Contenu du sommaire : Citoyenneté et lutte des classes
Revue | L'Homme et la société |
Numéro | no 121-122, 3e et 4e trimestre 1996 |
Titre du numéro | Citoyenneté et lutte des classes |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Lutte des classes et citoyenneté - Michel Kail p. 3-4
- Lutte de classes et citoyenneté dans la France contemporaine - Jean-Claude Delaunay p. 5-21 Jean-Claude Delaunay, Class Struggle and Citizenship in Contemporary France In France at the present time, the relation between class struggle and citizenship is in flux because of important changes in the definition of geographical space. Review of the evolution in the articulation between class struggle and citizenship over the past two centuries reveals the uniqueness of the present period.
- La lutte des classes n'est plus ce qu'elle était - Michel Kail p. 23-35 Michel Kail, The Class Struggle Is Not What it It Used to Be Economic determinism must no longer be analyzed as ideology ; it has become the dominant mode of socialization. There is such an amalgam between assumption and reality within the economistic orientation that it renders the marxist type of critique powerless. The critique of determinism (or the notion of necessity) becomes therefore the premise of all criticism. But such a critique can only be carried out in conjunction with a philosophy of consciousness.
- La Sécurité sociale, la question sociale et la politique - Numa Murard p. 37-48 Numa Murard, The French Social Security System : Politics and the Social Question The strikes and demonstrations in France during the winter of 1995 coincided with the fiftieth anniversary of the social security system, and they evoked the memory of the social movements that brought the system into existence. Since 1945, the system has been less and less a response to inequalities in society and more and more an expression of static social relationships. The events of 1995 show that the popular classes are aware of being the losers in this evolution. Given this realization, it would be wise for intellectuals to take account of it.
- Le mouvement de décembre et l'État face à face - Solange Barberousse p. 49-58 Solange Barberousse, December and the Face-off between the State and Society In an unprogrammatic way, the movement of December 1995 represented a critique of the social and political strategies of the State. However, it seemed to be a reaction well within the confines of simple citizenship. It can be asked if such a critique of state policy calls into question a double deal and double bind, basing the relation of the proverbial citizen upon the idea that he or she is a sort of co-owner of a "social " State.
- « Nouvelle citoyenneté » ou dépolitisation du citoyen ? - Gérard Prévost p. 59-78 Gérard Prévost, A « New Citizenship » or the Depoliticization of the Citizen ? The new social question reflects the weakening of the Rousseauian polity that new public policies attempt to present in the form of social management. With the « new citizen » as social actor structured by another notion of well-being, the question is one of adaptation to the present imperatives of the capitalist system. However, the totalitarianism of organizational forms, unconsidered by sociologists, cannot escape conflicts of representation and political and symbolic struggles expressive of class conflicts.
- Aux sources du développement sans fin. Hegel et les deux logiques : domination et association - Nguyên Duc Nhuan p. 79-89 Nguyên duc Nhuan, Hegel and the Two Logics : Domination and Association in the Origins of Development Although the ideas of Hegel have been invoked in support of certain conservative interpretations of recent events, Hegel was the first to question the idea that development along Western lines is an ineluctable, universal condition. Hegel's critique of liberal notions of economic and political modernity was three-fold. He called into question their singular historical and cultural roots, the serious contradictions in their will towards universal expansion, and the viability of their vaunted universal values in regards to certain requirements of the human condition.
- Indigénisme et socialisme, ou le désir et le refoulé - Robert Paris p. 91-100 Robert Paris, Indigenism and Socialism, or Desire and Repression The formation of Mariategui's political thought in relation to his desire for socialism is both the legacy of his European experience and marxism ; it is also the ambiguous relationship he maintains with the repressed history of Peru and of Latin America. It is this history that is sought in attempting to transcend different historical forms of Indigenism in the attempt to find a social solution to the problem of Native American emancipation.
- Entre Marx et Weber : la sociologie critique face à l'idéologie du consensus aux États-Unis - Larry Portis p. 101-115 Larry Portis, Between Marx and Weber : How Critical Sociology Confronted Consensual Ideology in the United States The evolution of social conceptualization in the United States since the Second World War shows how the conservative climate in the universities and prejudices against the ideas of social class and class struggle were reinforced by the "witch hunts". Sociologists who resisted, like C. Wright Mills and G. William Domhoff, had recourse to a coded language in which class exploitation and conflict were only indirectly mentioned.
- L'internationalisation de l'économie et la crise du syndicalisme - Renato Di Ruzza p. 117-130 Renato Di Ruzza, The Internationalization of Capitalism and the Crisis of Trade-Union Movements The effects of the internationalization of the capitalist economy on the crisis and future of union movements is evident in two areas : the competition between workers, on the one hand, and within an ideological-political space, on the other hand. The new configuration of the world economy, which is still taking shape, does not allow for trade-unionism on a national level and does not encourage its establishment on any other level.
- Espace et territoire : les références du discours des Verts allemands - Margaret Manale p. 131-144 Margaret Manale, German Political Ecology and the New World System Environmental movements claim to have a world view that allows them to surmount the arbitrary territorial divisions of nation-states. To combat the perverse effects of industrial production, they advance projects which are said to be inspired by this "planetary conscience" and respectful of all needs. The German Greens defend a viewpoint derived essentially from the North-American model. As a result, the Green project implicitly propagates a representation of world society which favours very specific interests and values.
- Racisme et discriminations dans le travail : une réalité occultée - Maryse Tripier, Véronique De Rudder, François Vourc'h p. 145-160 Véronique De Rudder Maryse Tripier, François Vourch, Racism and Discrimination in Work Relations : A Hidden Reality Designed to protect the equality of opportunity of all citizens from "ascriptive " distinctions such as "race" or ethnic and national origin, cultivated ignorance with respect to the aspirations and treatment of minority populations formed through the process of migration maintains discriminatory practices by a veil of silence. Field study of different types of actors in this process reveals that "the refusal to see" and the minimization of the phenomenon are established ways of denying the presence of social or ethnic discrimination in France. phenomenon are established ways of denying the presence of racial or ethnic discrimination in France.
- Immigration et marché du travail. Reproduction ou non de l'affectation dans certaines formes d'emploi ? - Odile Merckling p. 161-173 Odile Merckling, Immigration and the Job Market : Reproduction or Decline in Employment Categories ? First generation immigrants have been hit hard by firings in industry since the beginning of the 1980s and this fact has impeded the reproduction of a certain model of the working class. Displacements from one work sector to another, between socioprofessional categories and in terms of job qualifications do not indicate an important degree of social mobility. The acquisition of French nationality and culture has helped some immigrants to obtain employment, but in general the evolution of the job market is characterized by a reinforcement of existing social divisions and cultural barriers.
Notes critiques
- La théorie des élites de Vilfredo Pareto : usages politiques - Larry Portis p. 175-178
- Siegfried Kracauer : « un outsider attire l'attention » - Nia Perivolaropoulou p. 179-183
Comptes rendus
- Jean-Pierre Durand, La sociologie de Marx, Paris, La Découverte, 1995 ; Jean-Pierre Durand (Dir.), Le syndicalisme au futur, Paris, Syros, 1996 - Larry Portis p. 184-185
- Helena Hirata et Danièle Sénotier (Dirs.), Femmes et partage du travail, Paris, Syros, (Collection Alternatives sociologiques), 1996 - Pierre Cours-Salies p. 185-187
- Jean-Pierre Le Goff, Alain Caillé, Le tournant de Décembre, contient : Jean-Pierre Le Goff, Le grand malentendu ; Alain Caillé, Pour un nouveau contrat social, Paris, la Découverte, 1996 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 187-188
- Anne-Denes Martin, Les ouvrières de la mer : histoire des sardinières du littoral breton, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1994 - Christiane Passevant p. 188
- Louis Moreau de Bellaing, Jacques Gouillou, Les sans domicile fixe, un phénomène d'errance, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1995 - Gérard Namer p. 189
- Annelies Laschitza, Im Lebensrausch, trotz alledem. Rosa Luxemburg. Eine Biographie, Berlin, Aufbau Verlag, 1996 - Claudie Weill p. 189-190
- Bernard Plongeron et Pierre Guillaume (Éds.), De la charité à l'action sociale : religion et société, Paris, Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques (Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale), 1995 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 191-192
- Cosroe Chaqueri, The Soviet Socialist Republic of Iran, 1920-1921 : birth of the trauma, Pittsburgh et Londres, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1995 - Claudie Weill p. 192-193
- Patrick Tort (Dir.), Dictionnaire du Darwinisme et de l'Évolution, Paris, P.U.F., 1996 - Mohamed Moulfi p. 193-194
- Jean Étienne, François Bloess, Jean-Pierre Noreck, Jean-Pierre Roux, Dictionnaire de sociologie : les notions, les mécanismes, les auteurs, Paris, Hatier, 1997, (Initial. Sociologie-politique) - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 194-195
- Pierre Bouvier, Socio-Anthropologie du contemporain, Paris, Galilée, 1995 - Maïté Clavel p. 195-196
- Thérèse Blanchet, Lost innocence, stolen childhoods, Dhaka, University Press Limited, 1996 - Monique Sélim p. 196-198
- Andrée Michel, Surarmement, pouvoirs, démocratie, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1995 - Christiane Passevant p. 198-199
- Philippe Abécassis, Philippe Batifoulier, Sylvain Zeghni, Le rôle de l'État dans la vie économique et sociale, Paris, Ellipses, (Collection «Les Économiques»), 1996 - Jean-Claude Delaunay p. 199-200
- Michel Freitag, Le naufrage de l'Université et autres essais d'épistémologie politique, Paris, la Découverte ; MAUSS, Québec, Nuit Blanche Édition, 1995 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 200-201
Revue des revues
- Abstracts (Résumés) - p. 204-206
- Ouvrages reçus - p. 1-2