Contenu du sommaire : Anthropolgie de l'espace habité
Revue |
L'Homme et la société ![]() |
Numéro | no 104, 2e trimestre 1992 |
Titre du numéro | Anthropolgie de l'espace habité |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Espace et Anthropologie - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 3-5
- L'écosymbole du tatami - Augustin Berque p. 7-14 Augustin Berque, Tatami as Ecosymbol The tatami, which characterizes Japanese habitation, is an element of culture that valorizes nature and the unity of the senses. It is expressive, thusly, of a uniquely Japanese cultural matrix where the social and spatial, postures and things, and the corporeal and the spiritual are intimately intertwined. In particular, this structural dynamic achieves a veritable "moral geometry" in the tea ceremony.
- Des dragons dans le paysage coréen - Alain Delissen p. 15-22 Alain Delissen, Dragons in the Korean Landscape The dragon is central to the Korean system of fengshui geomancy. On the one hand, it is a nature metaphor symbolizing the power of resurgence, renaissance ; it evokes the unforeseeable but tameable. On the other hand, it is an aesthetic and conceptual form permitting an apprehension and differenciation of reality ; beyond the complexities of existence, there is coherence, detectible by humankind.
- Qu'il était beau mon village... (Espagne, Navarre méridionale) - Nicole Beaurain p. 23-45 Nicole Beaurain, Oh, how My Village was Pretty ! In less than twenty years, Spain has become an industrial and highly urbanized country. This socio-economic evolution involves an unprecedented modernization of agriculture and the countryside. How have such transformations of the Spanish economy affected rural areas and life-styles in the countryside ? The example of a small agricultural village reveals these changes. Especially, it poses the question of the urbanization of the countryside and of its inhabitants and its relation to the urbanization of the entire planet.
- HLM et mission locale : deux instances de réhabilitation sociale - Élisabeth Pasquier-Merlet, Corinne Davault p. 47-60 Corinne Davault et Élisabeth Pasquier-Merlet, The H.L.M. and the Local Mission : Two Examples of Social Rehabilitation Often seeming to be unstructured and disordered, the populations of the H.L.M. and of the Local Missions are seen as needing outside assistance towards greater integration. However, recent studies indicate that such communities are far more heterogeneous than imagined and that they are actively involved the processes of restructuration and identity formation. As such, these communities are characterized by their own internal conflicts in which innovations are opposed in the name of established collective values and codes of honor.
- L'enlisement d'une cité HLM : représentation de l'espace et des pouvoirs - Monique Sélim p. 61-76 Monique Sélim, An H.L.M. in the Vortex of Change : Representations of Space and Power A two-years study of an H.L.M. north of Paris begun in 1977 revealed that such communities are fraught with social and cultural devastation that goes beyond the healing capacity of local organizations. The implications of this development cannot be considered as excluding social disturbances amounting to a generalized social war.
- La grande banlieue de Buenos Aires : Maison et salut politico-religieux - Gérard Althabe p. 77-83 Gérard Althabe, The suburbs of Buenos-Aires. Private house and politico-religions salvation A micro investigation was done in a quarter of a suburb of Buenos-Aires, looking at the patterns of integration into urban society from a massive migration to town from rural areas and with a specific emphasis on the self building of private houses as a near strategy. The way in which these migrants are constructing their relations with the society is analyzed through political representations using peronism and the continuity in the religious fields.
- São Paulo : La fragmentation sécuritaire d'une mégapole - Philippe Haeringer p. 85-92 Philippe Haeringer, Sao Paulo. The sécuritarian fragmentation of a megalopolis Megalopolis : 'To show the town to compare it" is a group for comparative researches looking at visible signs of the town. One objective is to identify specific residential models, their evolution and the context of urban policies challenges in the future. The group is now looking at the securitarian reflex deeply involved in the urban morphology in the case of Sao Paulo.
- Dernier domicile connu - Pierre Sansot p. 93-96
- L'ethnologie urbaine en France : des sociétés exotiques à l'espace urbain contemporain - Maïté Clavel p. 97-109 Maïté Clavel, Urban Ethnology in France : Exotic Societies in Contemporary Urban Space Urban ethnology in France has not taken the path indicated by the "classical" ethnologists who addressed the question of urbanization. Otherness remains a source of fascination, But, compared to other types of urban studies, neither the city, cut-up into micro-groups and considered as an abstraction or a hostile milieu, nor the methods that favor the prolonged observation of the private life of social or ethnic groups that are sometimes more difficult to approach than in foreign countries, bring truely new knowledge about the relations between city dwellers and their environments.
- La Poièsis de la Praxis : Henri Lefebvre - Pierre Lantz p. 111-120 Pierre Lantz, Henri Lefebvre : The Poiesis of Praxis Henri Lefebvre's project concerning the critic of everyday life analyzed the substance of everyday existence without becoming seduced by it and maintained a high level of conceptualization without fetichizing the oppositions between different systems. Human activity, the link between all determinisms, appropriates human and physical nature. Metaphilosophical poiesis approaches symbolism, and sociology rediscovers the poetry of praxis. These two directions are, in fact, linked ; political practice fails if the anthropo-cosmological symbolism decomposes into political totems. The theme of revolutionary romanticism must be understood from this perspective.
- Le temps dans la langue et la culture Hopi - Maria Villela-Petit p. 121-136 Maria Villela Petit, Time in Hopi Language and Culture Study of the writings of B.L. Whorf, Helmut Gipper and others permits a consideration of the concept of time in the language and culture of the Hopi. More generally, the "case" of the Hopi reveals significant aspects of a cosmic apprehension of time that is essentially religious and nonparametrical.
Comptes rendus
- Ida Simon-Barouh et Pierre-Jean Simon (Dirs.), Les étrangers dans la ville : Le regard des sciences sociales, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1991 - Smaïn Laacher p. 137-138
- Hervé Maneglier, Paris impérial. La vie quotidienne sous le Second Empire, Paris, Éditions Armand Colin, 1990 - Nicole Beaurain p. 138-140
- Henri Lefebvre ; René Lourau (Préf.), Éléments de rythmanalyse. Introduction à la connaissance des rythmes, Paris, Éditions Syllepse, 1992 - Alain Guillerm p. 140-141
- Carlos Serrano (éd.), Madrid 1936-1939. Un peuple en résistance ou l'épopée ambiguë, Paris, Autrement, (Série : « Mémoires »), 1991 - Nicole Beaurain p. 141-142
- Max Weber, Histoire économique. Esquisse d'une histoire universelle de l'économie et de la société, Paris, Gallimard 1991, [1ère édition allemande 1923] - Serge Latouche p. 143
- Serge Latouche, La planète des naufragés. Essai sur l'après-développement, Paris, La Découverte, (Coll. « Essais »), 1991 - Jacques Charmes p. 144-145
- Henri Meschonnic (éd.), Le langage comme défi, Saint-Denis, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 1991 - Michael Löwy p. 145-146
- René Berthier, Bakounine politique : révolution et contre-révolution en Europe centrale, Paris, Éd. du Monde libertaire, 1991 - Louis Janover p. 147-148
- Michel Maffesoli, La transfiguration du politique. La tribalisation du monde, Paris, Bernard Grasset, 1992 - Joseph Gabel p. 148-150
- Ida Simon-Barouh et Pierre-Jean Simon (Dirs.), Les étrangers dans la ville : Le regard des sciences sociales, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1991 - Smaïn Laacher p. 137-138
Revue des revues
- Les Temps modernes, déc. 1991-janv. 1992, n° 545-546, 47e année : "Banlieues, relégations ou citoyenneté. Yougoslavie, nationalités et démocratie" - p. 151-152
- Diogène, N° 156, octobre-décembre 1991 - p. 152
- Annales. Économies, sociétés, Civilisations, 46e année, n° 6, novembre-décembre 1991 - p. 152
- Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, n° 90, décembre 1991 : "La souffrance" - p. 152-153
- L'Homme, n° 121, janvier-mars 1992 : "Anthropologie du proche" - p. 153-154
- Les Temps modernes, déc. 1991-janv. 1992, n° 545-546, 47e année : "Banlieues, relégations ou citoyenneté. Yougoslavie, nationalités et démocratie" - p. 151-152
- Abstracts (Résumés) - p. 154-156