Contenu du sommaire : État démocratique ou état confessionnel ? Autour du conflit israël-palestine
Revue |
L'Homme et la société ![]() |
Numéro | no 114, 4e trimestre 1994 |
Titre du numéro | État démocratique ou état confessionnel ? Autour du conflit israël-palestine |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Terres et cultures politiques au Moyen-Orient - Christiane Passevant, Larry Portis p. 3-6
- Le sionisme et la paix : Du plan Allon aux Accords de Washington - Gilbert Achcar p. 7-25 Gilbert Achcar, Zionism and the Peace : From the Allon Plan to the Washington Agreement In the light of the Zionist strategy outlined in the Allon Plan in 1967, a plan involving the colonization and partial annexation of the occupied territories of Palestine, the repressive mission given to the PLO by the Washington agreement seems to be more of a pact between leaders than a reconciliation between two peoples. Israel and the United States seem to have succeeded in displacing the conflict between the Zionist state and its neighbors to an internal confrontation in the Arab countries between state governments and popular opposition movements.
- État, nation et nationalisme : Actualité du sionisme - Michel Warchawski p. 27-36 Michel Warschawski, State, Nation and Nationalism. Zionism Today The debate over Zionism today is not theoretical or simply over semantics. It has direct implications on Israeli policies and on the meanings of the Oslo peace agreement. The Oslo declaration is in fact the most striking victory of Zionism because it allows continued Israeli control over the occupied territories as well as the continuation of Israeli settlement activity in them. At the same time it contributes to a separation of the two communities that is not imposed upon the Palestinians, but rather accepted by the Palestinian National Authority as an element of the liberation and of national sovereignty.
- Réflexions sur la responsabilité de l'État et du citoyen dans le conflit arabo-israélien - Norman G. Finkelstein p. 37-50 Norman Finkelstein, Reflections on Collective Responsability in the Arab-Israeli Conflict Contrary to widespread belief, Israeli citizens accept the repressive measures carried out against the Palestinian population. Not only do the Israelis share responsibility for the policy of a democratic state, but also for the acts of those directly implicated in the implementation of that policy. Israeli public opinion has not, however, been more unanimous in its support for the American war on Iraq than has Palestinian opinion in its support for the Iraqi missiles launched in the direction of Israel.
- Sexe, occupation militaire et violence contre les femmes en Israël ou le foyer comme terrain de bataille - Simona Sharoni p. 51-61 Simona Sharoni, Homefront as Battlefield : Gender, Military Occupation and Violence against Women The processes of military manpower acquisition are gendered processes. Military forces past and present have not been able to get, keep and reproduce the sorts of soldiers they imagine they need without drawing on ideological beliefs concerning the different, stratified roles of women and men. To ignore the social construction of femininity and masculinity and the relations between them, makes it impossible to explain adequately how the military establishment has managed to capture and control so much of society's imagination and resources.
- Confessions et pouvoir au Liban - Issa Wachill p. 63-73 Issa Wachill, Religion and Power in Lebanon The Lebanese National Pact is a political system that attempts to maintain a status quo that is constantly called into question. Far from constituting a framework for national integration, the arrangement contributes to divisiveness and instability. These centrifugal political tendences have been aggravated by the Palestinian presence and the Israeli intervention in Lebanon.
- L'islamisme et l'État en Tunisie - Abdellatif Hermessi p. 75-86 Abdellatif Hermessi, Islamic Fundamentalism and the Tunisian State In deciding to impose social changes from the top, political leaders in Tunisia have upset established beliefs and patterns of socialization. In doing so, they have destabilized the society in a long-lasting way. Although Tunisia has not experienced the conditions that led to the separation between Church and State in some European countries, the neo-Destour party did not hesitate to incorporate the idea in its modernization program. The Islamic movement which was created partially in reaction to it has been strengthened by a fusion of religious and social opposition to these changes.
- L'image de l'Occident dans le discours islamiste - Mohammed El Ayadi p. 87-99 Mohammed El Ayadi, The Image of the West in Islamic Discourse The image of the Occident possessed by Muslims, characterized by the idea that Islam is superior to all aspects of western human understanding, is profoundly rooted in the popular imagination as a result of a long and consistent work of religious instruction. This fact explains the rapid success of "Islamic" influences over masses of people in the Arab countries as well as the easy assimilation of this discourse by broad strata in Islamic societies.
- État et confession en Grèce et en Bulgarie ou la laïcité introuvable - Georges Drettas p. 101-114 Georges Drettas, State and Religion in Greece and Bulgaria, or the Impossible Secularization The creation of the nation-states emerging out of the Ottoman Empire in Eastern Europe and the Middle East was complicated by the millet. Characteristic of the political culture of societies formed during the time of Ottoman hegemony, the system regulating the relations between confessional groups was remarkably resistant to socio-historical change. Today it represents one of the cultural traits that most obstructs the process of modernization.
- L'Église et les pèlerinages de la terre au Brésil - César Barreira p. 115-127
Notes critiques
- Sociologie et société en Israël - Uri Ram p. 129-133
- Le dernier des Titans. Réflexions sur Yeshayahou Leibowitz, 1903-1994 - Michael Warschawski p. 134-137
- Sociologie et société en Israël - Uri Ram p. 129-133
Comptes rendus
- Yeshayahou Leibowitz ; Michaël Shashar (réd.), Israël et judaïsme : ma part de vérité, Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 1993 - Michael Löwy p. 138-139
- Marion Sigaut, Russes errants sans terre promise, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1994 - Nicole Beaurain p. 139-140
- Annie Fiore, Rêves d'indépendance. Chronique du peuple de l'Intifada, Paris, L'Harmattan, (Coll. «Comprendre le Moyen-Orient»), 1994 - Nicole Beaurain p. 140
- Tarek Majzoub, Les fleuves du Moyen-Orient. Situation et prospective juridico-politiques, Paris, Éditions L'Harmattan, 1994 - Christiane Passevant p. 140-141
- René Berthier, L'Occident et la guerre contre les Arabes. Réflexions sur la guerre du Golfe et le nouvel ordre mondial, Paris, Éditions L'Harmattan, 1994 - Christiane Passevant p. 141-142
- Ghassan Salamé (Dir.), Démocraties sans démocrates. Politiques d 'ouverture dans le monde arabe et islamique, Paris, Fayard, 1994 - Gilbert Achcar p. 142-143
- Ghita El Khayat, Une psychiatrie moderne pour le Maghreb, Paris, L'Harmattan, (Coll. «Santé, société et cultures»), 1994 - Larry Portis p. 143-144
- Jean-Luc Einaudi, Un rêve algérien. Histoire de Lisette Vincent, une femme d'Algérie, Paris, Éditions Dagorno, 1994 - Christiane Passevant p. 144-145
- Françoise Duroux, Antigone encore, les femmes et la loi, Paris, Éditions Côté-femmes, (Collection « Recherches »), 1994 - Oristelle Bonis p. 145
- Maria Graeff-Wassink, Women at Arms : Is Ghadafi a Feminist ?, London, Darf Publishers, 1993, originellement publié à Paris, Chez Armand Colin : La femme en armes : Kadhafi féministe ? - Larry Portis p. 146
- Georges Labica et Jean Robelin (Dirs.), Politique et religion, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1994 - Gilbert Achcar p. 147
- John Schwarzmantel, Socialism and the idea of nation, New York ; Londres, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991 - Claudie Weill p. 147-148
- Monique Zerner, Georges Duby (Préf.), Le cadastre, le pouvoir et la terre. Le Comtat Venaissin pontifical au début du XVe siècle, Rome, Éditions de l'École française de Rome, (Collection de l'École française de Rome , 174), 1993 - Christiane Veauvy p. 148-150
- Mario Kessler, Zionismus und internationale Arbeiterbewegung, 1897 bis 1933, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1994 - Michael Löwy p. 150-151
- René Gallissot (éd.), Pluralisme culturel en Europe : culture(s) européenne(s) et culture(s) des diasporas. En hommage à Ulysses Santamaria, Paris, L'Harmattan, (Coll. «L'Homme et la société»), 1993 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 152
- Anthony Synnott, The body social : symbolism. Self and society, Londres, New York, Routledge, 1993 - Loïc J.D. Wacquant p. 152-153
- Yeshayahou Leibowitz ; Michaël Shashar (réd.), Israël et judaïsme : ma part de vérité, Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 1993 - Michael Löwy p. 138-139
Revue des revues
- Confluences Méditerranée, n° 12, automne 1994 : « Géopolitique des mouvements islamistes » - p. 154-155
- Nouvelles questions féministes, volume 15, n° 2 : « Le baquelache en France » et n° 3, 1994 : « Les femmes et la guerre du Golfe », IRESCO, Paris - p. 155
- Annales, Histoire, Sciences sociales, 49e année, n° 5, septembre-octobre 1994 : « Histoire juive, histoire des juifs » - p. 155-156
- Confluences Méditerranée, n° 12, automne 1994 : « Géopolitique des mouvements islamistes » - p. 154-155
- Abstracts (Résumés) - p. 157-158
- Ouvrages reçus - p. 159-160