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Revue |
Cahiers d'études africaines ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 15, no 58, 1975 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Présentation - Henri Brunschwig p. 165
Études et essais
- Le docteur Colin, l'or du Bambouk et la « colonisation moderne ». - Henri Brunschwig p. 166-188 H. Brunschwig — ~~Dr. Paul Colin, the Bambuk Gold and 'Modem Colonisation'~~. In his quest for the Bambuk gold, Dr. Paul Colin did not look only for his personal enrichment. He was a believer in the doctrine of 'modem colonisation' developed by the imperialist theoreticians of the 'eighties. This doctrine, however, addressed itself to investors and specialists—engineers, agronomists, businessmen—rather than to common people lacking both in capital and technical training. The collaboration, from 1854 to 1865, between Faidherbe, Maurel and Prom, and the Senegalese traders was quite exceptional — even so the governor had kept a monopoly of political action. Dr. Colin failed because he was not supported by metropolitan business circles, because he had no commercial ability, and because he took political initiatives. His analysis of precolonial trade in the Western Sudan, the opposition he met with from military and administrative omcers indifferent to economie development, remind one of the case of O. Pastre de Sanderval, Paul Soleillet, D. de Rivoyre and other explorers who finally were not integrated into the administration. This cornes as a confirmation of A. S. Kanya-Forstner's thesis on the French conquest of the Western Sudan, to the effect that up to 1914, French imperialism, as against its Belgian, German, and, to a degree, British counterparts, was politically rather than economically motivated.
- The Uses of Oral Tradition in Senegambia : Maalik Sii and the Foundation of Bundu. - Philip D. Curtin p. 189-202 P. D. Curtin — ~~Utilisation de la tradition orale en Sénégambie : Malik Si et la fondation de Boundou~~. La tradition historique orale en Afrique vise moins à un rappel objectif du passé qu'à fournir une justification idéologique et politique de telle situation de fait. Ce principe est illustré ici par la comparaison de vingt-cinq versions, recueillies de 1840 à nos jours, du récit de la fondation (ca 1690) du royaume musulman de Boundou par Malik Si, fondateur de la dynastie Sisifie. Rapportées à des événements contemporains authentifiés et datés, ces traditions ne fournissent que très peu d'information factuelle. Par contre, leurs différences mêmes sont riches d'enseignements sur le contexte socio-culturel et idéologique : c'est dans ce domaine que l'utilisation de la tradition orale est la plus fructueuse.
- Les Hauka. Une interprétation historique - Finn Fuglestad p. 203-216 F. Fuglestad — ~~The Hauka: A Historical Interprétation~~. Description of the genesis of the ~~hauka~~ spirit cuit in the late twenties and comparison with the modem forms of the bori and holey cuits, which use the same kind of mimicry of the colonial and post-colonial institutions. The early ~~hauka~~ movement is seen as a defence mechanism invented by a stable society threatened by a crisis, while the modem forms have rather an integrative function in a disrupted society.
- Chronologie du royaume gun de Hogbonu (Porto-Novo). - Yves Person p. 217-238 Y. Person — ~~Chronology of the Gun Kingdom of Hogbonu (Porto-Novo)~~. The received chronology of the Hogbonu kingdom. is generally based upon the work of Akindele Akinsomon (1911), which proceeded from Marshall (c. 1880). Yet there is a marked discrepancy between this chronology and the king-list of the Agasuvi dynasty. A careful crosscheck of Hogbonu tradition with the oral history of neighbouring states as well as European documents leads to updating the foundation of the kingdom by about half a century: c. 1724 instead of 1688 for the founder's accession.
- L'occupation des terres et la constitution des fermes au Transvaal (1835-1877). - Patrick Videcoq p. 239-257 P. Videcoq — On Land Occupation and Farm Registration in the Transvaal before the First British Occupation (1835-1877) . The need for more grazing lands played an important part in the genesis of the 1834 Great Trek. After the crossing of the Vaal and the defeat of Msilikazi, the Voortrekkers did not really settled down on strictly delimi-tated estates but went on with their former habits of semi-nomadic pastoralism. Land delimitation always remained rather vague and estates boundaries ill-defined, the official regulations about registration being applied in a haphazard fashion, even after the officiai recognition of the Republic (1852) and the Act Registration Ordinance of 1866. The failure of the Transvaal government in having their own laws efiectively applied was instrumental in the 1877 conflict.
- Le docteur Colin, l'or du Bambouk et la « colonisation moderne ». - Henri Brunschwig p. 166-188
Notes et documents
- À la recherche d'un absolu missionnaire : Mgr. Truffet, vicaire apostolique des Deux-Guinées (1812-1847) - Paule Brasseur p. 259-285 P. Brasseur — ~~In Searchfor a Missionary Absolute: Letters from Mgr. Truffet, Bishop of the Two-Guineas (1812-1847)~~. Mgr. B. Truffet was the second R.C. missionary bishop in French West Africa, from May 1847 to his death, in November of the same year. During this short space he tried to initiate an original missionary policy, setting the Church well apart from the colonial administration and attacking the slave trade.
- Note sur Jean Bayol, 1849-1905 - Germaine Ganier p. 287-301 G. Ganier — ~~Jean Bayol 1849-I905~~. Biography of Dr. J. Bayol (Navy Médical corps), explorer and administrator of French West Africa (today's Guinée, Mali and Dahomey) in the days of the conquest.
- Eugène Etienne et la tentative de rapprochement franco-allemand en 1907. - Peter Grupp p. 303-311 P. Grupp — ~~Eugène Etienne and the Attempt at a French-German Rapprochement in 1907.~~ At first sight Eugène Etienne's 1907 visit to Kiel and Berlin and the attempt he made towards a French-German rapprochement, if not a downright alliance for colonial matters may seem surprising. There is, however, a precedent in his career, when, in 1904, he changed his former hostility towards Britain to become a partisan of Entente Cordiale. This new attitude was motivated by his Moroccan policy and willingness to let Britain have her may in Egypt in exchange for letting France have hers in Morocco. Supported by French business circles, Eugene Etienne hoped to strike a similar bargain with Kaiser Wilhelm II. His hopes failed and his German journey was, finally, a faux-pas.
- Un programme réformiste en 1919 : Maurice Delafosse et la « politique indigène » en AOF. - Marc Michel p. 313-327 M. Michel — ~~A Reform Programme in 1919: Maurice Delafosse's 'Native Policy' for French West Africa~~. An unpublished memorandum submitted by the great administrator and scholar Maurice Delafosse to a French-British colonial conference convened by Union Coloniale Francaise. This text anticipates in many respects some of the political reforms put into efiect three decades later, and even to some extent many aspects of today's 'African authenticity' ideology.
- À la recherche d'un absolu missionnaire : Mgr. Truffet, vicaire apostolique des Deux-Guinées (1812-1847) - Paule Brasseur p. 259-285
Chronique bibliographique
- Épidémies et endémies en sociologie urbaine. À propos d'un livre récent sur l'Afrique. - Henri Coing p. 329-338
Analyses et comptes rendus
- Ikime, Obaro. - The Isoko People : A Historical Survey Alagoa, Ebiegberi J., et Fombo, Adadonye. - A Chronicle of Grand Bonny - Ormières Jean-Louis p. 339-340
- Isichei, Elizabeth. - The lbo People and the Europeans : The Genesis of a Relation ship to 1906 - Meunier Roger p. 340-341
- Le Cour Grandmaison, Colette. - Femmes dakaroises : rôles traditionnels féminins et urbanisation - Dacher Michèle p. 341-342
- Sirven, Pierre. - L'évolution des villages suburbains de Bouaké : contribution à l'étude géographique du phénomène de croissance d'une ville africaine Vennetier, Pierre et al. - La croissance urbaine dans les pays tropicaux : dix études sur l'approvisionnement des villes - Vernière Marc p. 342-344
- Storper-Perez, Danièle. - La folie colonisée - Dacher Michèle p. 344
- Vorlaufer, Karl. - Dar es Salaam. Bevölkerung und Raum einer afrikanischen Groβstadt unter dem Einfluβ von Urbanisierungs- und Mobilitätsprozessen - Vernière Marc p. 345
- Ikime, Obaro. - The Isoko People : A Historical Survey Alagoa, Ebiegberi J., et Fombo, Adadonye. - A Chronicle of Grand Bonny - Ormières Jean-Louis p. 339-340
- Ouvrages reçus - p. 347-350
- Communiqués - p. 351-352
- Épidémies et endémies en sociologie urbaine. À propos d'un livre récent sur l'Afrique. - Henri Coing p. 329-338