Contenu du sommaire : Marx et Foucault
Revue |
Actuel Marx ![]() |
Numéro | no 36, septembre 2004 |
Titre du numéro | Marx et Foucault |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Présentation - Warren Montag p. 7-11
Marx et Foucault
- « Marx sans guillemets » : Foucault, la gouvernementalité et la critique du néolibéralisme : Traduit de l'anglais par Marc Chemali - Thomas Lemke p. 13-26 « Marx without Quotation-Marks » : Foucault, Governability, and the Critique of Neoliberalism. The « micro-physics of power » that Foucault proposed in the beginning of the 1970s for the analysis of power relations encountered two serious theoretical problems. It did not sufficiently explain processes of subjectivation and lacked an adequate concept of the state. The problematics of government that Foucault finally developed provides a solution to these problems. It offers a new theoretical perspective on power since it underlines that power is foremost about guidance and conduct. Foucault's work on governmentality parallels very similar endeavours and recent developments in Marxist theory and is also of great critical interest to analyse contemporary neoliberal forms of government.
- Le marxisme oublié de Foucault - Stéphane Legrand p. 27-43 Foucault's Forgotten Marxism. This article tries to point out several methodological issues concerning Foucault's Surveiller et punir, such as the equivocal status of some of Foucault's main concepts, or the assumed homogeneity of the various disciplinary institutions analyzed in this book. And it aims at suggesting that such issues might find a solution, should one consider the Marxist background on which, as the Lectures at the Collège de France of the year 1973 (still unpublished yet) clearly show, Foucault's theories were dependant. In the opinion of the author, only in as much as this heritage is accepted and seriously taken into account, shall Foucault's concepts and theses regain their political and critical pertinence.
- Etre assujetti : Althusser, Foucault, Butler - Guillaume Le Blanc p. 45-62 To Be Subjected, Althusser, Foucault, Butler. We need, if we want to understand the relations between Foucault and Marx to establish the proper link between Foucault and Althusser. This comparison can be made because of the tie of kinship which exists when we have a look on the norms of the discipline on one way and the functions of the ideology on the other way. The article can be regarded as a contribution to the figure of subjection which is an effect of the norms. Judith Butler's book, « The Psychic Life of Power » can be very useful to such a reading because it gives a new interpretation of the two French philosophers. In particular, the way the subjects are giving their assent to the subjection is really examined by Judith Butler and this argument is not directly contained in Foucault' and Althusser's programmes.
- « Foucault et la problématique des origines » : Folie et déraison lu par Althusser : Traduit de l'anglais par Thierry Labica - Warren Montag p. 63-87 « Foucault and the Problematic of Origins » : Althusser's Reading of Folie et déraison. In 1963, Althusser gave a lecture on Foucault's Folie et deraison to his seminar on structuralism. His notes, the only written record of his impassioned encounter with this text, suggest that he was particularly interested in the way Foucault defined culture not on the basis of the values it proclaimed, but through that which it rejected and refused. Althusser distinguished Foucault's analysis from those of Husserl and Nietzsche, both of whom also theorized the necessary acts of repression by which a culture constitues itself. While Husserl demonstrated the forgetting and concealment of origins, and Nietzsche their destruction, Foucault's work, according to Althusser, opens the possibility of thinking history without the category of origin, even if Foucault did not entirely escape the transendental temptation.
- Pouvoir et stratégies chez Poulantzas et Foucault : Traduit de l'anglais par Luc Benoît - Bob Jessop p. 89-107 Poulantzas and Foucault on Power and Strategy. Following the events of May 1968, Foucault and Poulantzas both sharpened their analyses of power, developing in their different ways a sophisticated relational analysis of power relations, exploring both their microfoundations and their macrosocial strategic codification. This article focuses on these developments from a Marxist rather than Foucauldian perspective by presenting and critiquing Poulantzas's own critical appropriation of Foucault's arguments in Surveiller et Punir and Volonté de Savoir. In particular, it reveals the force of the criticisms of Foucault levelled by Poulantzas in L'État, le pouvoir, le socialisme (1978) and the extent to which Foucault's theoretical development from 1976 onwards could be read as an indirect, unintended response to these criticisms. Having identified the parallels, convergences, and continuing differences between the work of Poulantzas and Foucault, the article then argues that neither theorist offered an adequate solution to the problem of the relation between micro-diversity and macro-necessity – with Foucault still privileging the former, Poulantzas the latter. The concluding section of the article proposes an alternative solution.
- Ascendances et filiations foucaldiennes en Italie : l'opéraïsme en perspective : Traduit de l'italien par Jean-Michel Goux - Marco Enrico GIACOMELLI p. 109-121 Marco Enrico Giacomelli, Some Anticipations and Legacies of Foucault in Italy: Operaismo in Perspective. We connect « Sociological » research conducted by Italian operaism in Fifties-Seventies and genealogy of Michel Foucault, analysing some themes concerning contemporary political period. In particular, the concept of city-factory, needs, and disciplinary society, stressing some possible development of research and criticizing some position issued in politology, especially in Italy.
- « Marx sans guillemets » : Foucault, la gouvernementalité et la critique du néolibéralisme : Traduit de l'anglais par Marc Chemali - Thomas Lemke p. 13-26
- Les deux principes du libéralisme - Bertrand Binoche p. 123-149 The Two Principles of Liberalism. The aim of our article is to construct a substantive definition of liberalism. To do so, the article brings together two principles which are entirely distinct, both in historical and in logical terms. The first is the principle of lesser government, according to which the State should allow the individual to carry out those actions which the latter is best fitted to perform – and, to begin with, those actions where the individual's own safety is at stake. The second is the principle of differential government, which stipulates that liberty is only possible when several, heterogeneous systems of constraint – laws, morals, etc. – are simultaneously in operation. Liberalism, in the strict sense of the term, that is, understood as a body of thought which explicitly defined itself as such at the start of the nineteenth century, emerged from the encounter between these two principles. What is today called « neo-liberalism », that is, the subsumption of all modes of endeavour under the sole rule of economic exchange, thus proves to be the negation rather than the accomplishment of liberalism.
- Certains naissent de façon posthume : la survie d'Henri Lefebvre : Traduit de l'anglais par Élise Charron et Vincent Charbonnier - Stuart Elden p. 181-198 Some are Born Posthumously: The Survival of Henri Lefebvre. This article discusses the French reception of Lefebvre since his death in 1991. It initially discusses two books that he had worked on shortly before, but which appeared post-humously. The main focus of the piece is the programme of reeditions of Lefebvre's writings that have appeared over the last five or so years. Treating these thematically the article provides an overview of Lefebvre's career, showing what his contemporary relevance is, while pointing out important concerns that have been neglected in the recent renewal of interest. The article concludes by discussing some of the secondary literature on Lefebvre, particularly the work of Rémi Hess and Michel Trebitsch, and suggesting avenues for future research.
- Livres - p. 199-213
- Les deux principes du libéralisme - Bertrand Binoche p. 123-149