — Paris : PUF, 1992 (Collection «droit fondamental») - Jacques Ziller p. 1 page
- Revues - p. 1 page
- Livres reçus - p. 1 page
- Abstracts - p. 6 pages
- Compenser un déficit structurel de ressources au Sénégal - Diop A.A. p. 25-27
- Le contrat de gestion comme moyen de moderniser l'Etat - Stoffaes C. p. 75-80
- Economie, administration et politique: les 3 dimensions de la modernisation - Benaissa H. p. 81-88
- De la rationnalisation de la gestion publique à la notion de "governance" - Lafourcade O. p. 89-94
- De l'état, de droit à la coopération décentralisée - Zeller P. p. 111-112
- L'état garant du futur de l'économie de marché - Israel A. p. 139-145