Contenu du sommaire : 1992/3
Revue |
Revue française d'administration publique ![]() |
Numéro | no 63, juillet-septembre 1992 |
Titre du numéro | 1992/3 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Sommaire du n° 63 - p. 2 pages
La communauté, un dialogue d'administrations ?
- Avant-propos - Jacques Delors p. 2 pages
- Les mythes de l'«eurocratie» - Jacques Ziller p. 4 pages
- Les mythes de l'«eurocratie» - Jacques Ziller p. 4 pages
Qui décide à Bruxelles ?
- Intérêts nationaux et intérêt communautaire dans les décisions de la Commission et du Conseil - Jean-Louis Dewost p. 12 pages National and Community Interests in Commission and Council Decisions Contrary to the impression that the myth of a ‘Eurocracy' impervious to national interests brings to mind, the search for a balance between national and European interests is at the very heart of EC decision making practices. Institutional structures and the EC decision making process are based on dialogue. Practice, based on the Treaties, as interpreted by the Court of Justice in Luxemburg, calls largely for gradualism and proportionality. It seems that the existence of a real EC ‘arbitration fonction' between national and sectoral interests can also be evoked.
- Au cœur du processus de décision européen : le Comité des représentants permanents (COREPER) - Charles Rutten, Jacques Ziller p. 8 pages At the Center of the European Decision making Process : the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER) Formally, the role of COREPER is to prepare Council decisions. In practice, however, COREPER is responsible for attempting to resolve problems and not only to prepare discussions. COREPER members, thus, hold community and national responsibilities. The permanent representatives also play the role of mediators between government and members of parliament, in particular to explain to MEPs the positions of governments that they represent. The increasing divergence in political and administrative cultures, the language problem, difficult to resolve with the progressive enlargement of the EC could lead to the asphyxiation of community procedures unless the EC untertakes substantial structural reforms.
- La négociation des décisions communautaires par les fonctionnaires nationaux : les groupes de travail du Conseil - Enrique Gonzalez-Sanchez p. 10 pages Council Negotiations at Working Party Level Debates within the Council take place on three different levels : working parties, Committee of Permanent Représentatives, and in the Council itself. Discussions at working party level are of considérable importance because agreement on the contents of Commission proposais is reached at this level. This is always in terms of consensus and not of majority decision because the formai adoption of EC decisions takes place at ministerial level.
- Après 1992 : la Commission pourra-t-elle gérer l'Europe ? - Les Metcalfe p. 12 pages After 1992 : Can the Commission Manage Europe ? Optimism and enthusiasm, which breathed new life into the EC in the second half of the 1980s, related primarily to an inventive phase of policy making. The challenge of the nineties is to match this with an equally vigorous innovative process to ensure that policies are implemented. In this context, the Commission can contribute to increase the efficiency of European public management through networking.
- Intérêts nationaux et intérêt communautaire dans les décisions de la Commission et du Conseil - Jean-Louis Dewost p. 12 pages
Parlements et organes de contrôle dans le débat européen
- Le pouvoir de décision politique du juge européen et ses limites - Hjalte Rasmussen p. 11 pages The Policy making Power of the European Judge and its Limits Is a government by judges possible in the European Community ? The pro-Community activism in the European Court of Justice over the last decade, criticized in certain member States, was based on the inertia of political institutions with regard to integration. This activism is no longer justifiable as the political institutions have found new strength. Initiatives in favor of change should corne from the Court itself. Thus, the ideal role of the European Court of Justice in the 1990s should be characterized by judicial self-restraint.
- Dans les coulisses du Parlement européen : neuf langues et trois procédures - Carmen Gómez de Enterriá p. 10 pages The European Parliament behind the Stage : Nine Languages and Three Procedures 380,000 translated pages, 245,000 printed pages in the nine Community languages, are the total number of official documents of the European Parliament for 1991. In this context, the management problems inherent to the production of parliamentary documents should be analyzed according to the needs of an institution undergoing a slow but constant development process. These needs have increasingly conditioned management methods, in particular with regard to the presentation and the volume of documents.
- Déficit démocratique et déficit juridique : quoi, de neuf en France ? - Marc Guillaume p. 12 pages Democratie and Legal Deficits : What's New in France ? The development of the EC System has accelerated the loss of influence of national parliament, already favored by the Constitution of 1958. Parallel to this democratie deficit, the European construction has largely resulted in a legal deficit in France. The recent constitutional revision, which attempted to increase parliamentary control over Community decisions and aimed at responding to the democratie deficit, is limited in innovation. Its implementation through more modest provisions could, on the other hand, lead to a reduction in the legal deficit.
- Le contrôle des dépenses communautaires dans les États membres et le principe de subsidiarité - Jean-Philippe Vacchia p. 11 pages The Control of Member States Community Expenses and the Subsidiarity Principle In terms of public finance, the new dynamics set off by the Single Act of 1986, which found its ultimate expression in the Maastricht Treaty, can be seen in the remarkable increase in financial resources mobilized by the Community. In this regard, the précisé application of the subsidiarity principle has concrète conséquences on sharing control over EC structural funds expenses between the Community and the member States, in a context marked by national will to control public finances.
- Le pouvoir de décision politique du juge européen et ses limites - Hjalte Rasmussen p. 11 pages
L'administration française face aux nouvelles échéances européennes
- Table ronde - Alexandre Carnelutti, Pascale Andreani, Claude-France Arnould, Pierre-Étienne Bisch, Henri de Lary, André Potocki p. 31 pages French Public Administration and the European Agenda -Round Table The Single Act has clearly accelerated administrative reform. Although its interministerial coordination System seems to be efficient, french administration needs to improve its skills in negotiation and lobbying. Those concerned hâve emphasized the continuing expansion of the scope of EC affairs, as well as the overlap between administration and politics. Several conclusions can be drawn : inadaptation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs structures, the need to develop civil servant exchanges, general éducation in the context of, and the issues involved in EC negotiations, insufficient knowledge of languages, and the necessity to improve our bottom up action on Commission proposais and top-down in their implémentation.
- Table ronde - Alexandre Carnelutti, Pascale Andreani, Claude-France Arnould, Pierre-Étienne Bisch, Henri de Lary, André Potocki p. 31 pages
Perspectives d'avenir
- Peut-il y avoir un équilibre fédéral stable en Europe ? - Fritz Scharpf p. 10 pages Is a Stable Federal Balance Possible in Europe ? The effects of economic integration and of German unification seem to have engendered problems, which can be solved only by a much greater degree of political integration and centralization than is compatible with national and cultural diversity and need for autonomy of EC member States. Common decision making procedures which function reasonably well under German federalism could not resolve this dilemma, nor can the institutionalization of the ‘subsidiarity' principle of the Maastricht Treaty. Hence, a dual constitutional order, clearly balancing the legitimate interests of the Community and the fondamental responsibilities of the member States, is necessary.
- Peut-il y avoir un équilibre fédéral stable en Europe ? - Fritz Scharpf p. 10 pages
- Avant-propos - Jacques Delors p. 2 pages
- Démocratie et réformes administratives : les cas de l'Argentine et de l'Uruguay - Roger Ouelette p. 9 pages Democracy and Administrative Reforms : the Cases of Argentina and Uruguay After several years of successive military regimes, Argentina and Uruguay returned to democracy, in 1983 and 1984 respectively. The civil service was then in the image of the dictatorial societies : the ‘spoils System', over-crowded and underpaid staff, corruption, etc. French-inspired reforms were undertaken with the establishment of a training program for higher civil servants and the creation of an interministerial body in Argentina. In these two countries, however, the reform process was interrupted. it seems that it has not yet succeeded in changing the political culture.
- Simplification des procédures et innovation administrative : l'expérience tunisienne - Noureddine Ben Farhat p. 8 pages Simplification of Procedures and Administrative Innovation : the Tunisian Experience Since 1987, the Tunisian government has undertaken a public service revival policy. Simplification of procedures and formalities are the key elements of the administrative reform. The Tunisian approach in terms of simplification is methodical and participatory. This is reflected in the creation of ‘simplification workshops'. The results are already largely positive.
- Démocratie et réformes administratives : les cas de l'Argentine et de l'Uruguay - Roger Ouelette p. 9 pages
Chronique de l'administration
- Au jour le jour - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Yves Jegouzo p. 12 pages
- Le point sur : le décret n° 92-604 portant charte de la déconcentration - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Yves Jegouzo p. 9 pages
- Au jour le jour - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Yves Jegouzo p. 12 pages
Chronique des colloques
- Les implications administratives de l'intégration européenne. Conférence du Groupe européen d'administration publique (GE AP) — Pise, 2-5 septembre 1992 - Marie-Christine Kessler, Jacques Ziller p. 2 pages
- Les implications administratives de l'intégration européenne. Conférence du Groupe européen d'administration publique (GE AP) — Pise, 2-5 septembre 1992 - Marie-Christine Kessler, Jacques Ziller p. 2 pages
Informations bibliographiques
Notes de lecture
- Franchini (Claudio). — Amministrazione italiana e amministrazione communitaria. — Padoue : CEDAM (Casa éditrice dott. Antonio Milani), 1992 - Jacques Ziller p. 1 page
- Hurvitz (Léon) et Lequesne (Christian). — The State of the European Community Policies, Institutions and Debates in the Transition Years. — Harlow : Longman, 1991 - Jacques Ziller p. 1 page
- LARY (Henri de). — La libre circulation des personnes dans la Communauté économique européenne. — Paris : PUF, 1992. (Coll. «Que sais-je ? ») - Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger p. 2 pages
- Laursen (Finn) et Vanhoonacker (Sophie). — The Intergovernmental Conference on Political Union -Institutional Reforms, New Policies and International Identity of the European Community. — Maastricht : IEAP, 1992 - Jacques Ziller p. 1 page
- Oberdorff (Henri). — Les Constitutions de l'Europe des Douze. — Paris : La Documentation française, 1992. (coll. «Retour aux textes») - Jacques Ziller p. 1 page
- Regourd (Serge). — La télévision des Européens. — Paris : IIAP -La Documentation française, 1992, bibl., index (coll. «Vivre en Europe ») - Alain Claisse p. 2 pages
- Baker (Randall). — Public Administration in Small and Island States. — West Hartford, Connecticut : Kumarian Press, 1992 - Jacques Ziller p. 1 page
- Debbasch (C.) et Gueydan (C.) dir. — Cinéma et télévision. — Paris : Economica, 1992 - Jean-Philippe Brouant p. 2 pages
- Fanachi (P.). — La justice administrative, 3e éd. — Paris : PUF, 1992, (Coll. «Que sais-je ?») - Jean-Philippe Brouant p. 1 page
- Collectif GEMDEV. — L'avenir des tiers-mondes. — Paris : PUF, 1991 - Jean-Philippe Brouant p. 2 pages
- G.R.A.L. — Annuaire des collectivités locales -1992. — Paris : LITEC, 1992 - Jean-Philippe Brouant p. 1 page
- Hollingsworth (J. Rogers), Hage (Jerald), Hanneman (Robert A.). — State intervention in medical care, consequences for Britain, France, Sweden, and the United States, 1890-1970. — Ithaca and London : Cornel University Press, 1990 - Nicole de Montricher p. 2 pages
- Parenteau (Roland) et autres. — Management public -Comprendre et gérer les institutions de l'État. — Québec : Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1992 - Jacques Ziller p. 2 pages
- Pelou (Pierre). — Les bibliothèques ministérielles. Rapport du groupe de travail placé sous la présidence de Pierre Pelou. — Paris : La Documentation française, 1992, 221 p. (Travaux et études de la CCDA) - Jean-Philippe Brouant p. 1 page
- Rémond (B.) et Blanc (J.). — Les collectivités locales. 2e éd. — Paris : Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 1992 - Jean-Philippe Brouant p. 1 page
- Vandelli (Luciano). — Pouvoirs locaux. — Paris : Economica, 1991. (Coll. «Politique comparée») - Anne Gazier p. 2 pages
- Franchini (Claudio). — Amministrazione italiana e amministrazione communitaria. — Padoue : CEDAM (Casa éditrice dott. Antonio Milani), 1992 - Jacques Ziller p. 1 page
- Livres reçus - p. 2 pages
- Abstracts - p. 3 pages
- Au coeur du processus de décision européen: le comité des représentants permanents (COREPER) - Rutten C. p. 383-390
- Déficit démocratique et déficit juridique: quoi de neuf en France - Guillaume M. p. 435-446
- L'administration française face aux nouvelles échéances européennes - p. 459-489
- Un équilibre fédéral stable est-il possible en Europe? - Scharpf F.W. p. 491-500