Contenu du sommaire : Vers quel désordre mondial ?
Revue |
L'Homme et la société ![]() |
Numéro | no 105-106, 3e et 4e trimestre 1992 |
Titre du numéro | Vers quel désordre mondial ? |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Vers quel désordre mondial ? - Saïd Tamba, Serge Latouche p. 3-6
- De la mondialisation économique à la décomposition sociale - Serge Latouche p. 7-23 Serge Latouche, From Economic Globalization to Social Decomposition Behind the empty slogans of the New World Order is a disturbing decomposition of planetary organization. Two major tendencies, opposed but not contradictory, are at work : the unification of the world market and disintegration of social systems. The internationalization represented by the development of the multinationals has undermined the foundations of nation states. At the same time, the rising intensity of ethnic, cultural and religious demands is accentuating the emerging chaos. Relatively few encouraging signs are evident on this horizon.
- Vieilles institutions et nouveaux désordres : la Banque mondiale et le Fonds monétaire international à la fin du XXe siècle - Susan George p. 25-33 Susan George, Old Institutions and New Disorders : The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund at the End of the Twentieth Century The financial and political power of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund comes mainly from the indebtedness of the weak countries. This financial domination leads to all the other forms of domination and is why the development model promoted by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund must be subjected to serious criticism.
- Les ONG mercenaires du village planétaire ou gardiennes des ghettos - Bernard Hours p. 35-50 Bernard Hours, Ghetto Guards : The NGO Mercenaries of the Global Village The role of the NGOs in the ideological mutations affecting North-South relations for several decades can be seen in the genesis, development and crisis of the ideology of thirdworldism. Changes in the NGOs during the 1980s indicate that they are seen as instruments of a ritualized solidarity that leads to ruptures while articulating a need for communication. As such, they must be seen as part of the macro-ideological dimension of North-South relations.
- Les multinationales hors de la tourmente ? - Jean Masini p. 51-61 Jean Masini, The Untouchable Multinationals The multinational companies must maximize products in a conflictual environment. As they are a major source of these tensions, the multinationals must constantly find ways to adapt their economic strategies to the political conditions created by them. Although national governments follow these adaptations, attempting to profit from them, it is difficult to anticipate decisions that are made privately. Nevertheless, the creation of free-trade zones in Western Europe and North America represents parallel attempts to increase the competitive position of European and North American multinationals in relation to those of Japan. But will this strategy be successful ?
- Le secteur informel, nouvel enjeu des politiques de développement ? - Jacques Charmes p. 63-77 Jacques Charmes, The Informal Sector : New Concern for Development Policies ? The "informal sector" is an expression invented to denote small scale economic activities undertaken by rural migrants for whom the capitalist and urban administrative sector has not been able to furnish regular employment. Although it was supposed to disappear when modernization occur ed, the economic crisis and structural adjustments to it made the informal sector the most dynamic of the economy. Jacques Charmes, The Informal Sector : New Concern for Development Policies ? Although it was supposed to disappear when modernization occur ed, the economic crisis and structural adjustments to it made the informal sector the most dynamic of the economy.
- Économie et religion : le projet financier islamiste - Michel Galloux p. 79-91 Michel Galloux, Economy and Religion : The Islamic Project The phenomenon of the Islamic banks and their interesting solutions to the problems posed by bank profit can be interpreted in different ways. In order to understand it, one must study their modalities of intervention as far as savings collection and utilization is concerned and the limits placed on these practices by the Egyptian state.
- "L'ordre par le désordre", ou la tentation "globalitaire" - Guy Béney p. 93-108 Guy Béney, Order through Disorder, or the "Globalizing" Temptation The present threat to the world's environment has encouraged the creation of a "geocracy" intending to establish control over the entire planet. This effort, mainly on the part of the "North", masks anew a techno scientific will to domination with a utilitarian good conscience. This new form of "westernization" risks putting into jeopardy the most elementary rights of the peoples of the Earth least capable of adapting to the new conditions.
- Le nouveau Nord-Sud dans le nouveau système international - Hartmut Elsenhans p. 109-124 Hartmut Elsenhans, The New North-South in the New International System Despite the triumph of welfare state capitalism in the rivalry with statist real socialism, the economic impact of the capitalist center on the rest of the world is not sufficient for creating the conditions for capitalist growth. The rentier state will continue to exist in the South despite decreasing volumes of rent. The persistence of poverty in the South will erode the bargaining power of labor also in the North with the result of transferring the rentier state of the South to the North.
- Quelques réflexions sur l'efficacité de la science et de la technologie dans les pays en développement - Dimitri Uzunidis p. 125-140 Dimitri Uzunidis, Reflections on the Efficacity of Science and Technology in Developing Countries The acquisition and use of western technologies have been considered means of accelerating development in the Third World. In reality, only the "Newly Industrialized Countries" have benefitted from the transfer of technology. In these countries, state authorities and businesses unite to develop the national capacity for scientific and technical potential. The scientific and technical effort of these countries is conditioned by their economic and political relations with the industrialized countries. The efficacity of the national capacity for scientific and technical potential of these countries is limited by the need to keep-up with technological developments, which are controlled by the industrialized countries.
- De l'Europe orientale aux nouveaux pays industriels d'Extrême Orient : autonomie ou fin du politique ? - Jean-Louis Margolin p. 141-153 Jean-Louis Margolin, The Autonomy of Politics and the End of Politics : From Eastern Europe to the New Industrial Countries of the Far East It is more than one step from Eastern Europe to the Far East, but these two regions are comparable. Over the long term, their economic development reveals a surprisingly similar pattern. However, on the political level, hopes for certain kinds of changes have succumbed to an elementary consensus linked to contrived national identifications. Is it, then, the "end of history" ? Perhaps temporarily. Jean-Louis Margolin, The Autonomy of Politics and the End of Politics : From Eastern Europe to the New Industrial Countries of the Far East a surprisingly similar pattern. However, on the political level, hopes for certain kinds of changes have succumbed to an elementary consensus linked to contrived national identifications. Is it, then, the "end of history" ? Perhaps temporarily.
- Lucien Lévy-Bruhl : un acte manqué Nord-Sud - René Lourau p. 155-168 René Lourau, Lucien Lévy-Bruhl : A Reconsideration Revealed in his Posthumous Writings The anthropological work of Lucien Lévy-Bruhl was based on the idea of essential differences, an assumption that led him to implicitly justify the domination of colonizers over the colonized. But at the end of his long life, Lévy-Bruhl realized that he had made a mistake in concluding that the affective, mythical or mystical "participations" composing the "primitive mentality" were typical of an "inferior" or "prelogical" mentality. The "civilized mentality" was equally composed of affects or myths, however different.
Comptes rendus
- Georges Dupré (Dir.), Savoirs paysans et développement, Paris, Karthala-ORSTOM, 1991 - Christiane Veauvy p. 169-170
- Monique Sélim, L'Aventure d'une multinationale au Bangladesh, Paris, l'Harmattan, 1991 - Christiane Passevant p. 170-171
- Bernard Germain Lacombe, Syrène. Histoire d'une possession, Paris, Publisud, 1991 - Bernard Hours p. 171-173
- Pierre-Noël Denieuil, Les entrepreneurs du développement, l'ethno-industrialisation en Tunisie : la dynamique de Sfax, Paris, L'Harmattan, (Coll. « Logiques sociales »), 1992 - Pierre Lenel p. 173-174
- Claude Allègre, Introduction à une histoire naturelle, Paris, Fayard , 1992 - André Jacob p. 174
- Francis Fukuyama ; Denis-Armand Canal (Trad.), La fin de l'histoire et le dernier homme, Paris, Flammarion, 1992 - André Jacob p. 174-175
- Annette Wievorka, Déportation et génocide : entre la mémoire et l'oubli, Paris, Plon, 1992 - Enzo Traverso p. 175-178
- Gilles Ferréol et Philippe Deubel, Économie du travail, Paris, Armand Colin, (Coll. « Cursus »), 3e édition, 1992 - Jean-Claude Delaunay p. 178
- André Ducret, Mesures, études sur la pensée plastique, Bruxelles, La Lettre volée, 1990 - Gérard Namer p. 178-179
- Marcel Jaeger, La psychiatrie en France, Paris, Éditions Syros, (Coll. « Alternatives sociales »), 1989 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 179-180
- Alain Drouard, Une inconnue des sciences sociales : la Fondation Alexis Carrel (1941-1945), Paris, INED-Maison des sciences de l'homme, 1992 - Ariane Lantz p. 180-182
- Michael A. Messner et Donald F. Sabo (eds.), Sport, Men, and the Gender Order : Critical Feminist Perspectives, Champaign (Illinois), Human Kinetics Books, 1991 - Loïc J.D. Wacquant p. 182-183
- Yolande Cohen, Femmes de parole : l'histoire des Cercles de fermières du Québec, (1915-1990), Québec, Éd. Le Jour, 1990 - Claudie Weill p. 184
- Ephraim Nimni ; Ernesto Laclau (Introd.), Marxism and Nationalism. Theoretical Origins of a Political Crisis, Londres, Concord (Mass.), Pluto Press, 1991 - Claudie Weill p. 184-185
- Claude Lefort, Écrire. À l'épreuve du politique, Paris, Calmann-Levy, 1992 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 185-186
- Doris Bensimon, Religion et État en Israël, Paris, Éditions L'Harmattan, (Coll. « Approche du Moyen-Orient »), 1992 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 186-188
- Pierre Alphandery, Pierre Ritoun, Yves Dupont, L'équivoque écologique, Paris, La Découverte, 1991, (Essais) - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 188-189
- Pierre Fougeyrollas, L'attraction du futur : essai sur la signification du présent, Paris, Méridiens-Klincksieck, (Coll. « Sociétés »), 1991 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 189-190
- Serge Leclaire et Association pour une Instance, État des lieux de la psychanalyse, Paris, Albin-Michel, (Coll. « Bibliothèque Albin-Michel des idées »), 1991 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 190-191
- Erving Goffman, Les cadres de l'expérience, Paris, éd. de Minuit, (Coll. « Sens commun »), 1991 - Armelle B. Lefebvre p. 191-192
- Marie-Claude Hurtig, Michèle Kail, Hélène Rouch (éds.), Sexe et genre. De la hiérarchie entre les sexes, Paris, CNRS, 1991 - Claudie Lesselier p. 192-193
- Groupe d'études féministes de Paris VII (Éd.), Crises de la société : féminisme et changement, Paris, Éditions Tierce-Revue d'en face, 1991 - Claudie Lesselier p. 193
- Nicole-Claude Mathieu, L'anatomie politique : catégorisations et idéologies du sexe, Paris, Côté- femmes, 1991 - Claudie Lesselier p. 193-194
- Françoise Battagliola, Danielle Combes, Anne-Marie Daune-Richard, Anne-Marie Devreux, Michèle Ferrand, Annette Langevin, À propos des rapports sociaux de sexe, parcours épistémologiques, Paris, 1990, (1ère édition 1986) - Claudie Lesselier p. 194
- Christine Delphy (Coord.), Particularisme et universalisme, Paris, I.R.E.S.C.O, 1991, in : Nouvelles questions féministes, n° 16-17-18, 1991 - Claudie Lesselier p. 194
- INSEE et Secrétariat d'État aux droits des femmes et à la vie quotidienne, Les femmes, Paris, INSEE, (Série « Contours et caractères »), 1991 - Claudie Lesselier p. 194
- Georges Dupré (Dir.), Savoirs paysans et développement, Paris, Karthala-ORSTOM, 1991 - Christiane Veauvy p. 169-170
Revue des revues
- Communications, n° 55, 1992 : "L'Est : les mythes et les restes" - p. 195-196
- Espaces Temps. Le Journal, n° 49-50, 1992 - p. 196
- Peuples méditerranéens, n° 56-57, juil.-déc. 1991 : "Mythes et récits d'origine" - p. 197
- Terrain 17. Carnets du patrimoine ethnologique, octobre 1991 : "En Europe, les nations" - p. 197-198
- Transversales Sciences Culture, n° 18, nov.-déc. 1992 - p. 198-199
- Communications, n° 55, 1992 : "L'Est : les mythes et les restes" - p. 195-196
- Abstracts (Résumés) - p. 200-202
- Ouvrages reçus - p. 203-204