Contenu du sommaire : Le problème de la domination étatique au Rwanda. Histoire et économie
Revue |
Cahiers d'études africaines ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 14, no 53, 1974 |
Titre du numéro | Le problème de la domination étatique au Rwanda. Histoire et économie |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Présentation. - Claudine Vidal p. 5
Études et essais
- Les formes historiques de la dépendance personnelle dans l'État rwandais - Joseph Rwabukumba, Vincent Mudandagizi p. 6-25 J. Rwabukumba &amp V. Mudandagizi - ~~Historical forms of personal dependency in the Rwanda kingdom~~. At the beginning of the 19th century the network of personal dependency between the ~~mwami~~ and the Tutsi lineages was based upon the 'armies' and the ritual functions. It is only at the end of Yuhi Gahindiro's reign (~~ca.~~ 1830) that other types of personal dependency, especially ~~ubuhake~~, were established, as shown by the traditional record of a lineage of Tutsi diviners.
- Deux lignages au Kinyaga - Catherine Newbury p. 26-38 C. Newbury — ~~Two Kinyaga lineages~~. Kinyaga, in S.W. Rwanda, did not corne under the direct authority of the mwami's administration before the end of the 19t.l1 cen-tury. This, as shown by the study of two lineages (one Tutsi, one Hutu), brought over some drastic changes in the kinship structure. Lineages lost their cohesion when their members shared the new roles and functions. The hierarchical cleavages lines eut through the kin groups, and a new vertical stratification took place between Tutsi and Hutu, later on to be strengthened by the colonial rulers whose basic aims were similar to those of the Tutsi.
- Évolution des structures foncières au Rwanda : le cas d'un lignage hutu - Lidia Meschy p. 39-51 L. Meschi —~~ Evolution ofland holding structures in Rwanda: the case of a Hutu lineage~~. The study of the evolution of the land estate of a Hutu lineage from 1850 on explains the reasons behind the economic individualism of Rwandese peasants.
- Économie de la société féodale rwandaise. - Claudine Vidal p. 52-74 C. Vidal — ~~The economies of Rwanda feudal society~~. The economic System characteristic of Rwanda's traditional structure was preserved up to 1920. This traditional structure was marked by a contradiction between the main ideological relationship, based upon several forms of personal links and the actual production relationship, based upon agricultural wage-earning. Especially the ~~ubuhake~~, represented as the basic political relationship, served as mask for a system of land-based dependency which Ml upon everybody except the chiefs.
- Complainte des gens de l'argile - Vincent Mudandagizi, José Kagabo p. 75-87 J. Kagabo &amp V. Mudandagizi — ~~Ballad of the 'clay-people': the Batwa of Rwanda. Three case-stories demon-strating the subservient position of the Batwa pygmies in Rwanda~~: a chief's litter-bearer, a potter and buffoon, and a relatively successful peasant. The Batwa have never been accepted as full-fledged members of Society even after the 1959 revolution.
- Le langage des imandwa au Rwanda - Simon Bizimana p. 88-103 S. Bizimana —~~ The imandwa's language in Rwanda~~. Description of the lexicon of the secret language of the ~~kubandwa~~ rite. Most items are either borrowed from peripheral dialects or used in a metaphoric sense.
- Différenciations socio-économiques dans une société à vocation égalitaire : Masaka dans le paysannat de l'Icyanya - Victor Silvestre p. 104-169 V. Silvestre — ~~Socio-economic differences in an equality-oriented society~~. The officiai regulations governing ~~paysannats~~ were intended to turn them into equalitarian islands in a hierarchical society. Nevertheless after only a few years important differences have appeared between the members of Masaka paysannat. The factors of inequality are shown through a series of case studies: differences in soil fertility, availability of supplementary labour, supple-mentary income from non-agricultural work. There are also prestige factors such as strength of personality, literacy, etc., which resuit in the emergence of a recognized privileged group. Finally a rich man in Masaka is one who takes little part in the agricultural pursuits which are supposed to be essential in the ~~paysannat.~~
- Les formes historiques de la dépendance personnelle dans l'État rwandais - Joseph Rwabukumba, Vincent Mudandagizi p. 6-25
Notes et documents
- Ritual and History : the Case of Nyabingi - Jim Freedman p. 170-180 Rite et histoire : le cas de Nyabingi. En dépit de contradictions apparentes, résolues par le caractère cyclique des noms royaux, on peut établir que le personnage central et les événements qui servent de base au culte de Nyabingi, ont un caractère historique (fin du XVIIIe et début du XIXe siècle) plutôt que purement mythologique.
- Les campagnes de Rwabugiri : chronologie et bibliographie - David Newbury p. 181-191 D. Newbury — ~~Rwabugiri's war-campaigns: a chronology and bibliography~~. A chronological and typological analysis of the military ventures of a mid-19th century ~~mwami.~~
- Ritual and History : the Case of Nyabingi - Jim Freedman p. 170-180
Chronique bibliographique
- Inscription, codage et décodage - Marc Augé p. 192-193
- Identités ethniques et généalogies - Nicole Grandin p. 194-196
Analyses et comptes rendus
- Benjamin, Jacques. - Les Camerounais occidentaux : la minorité dans un État bicommunautaire - Fonkoué Jean p. 197
- Brain, Robert. - Bangwa Kinship and Marriage - Meunier Roger p. 197-198
- Dieterlen, Germaine, et Cissé, Y. - Les fondements de la société d'initiation du Komo - Lallemand Suzanne p. 198
- Galbraith, John S. - Mackinnon and Est Africa 1878-1895 : a Study in the " New Imperialism " - Grandin Nicole p. 198-199
- Hopkins, Nicholas S. - Popular Government in an African Town. Kita, Mali - Lallemand Suzanne p. 199-200
- Leclerc, Gérard. - Anthropologie et colonialisme. Essai sur l'histoire de l'africanisme - Meunier Roger p. 200
- Melone, Stanislas. - La parenté et la terre dans la stratégie du développement. L'expérience camerounaise : étude critique - Fonkoué Jean p. 200-201
- Monfouga-Nicolas, Jacqueline. - Ambivalence et culte de possession. Contribution à l'étude du bori hausa - Lallemand Suzanne p. 201-202
- Robineau, Claude. - Évolution économique et sociale en Afrique centrale. L'exemple de Souanké (République populaire du Congo) - Fonkoué Jean p. 202
- Benjamin, Jacques. - Les Camerounais occidentaux : la minorité dans un État bicommunautaire - Fonkoué Jean p. 197
- Ouvrages reçus - p. 203-205
- Inscription, codage et décodage - Marc Augé p. 192-193
- Nécrologie - p. 206