Contenu du sommaire : Les politiques de la ville
Revue |
Revue française d'administration publique ![]() |
Numéro | no 71, 1994/3 |
Titre du numéro | Les politiques de la ville |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Sommaire du n°71 - p. 4 pages
Les politiques de la ville
- Introduction - Jean-Marie Delarue p. 8 pages Introduction Urban policy cover three series of lines. It leads first, in a prospective way, to revisit the principles laid down in the fifties and sixties. Secondly it points to the essential problems of contemporary administration in housing estates. Thirdly, foreign models or counter-models have to be taken in account. Thinking along these three lines reveals important remaining difficulties notwithstanding the efforts made by the actors of social development. There are four causes to explain this : a bad use of its capabilities to think and study by public administration ; a weak field coordination of services coming under different ministries ; the growing lack of proximity of so-called local services ; and the weak capacity of hierarchical organisations to be at arms length of field officials.
- Racines des politiques pour la ville des années cinquante aux années soixante-dix - Pierre Mayet p. 14 pages Roots of Urban Policies Thirty years of French urban policies show a constant renewal of objectives and a permanent care, but a continuity of methodological answers in matters of budgets, human resources and institutions. The housing crisis, a main characteristic of post-war period, has been solved by putting in place new legal instruments. The following period has been marked by the creation of the ministry of equipment, which was complemented by a new organisation of field services, an important mobilisation of field officials and the 1969 Land Orientation Act, which founded the urban code. Eventually, during the preparation of the VIth plan, the commission in charge of "global urban policy" has considered the matter as a phenomenon with a much wider range than the housing issue and thus laid down the problematique of present day urban policy.
- L'État face au malaise urbain au début des années 80 - Sylvie Harburger p. 4 pages Administration and Urban Discontent at the beginning of the eighties In order to find an answer to "suburban discontent", the government created a commission for the social development of urban districts in 1982, composed of elected representatives, socio-professional representatives and a horizontal and interministerial selection of state services. One of the most effective instruments of this commission has been the possibility of working under the leadership of a mayor - facilitating relations with elected representatives - while remaining in the institutional framework of the Prime minister's services.
- Ambitions et réalités du développement social urbain dans le Rhône dans les années 80-90 - Gilbert Carrère p. 6 pages Ambitions and Realities of Urban Social Development in the Rhone Department in the Eighties and Nineties The suburban discontent - which is not a specifically French phenomenon - has shown the fragility of the "social web" and the risk of explosions. The specific actions led in the Lyon region by the actors of urban social development ("summer for the young", housing renewal, improvement of transport) are quite interesting. Nevertheless they are pin-pointed and only partially meet the structural issues of suburbs. Elaborating a global system of urban social development is thus essential and goes through challenging the classical urban planing schemes, through the development of a real public services' settling plan and through a renewed flexibility in the use of national and local subsidies.
- Racines des politiques pour la ville des années cinquante aux années soixante-dix - Pierre Mayet p. 14 pages
À la recherche de nouveaux modes d'action publique
- La place des services publics dans la politique de la ville - Michel Le Clainche p. 12 pages The Role of Public Services in Urban Policy Improving public services is a very important issue for inhabitants of suburbs. Public services are only weakly present in housing estates. They usually are antennas or annexes, held by "exiled" officials. This serious lack of public services is diminishing the State's legitimacy. A quantitative effort of settling public services in housing estates is certainly necessary, but it has to be accompanied by a strengthening of the officials' role and status, and be inserted in a global approach of urban policy : promotion of urban districts, officials' citizenship, reconstruction of solidarity links.
- Prévenir la délinquance - Pierre Lyon-Caen p. 10 pages Preventing Criminality In early times, powers were clearly allocated between executive and judiciary in criminal matters, but the evolution in this field leads to an adaptation of these principles. This is why the judiciary is more and more often associated to preventive action against criminality, which is normally public administration's field. This collaboration leads to a complementarity of means and actions used in towns, for instance with "conditional closing", or -more specifically in difficult districts -with the settling of judicial antennas or specific actions for prisoners and drug addicts. The number and quality have an impact on efficiency for the judiciary, those to be tried, public administration and the user, and they show an evolution of the spirit and content of judicial and administrative missions.
- Mobiliser les entreprises : faux débats, vraies questions et possibles avancées - Robert Spizzichino p. 11 pages Mobilizing Enterprises for Urban Policy : False Debates, True Questions and Possible Progress The private sector can actively contribute to urban policy through its competence and techniques. This leads to a multiplication of cooperation between private enterprises and public partners. But these initiatives meet numerous obstacles as well on the administrative as on the enterprises' side : they stress the need of important changes in the legal framework and of a clear definition of the policy local and central authorities want to pursue. Enterprises also feel reticent to invest in a project which will transform their structures, their policy, their values and the culture of their personnel. The systems which have been established are not evolving as rapidly as the social situation in towns, but the challenge must be persistently met.
- La politique de la ville sur le terrain : le point de vue d'un maire - Gilles de Robien p. 13 pages Urban Policy in the Field : A Mayor's Point of View The issues raised by towns result not only from demographic movements but also from the new functions towns have to deal with, for which they have not been prepared : they have to integrate a human dimension and not only management. The growth of actions such as town contracts, emergency plans, the creation of an interministerial committee for urban policy show that public authorities are realizing the importance of this phenomenon. But the solutions which rarely go beyond initiatives or experiences seem bitty, insufficient, unadapted and sometimes short breathed. To deal with this situation a "Marshall Plan for towns" is needed, with differently oriented political choices -for employment, the development of urban district public services, local finances and local democracy -and a permanent mobilization of all actors involved.
- Les paradoxes d'une institution : le sous-préfet chargé de mission pour la politique de la ville - Catherine Grémion, Christian Mouhanna p. 12 pages Paradoxes of an Institution : the Sub-Prefect in charge of Urban Policy According to the decree of 28 January 1991, the role of the sub-prefect in charge of urban policy is to arbitrate, monitor and impulse urban policy in his département, but it is quite difficult for this official to find his place and to impose his authority in front of local authorities' administrations -sometimes with three levels -and state field services. This can be explained by the administrative context in which the sub-prefect has to be integrated : sometimes the established administrative structures in charge of this policy are too ill-assorted, sometimes they don't even exist, in which case many of the sub-prefect's initiatives seem to stem from non-administrative motivations. This yet fragile institution does not have all the legal and financial means it needs and is badly supported by central ministerial departments.
- Politique de la ville et mouvement associatif - Jean-Marie Delarue, Mokhtar Djerdoubi, Didier Vinolas p. 11 pages Debate : Associations and Urban Policy Associations which are best placed for exchanges and concertation between the partners of urban policy are a main support in this field. Nevertheless, they encounter many problems : those linked to their being set up and recognised, those of legal and social links with the State, and those of matching means and objectives. The latter raise a fundamental question : what should be the role of associations according to the institutional partners of urban policy and how far are these ready to support this action by integrating it as an indispensable part of urban policy ? Searching for more clarity in the definition of association's role in urban policy would benefit everybody.
- La place des services publics dans la politique de la ville - Michel Le Clainche p. 12 pages
La revitalisation des villes : entre la logique du marché et la réforme institutionnelle
- Vingt ans de politique des quartiers aux États-Unis. Entre rêve et cauchemar - Claude Jacquier p. 15 pages Twenty Years of Urban Districts' Policy in the United States -Between Dream and Nightmare The United States are undergoing a deep urban crisis. It has a strictly urban aspect as far as it hits the downtown centers and the first urbanised circle. It is also a social crisis, because of the remaining poverty and the difficulties of integrating minorities. Successive democrat and republican administrations have proposed different solutions during the last thirty years, sometimes stressing the budgetary means available for communities, sometimes the role of private actors in a market economy, without great success. At the heart of the crisis, it is nevertheless possible to find developing communities which show a quite remarkable dynamism.
- L'Inner City Policy en Grande-Bretagne - Patrick Le Galès, Michael Parkinson p. 16 pages Inner City Policy in Great Britain The British urban policy has been progressively established during the sixties as a response to the difficulties of rapid urbanisation resulting from the industrial revolution of the XIXth century. However neither the efforts undertaken at a social and economic level by labour as well as tory governments nor the definition of new partnerships through numerous development or rehabilitation programmes have produced the awaited results. Until yet, urban policy has not matched the structural problems which could only be solved in the framework of a radical transformation of the British State and of a redefinition of its means of intervention.
- La relance du «gouvernement métropolitain» en Europe : le prototype de Stuttgart - Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot p. 16 pages Relaunching Metropolitan Government in Europe : the Stuttgart Prototype The Act of 7 February 1994 on "the reinforcement of cooperation in the Stuttgart region" has established a new institution for the management of local affairs : the "regional Stuttgart community" which groups 179 municipalities around. The originality of this institution lies as well in the historical, social, economic and political conditions of the town as in its structures -direct election, new geographical and material competences -and in the legal and financial means it can use to ensure its mission of regional planing. This institution appears as a compromise between different schools of local management. Only experience will show it is an example, and in the long range, a clear evidence of the evolution European countries are undergoing, or if it remains an exception linked to Stuttgart's particular context.
- Vingt ans de politique des quartiers aux États-Unis. Entre rêve et cauchemar - Claude Jacquier p. 15 pages
- Introduction - Jean-Marie Delarue p. 8 pages
- Barcelone après les Jeux olympiques - Josep-Francesc Valls p. 6 pages Barcelona after the Olympic Games At the end of the eighties Barcelona was looking for its new vocation, as did most towns of an international size. To get adapted to its new functions, a "commercial logic" had to be integrated in its management, in order to sell the Barcelona product as well inside as outside of the city. The olympic games emerged as the means to meet the challenge and accomplished this. The economic possibilities and the creation of transport infrastructures, hotels and sporting infrastructures have been playing a double role : dynamizing the cities' activity so much that it has become an important competitor to other European metropoles and rehabilitating its image in the minds of its inhabitants as well as of those -professionals and tourists -it could interest. Nowadays, the new challenge Barcelona has to meet is to prove that it can integrate the olympics' results into long run economic and social life.
- Barcelone après les Jeux olympiques - Josep-Francesc Valls p. 6 pages
Chronique de l'administration
- Au jour le jour - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Nicole Belloubet-Frier, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger p. 16 pages
- Le point sur : les hauts fonctionnaires fédéraux en Suisse : profil socio-économique, pouvoir et recrutement - André-Noël Roth p. 6 pages
- Au jour le jour - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Nicole Belloubet-Frier, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger p. 16 pages
Informations bibliographiques
Notes de lecture
- Balme (R.) ; Garraud (P.) ; Hoffmann-martinot (V.) ; Ritaine (É.), avec les contributions de L. Bonnet et S. Mazey.- Le territoire pour politiques : variations européennes. -Paris : L'Harmattan, 1994 (coll. «Logiques politiques») - Thomas Deschamps p. 2 pages
- Barilari (A.). -La modernisation de l'administration. -Paris : L.G.D.J., 1994 (coll. «Systèmes») - Anne-Elisabeth Courrier p. 2 pages
- Belorgey (G.) ; Bertrand (G.). -Les DOM-TOM. -Paris : La Découverte, 1994 (coll. «Repères») - Jacques Ziller p. 1 page
- Cabestan (J.-P.). -Le système politique de la Chine populaire. -Paris : P. U. F., 1994 (coll. «Thémis». Sciences politiques) - Anne-Elisabeth Courrier p. 2 pages
- Callu (A). -La Réunion des musées nationaux 1870-1940 : genèse et fonctionnement. -Paris : École des Chartes, 1994 - Thomas Deschamps p. 2 pages
- Chauvin (F.). -Administration de l'État. 4e éd. -Paris : Dalloz, 1994 (coll. «Mémentos») - Thomas Deschamps p. 1 page
- Chevallier (J.). -Science administrative. 2e éd. -Paris : PUF, 1994 (coll. «Thémis» -Science administrative) - Alain Claisse p. 3 pages
- Claisse (A.) ; Meininger (M.-C.). -Fonctions publiques en Europe. -Paris : Montchrestien, 1994 (coll. «Clefs») - Jacques Ziller p. 2 pages
- Guillaume-Hofnung (M.). -Le référendum. -Paris : PUF, 1994 (coll. «Que-sais-je ? ») - Thierry Ablard p. 1 page
- Institut international des sciences administratives. -Redéfinir le profil de l'État en vue des changements et développements socio-économiques. -Bruxelles : IISA, 1994 - Anne-Elisabeth Courrier p. 2 pages
- Institute for local government and public service. -Local Governments in the CEE and CIS, 1994 : An anthology of descriptive papers. -Budapest : Institute for Local Government and Public Service, 1994 - Thomas Deschamps p. 1 page
- Join-Lambert (C.). -L'État moderne et l'administration. -Paris : L.G.D.J., 1994 (coll. «Systèmes») - Anne-Elisabeth Courrier p. 1 page
- Kessler (M.-C.). -Les grands corps de l'État. -Paris : P.U.F., 1994 (coll. «Que sais-je ?») - Jacques Ziller p. 2 pages
- Mathieu (J.-L.). -L'outre-mer français. -Paris : PUF, 1994 (coll. «Politique aujourd'hui») - Jacques Ziller p. 1 page
- Sanz Rubiales (I.) -El contencioso interadministrativo (Litigios entre administraciones publicas territoriales). — Madrid : Ed. Marcial Pons, 1993 (coll. «Monografias juridicas») - Bernard-Frank Macera p. 2 pages
- Balme (R.) ; Garraud (P.) ; Hoffmann-martinot (V.) ; Ritaine (É.), avec les contributions de L. Bonnet et S. Mazey.- Le territoire pour politiques : variations européennes. -Paris : L'Harmattan, 1994 (coll. «Logiques politiques») - Thomas Deschamps p. 2 pages
- Abstracts - p. 4 pages
- Racines des politiques de la ville - Mayet P. p. 371-384
- Les paradoxes d'une institution: les sous-préfet chargé de mission pour la politique de la ville - Grémion C., Mouhanna C. p. 443-454
- L'inner city policy - Le Galès P., Parkinson M. p. 488-498