Contenu du sommaire : Délits d'immigration.
Revue |
Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales ![]() |
Numéro | no 129, septembre 1999 |
Titre du numéro | Délits d'immigration. |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Délits d'immigration.
- Rompre avec les idées reçues. - Frédéric Lebaron
- Immigration et pensée d'Etat. - Abdelmalek Sayad.
- La mondialisation par le bas. L'émergence des communautés transnationales. - Alejandro Portes. La mondialisation par le bas Cet article élabore le concept de communauté transnatio nale comme forme originale et potentiellement puis sante adaptation par le bas la mondialisation du capi tal qui est typiquement ignorée par la recherche conventionnelle et mécomprise par les tats émer gence de communautés nourries par les migrations qui se tiennent cheval sur les frontières politiques et déploient leurs relations et leurs activités sociales simul tanément dans le pays de départ et le pays accueil trouve sa racine dans la logique même de expansion capitaliste entreprenariat transnational qui tire profit des différentiels information et de prix entre pays nourrit la croissance cumulative de réseaux et de firmes dans lesquels ancrent les communautés transfronta lières de longue distance dont les membres vivent une double vie étirée travers deux sociétés nationales Ce mode distinctif adaptation immigrante est favorisé une part par assèchement des emplois industriels bien payés dans les pays avancés et autre part par la diminution spectaculaire des coûts de communication etGlobalization from below This article elaborates the concept of transnational com munity as an original and potentially potent response from below to the globalization of capital that is typi cally overlooked by conventional research on migration and misunderstood by governments The emergence of migration-fed communities that sit astride political bor ders and deploy their social relations and activities simultaneously in the sending and receiving countries is rooted in the logic of capitalist expansion itself Trans national entrepreneurship that takes advantage of price and information differentials between countries feeds the cumulative growth of networks and firms that anchor long-distance transborder communities whose members lead dual lives stretched across two national societies This distinctive pattern of immigrant adapta tion is fostered first by the drying up of well-paid jobs in industry in advanced societies and second by the spectacular decrease in the costs of long-distance com munication and transportation In the long run the transnationalization of labor of which transnational communities are the expression has the potential of countering the growing international inequality of wealth and power In the short run however it can
- Sans-papiers. Les stratégies de séjour des immigrés clandestins. - Godfried Engbersen. Undocumented people In his essay Broken Lives Broken Strategies Zygmunt Bau- man introduced the notion of strategies of to point at the preoccupation with quality of life which is central to modern societies As far as undocumented people are concerned Godfried Engbersen perfers to use the concept of strategies of residence which insists on what is really at stake for illegal migrants prolonging their stay in the Netherlands so that regularization may occur Four main strategies are discussed on the empiric basis of interviews with illegal migrants living in Rotterdam and information taken from police files mobilizing social capital entering into sham marriage mani pulating personal identity operating strategically in the public space Undocumented people can be organized into hierarchy according to their endowment with social capital people who benefit from substantial and lasting help from their family/friends/own ethnic community can be found at the top of this ethnic stratification while migrants who are isolated and therefore dependant on market relations are at the bottom The latters who have to manage on their own also have difficulties in entering residence mar riage which anyway proves to be problematic for all ille gal migrants because of their inferior social position They often have to manipulate their personal identity either borrowing authentic documents or using false papers they might also chose strategic nationality or simply obliterate their identity by destroying their own authentic documents to prevent deportation In this last case they might assume tasks that make them visible in drug-traf fic as they cannot be deported they are not very likely to be arrested But some others undocumented people pre fer to operate carefully in the public space Clandestinity might therefore be regarded as master-satus secrecy determines the social relations of illegal migrants Some unexpected effects of the recent laws regarding foreigners focused on identification and control might thus be discussed Europe-Panoptikon this image shall be preferred to the old metaphor of Europe-Fortress guards the system frontier rather than the physical fron tiers of rich welfare states so that she keeps criminalizing and clandestinizing illegal migrants and eventually gene rates its own criminality
- La criminalisation des migrants. - Salvatore Palidda. Criminalization of migrants Over the last few years there has been growing tendency in almost all European societies to perceive and treat
- De l'étranger à l'immigré. La magie sociale d'une catégorie statistique. - Alexis Spire.
- Une institutrice et ses "petits étrangers". - Malika Gouirir.
- Des "ennemis commodes". Etrangers et immigrés dans les prisons d'Europe. - Loïc Wacquant. Des ennemis commodes La très forte sur-représentation des étrangers dans les pri sons Europe comparable voire supérieure dans cer tains cas celle des Noirs dans les pénitenciers Amé rique) la multiplication des centres de rétention pour migrants en situation irrégulière la redéfinition de immi gration comme un problème de sécurité la diligence et la sévérité spéciales avec lesquelles la police et la justice traitent les personnes de phénotype non-européenSuitable enemies The massive överrepresentation of foreigners in the prisons of Europe comparable even in several cases superior to that of blacks in the prisons of the United States) the pro liferation of retention centers for holding and expelling clandestine migrants the redefinition of immigration as problem of security the special zeal and severity with which the police and justice treat persons of non-Euro pean phenotype the growing conflation between immi gration illegality and crime in political and media dis courses the convergence of these phenomena warrants
- Les ghettomen. Les gangs de rue à Abidjan et San Pedro. - Eliane de Latour.
- Rompre avec les idées reçues. - Frédéric Lebaron