Contenu du sommaire : Générations et mémoires
Revue |
L'Homme et la société ![]() |
Numéro | no 111-112, 1er et 2e trimestre 1994 |
Titre du numéro | Générations et mémoires |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Mannheim... et après ? - Yolande Cohen, Claudie Weill p. 3-6
Du concept de génération : aspects théoriques et méthodologiques
- Aperçus du problème des générations : Mentré, Ortega et Mannheim - A. Belden Fields p. 7-22 A. Belden Fields, The Problem of Generation» as Seen by Mentré, Ortega and Mannheim François Mentré was the first to write an intellectual history of the notion of generation. For him, a generation reveals a collective mentality, an unique way to feel and understand life. For Ortega y Gasset, generations are rather a reflection of a universal need for change. He isolated five stages in the life of human beings : childhood, youth, initiation to adulthood, dominance and old age. In contrast to Mentré, Ortega sees generations as transnational phenomena. Karl Mannheim is the most rigorous theorist of generation, as he employs the concept of situation in order to elucidate the complexity of its formation.
- Temps socio-historique et générations chez Karl Mannheim - Nia Perivolaropoulou p. 23-33 Nia Perivolaropoulou, Socio-Historical Time and Generations in the World of Karl Mannheim A re-reading of Karl Mannheim's classic work on the question of generations allows a consideration of the relations between historical time and the phenomenon of generations. Generations appear to be temporal modalities characteristic of modern societies and their appearance as a contemporary historical process of the rise of modernity.
- Générations, politique, culture. Les années soixante américaines - Bennett M. Berger p. 35-50 Bennett Berger, Generations, Politics and Culture : The 1960s in the United States The notion of generation is not as useful in the analysis of social movements as that of generational unit. Generational units are formed out of the ranks of the elites of a particular age group ; they then compete in the formation of generational identity. The confusion between age cohorts and the effects they produce has been caused in part by neo-freudians like Erik Erikson and Kenneth Keniston who celebrated youth and stages of human development. In doing so they tended to reinforce the existing tendency to pander to an already privileged age group.
- Générations sans mémoire - René Gallissot p. 51-65 René Galissot, Generations without Memory Throughout the Nineteenth-Century, the formation of identifiable generations seems to have been linked to specific moments in the development of the nation state. Even when generational movements were expressions of an identification with the cause of the People as the collective subject of history, the experience was still bounded by a certain conception of the nation. More recently, however, and especially beginning with May 1968, the nation as an important component of memory seems to be lacking. It appears that identification with territory or a centralized national culture has been considerably weakened. We may be entering a period when the idea of generation takes precedent over those of "blood", family and nation.
- Générations et révoltes au XXe siècle dans l'histoire et l'historiographie italiennes - Patrizia Dogliani p. 67-76 Patrizia Dogliani, Twentieth-Century Generations and Revolts in Italian Historiography The themes of youth and generation are recent ones for the social sciences in Italy and there is still little interaction between historians, sociologists, anthropologists and political scientists in their study. Still, historians have placed the problem of generations in perspective, especially in relation to labor movements, to leisure and sports and to the emergence of fascism. However, in Italy as elsewhere, historians have not yet given the movement of May 1968 the degree of attention the development merits.
- Les générations politiques - Claire Auzias p. 77-87 Claire Auzias, Political Generations Are political generations historical spaces of memory and forgetting ? Far from being a simple aspect of years of crisis, the social act of forgetting has a long history of political practice. Political generations are themselves the products of memory and forgetfulness.
- Aperçus du problème des générations : Mentré, Ortega et Mannheim - A. Belden Fields p. 7-22
Les générations entre histoire et mémoire
- La génération communiste de 1840 et la mémoire de Gracchus Babeuf - Alain Maillard p. 89-100 Alain Maillard, The Communist Generation of 1840 and the Memory of Gracchus Babeuf The emergence of a communist movement in 1840 is in part linked to the generational situation of neo-babeufist theorists of the time. The intervention of Buonarroti, the executor of Babeuf's legacy, was decisive during their years of intellectual and political formation. As young romantic revolutionaries, they learned that regeneration must be the work of their generation. But the work of memory does not only allow an orientation in time, it helps the young generation to define its identity in political space as it differentiates itself from competing forces. In this way the conflict between Cabet and the neo-babeufists was a generational conflict.
- Romantisme et génération : genèse du temps vécu - Jean-Claude Caron p. 101-111 Jean-Claude Caron, Romanticism and Generation The notion of generation is particularly useful in the historical analysis of the nineteenth century. The role of historians of romanticism will be important in determining the relation between youth and generation. The notion of generation indicates how a value-transfer has taken place from the private sphere (the family) to the public sphere (politics).
- Le mouvement étudiant et sa mémoire : l'UNEF après 1945, entre tradition et oubli - Alain Monchablon p. 113-117 Alain Monchablon, The Student Movement and Its Memory : The UNEF after 1945 between Tradition and Loss of Memory There are student generations, but is there any transmission of memory between them ? The historical experience of the UNEF, the oldest and most important student organization in France, seems to indicate that there is no such active transmission of memory, but only the perpetuating of a kind of social heredity.
- Mai 68 : le mouvement étudiant comme mouvement de génération ? - Yolande Cohen p. 119-136 Yolande Cohen, May 1968 : The Student Movement as a Generational Movement ? The history of the student protest movement suggests a generational analysis. The events of May 1968 were the starting point of such an interpretation which deals both with a generational upheaval and the perspective of establishing the student movement as an autonomous one. An overview of the studies devoted to the 1960s shows how little is said about such a movement. Linked to the emancipation of the working class, or considered as a revolt of the affluent, the student protest is rarely studied as such ; which explains the relative success of its interpretation as a generational phenomenon.
- Autour de la théorie sociale « postmoderniste » : Clivage des générations, rupture épistémologique et crise historique - Larry Portis p. 137-154 Larry Portis, On "Postmodernist" Social Theory : Generation Gap, Epistemological Break and Historical Crisis The new perspectives called "postmodernist" and the methodologies called "deconstructionist" have not generally considered the question of generational change. This silence is understandable in terms of the social perceptions shared by the first generation of social thinkers of the postwar period who came of age during the 1960s. It is in terms of social perceptions and how political events structured them that recent tendencies in the evolution of social theory must be understood.
- Le mode de génération des générations « immigrées » - Abdelmalek Sayad p. 155-174 Abdelmalek Sayad, Generation among "Immigrant" Generations In addition to the age factor and the way in which the passage of time and history can be seen as a succession of generations, the concept of generation must also be thought of as a mode of classification that is necessarily contested. Immigration poses a question of generation that is special in that it, firstly, involves the addition of an external factor in the evolution of a society and, secondly, involves the creation of a new type of generational identification within that society. The social milieu of immigrants therefore represents a laboratory where all the latent meanings engendered by the relationships between the individuals and the group and between the different generations may be studied.
- L'œuf dans le calendrier populaire grec et le temps mythique - Marie-Christine Anest Couffin p. 175-182 Marie-Christine Anest Couffin, Mythical Time and the Egg in the Greek popular calendar The ritual use of the egg in the Greek holiday calendar is associated with the cyclical dimension of a highly-charged-sense of time. The festive days of Spring represent the tradition between the Winter and Summer seasons and symbolize the abolition of time and regeneration. Socially, it is the time of the regeneration of the individual and of the group. In this calendar-time-space, the egg plays a fundamental role in symbolizing the passage from one state to another.
- La génération communiste de 1840 et la mémoire de Gracchus Babeuf - Alain Maillard p. 89-100
Notes critiques
- L'oppression des femmes - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 183-186
- Sur Le modèle suédois revisité - Michel Verret p. 187-189
- L'oppression des femmes - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 183-186
Comptes rendus
- Jacques Derrida, Spectres de Marx, Paris, Galilée, 1993 - Alain Guillerm p. 191
- Reimar Gilsenbach, O Django, sing deinen Zorn ! : Sinti und Roma unter den Deutschen / « Oh Django, chante ta colère ! Zingi et Rom en Allemagne », Berlin, Basis Druck, 1993 - Enzo Traverso p. 192-193
- Pietro Barcellona, Le retour du lien social, Castelnau le Lez, Climats, 1993 - Serge Latouche p. 193-194
- Siegfried Heimann, Die Falken in Berlin. Erziehungsgeme inschaft oder Kampforfanisatton ? Die Jabre 1945-1950 / « Les Faucons à Berlin. Communauté d'éducation ou organisation de combat ? Les années 1945-1950 », Berlin, VAS, in der Elefanten Press, 1990 - Claudie Weill p. 194-195
- Claire Auzias, Mémoires libertaires : Lyon 1919-1939, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1993 - Christiane Passevant p. 195-196
- Francis Guibal, Autonomie et altérité, Paris, Éd. du Cerf, (coll. « Écrit »), 1993 - André Jacob p. 196
- Edgar Morin, Anne-Brigitte Kern, Terre-Patrie, Paris, Éd. du Seuil, 1993 - André Jacob p. 196-197
- Christine Delphy et Diana Leonard, Familiar Exploitation. A new analysts of marriage in contemporary western societies, Cambridge (U.K.) , Polity Press, 1992 - Larry Portis p. 197-198
- Madeleine Grawitz, Méthodes des sciences sociales, Paris, Dalloz, (9e édition), 1993 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 198-199
- Galileo Galilei ; René Fréreux, François de Gondt (Trads.) ; Dialogue sur les deux grands systèmes du monde, Sources, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1992 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 200-201
- Alain Caillé, La démission des clercs. La crise des sciences sociales et l'oubli du politique, Paris, Éditions de la Découverte, 1993 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 201-203
- Gabriel Gosselin (Éd.), Les nouveaux enjeux de l'anthropologie. Autour de Georges Balandier, Paris, L'Harmattan, (Coll. « Logiques sociales »), 1993 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 203-205
- Gabriel Gosselin, Une éthique des sciences sociales, la limite et l'urgence, Paris, L'Harmattan, (Coll. « Logiques sociales »), 1992 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 205-206
- Claude Habib et Claude Mouchard (Dirs.), La démocratie à l'œuvre. Autour de Claude Lefort, Paris, Éditions Esprit, (Série « Philosophie »), 1993 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 207-208
- Jacques Derrida, Spectres de Marx, Paris, Galilée, 1993 - Alain Guillerm p. 191
Revue des revues
- Nouvelles questions féministes, vol. XIII, n° 3, 1992 - p. 209
- RSH. Revue des sciences humaines, n° 229, 1993-1, « Adorno » - p. 209-210
- Revue de l'IDEF, n° 2 {mai 1993], « Les familles de l'Est en transition »; n° 3, « Les familles roms d'Europe de l'Est » - p. 210-211
- Mil neuf cent. Revue d'histoire intellectuelle (Cahiers Georges Sorel), n° 11, 1993, « Comment sont-ils devenus dreyfusards ou anti-dreyfusards ? » - p. 211-212
- Histoire et anthropologie (Strasbourg), n° 4, juillet-septembre 1993 - p. 212-213
- Afrika focus, vol. IX, n° 1-2, 1993 : « Ethnicity in Africa » - p. 213
- Nouvelles questions féministes, vol. XIII, n° 3, 1992 - p. 209
- Abstracts - p. 215-217