Contenu du sommaire : Littérature et sciences sociales
Revue | L'Homme et la société |
Numéro | no 134, 4e trimestre 1999 |
Titre du numéro | Littérature et sciences sociales |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Littérature et sciences sociales
- Sciences sociales, littérature et sociétés - Nia Perivolaropoulou, Suzanne Chazan p. 3-6
- Praxis de la nuit - René Lourau p. 7-23 René Lourau, Night Praxis The act of dreaming is interesting from a sociological perspective for at least two reasons. Firstly, it is a universal human activity. Secondly, this activity has historically been subject to many different interpretations. The work of Roger Bastide is fruitful in this regard, indicating that "literary" resources are also often useful, even more so in fact than the "scientific " resources of psychoanalysis or of neuropsychology.
- Le lecteur comme anthropologue - Bernard Lacombe p. 25-43 Bernard Lacombe, The Reader as Anthropologist Narrative writing and the use of language are important in elucidating two related questions. Firstly, is it legitimate to give a literary form to the presentation of anthropological data ? Secondly, what conditions lend legitimacy to such literary expression ?
- Du récit ethnologique à la fiction romanesque. Pour une "mise en œuvre" de la réalité - Catherine Fourgeau p. 45-62 Catherine Fourgeau, From Ethnographical Narration to Fictional Writing : Towards the Practical Expression of Reality A classifiction of narrative forms presently used in anthropology shows that the ethnographical narration is both a formal and a fictional genre. In anthropology, it is possible for an author to use a narrative structure similar to that used in novels. However, the correspondances etablished between scientific and fictional procedures must allow the communication of the meaning of the observed data.
- L'ethnographie mise à nu par l'écriture - Jean-François Werner p. 63-80 Jean-François Werner, Ethnography Stripped Bare by Writing Through the attempt to combine polyphony, personalized discourse and the question of intersubjectivity, the nature of ethnolographical knowledge can be shown to be intrinsically fragmentary. Gauging the public reaction to this work is revealing of how what is at issue in the use of a particular style of writing is as much the creative liberty of the researcher in a bureaucratic context as it is the political question of his or her social function.
- « L'altérité » dans les récits de voyage - Aline Gohard-Radenkovic p. 81-96 Aline Gohard-Radenkovic, "Otherness " in Voyage Narratives Voyage narratives offer diverse insights, into the experience of cultural differences and about the perception of the other in space and time. The anthropological approach to the study of such texts reveals a "double " content : that of the history of the perception of the other from "unique " points of view, and that of a "hidden cultural text" representing an underlying expression of values and ideals characteristic of the time. This interplay of mirrors images between the "I" and the "other" requires a plural reading. underlying expression of values and ideals characteristic of the time. This interplay of mirrors images between the "I" and the "other" requires a plural reading.
- Une esthétique de l'altérité dans le récit de voyage moderne - Jacques La Mothe p. 97-110 Jacques La Mothe, The Aesthetics of Otherness in Contemporary Travel Writing The aim of this study is to show how contemporary travel writing breaks the rules of usage that have structured this "minor genre " and, instead of reproducing it, attempts to examine its components. Throughout the five volumes generically entitled Génie du lieu (The Spirit of Place), we have used the image of an Indian trail as the guiding thread leading us through a cycle of travel accounts taken from the work of the contemporary writer, Michel Butor. This approach allows the description to emerge through a generalized, comparative textuel analysis. The literary texte challenges traditional ethnographic description through its use in a critical context. This renewal of the genre fosters a fuller perception than that originally attempted, as well as a sharper awareness of the Other.
- Mémoire et fiction : à propos d'un texte de Anna Seghers - Jochen Vogt p. 111-124 Jochen Vogt, Memory and Fiction : about a text by Anna Seghers With his interpretation of a text by Anna Seghers, which establishes how fiction affects upon individual and collective memory, Jochen Vogt joints into the current debate about cultural memory, as well as into the German dispute about memorials.
- Réification et consommation ostentatoire dans Gatsby le Magnifique - Michael Löwy, Robert Sayre p. 125-138 Robert Sayre and Michael Löwy, Réification and Conspicuous Consumption in "The Great Gatsby" Starting from the notion that literature can provide an irreplaceable, sui generis illumination of social reality, the article attempts to illustrate the proposition by examining what The Great Gatsby can bring to the understanding of those fundamental aspects of modern society analyzed by Marx/Lukács and Thorstein Veblen : réification and conspicuous consumption. The article demonstrates the presence of réification throughout the novel, the depth of its penetration in the character of Gatsby, and its partial occultation through the narrative point of view. The authors then explore the particular mode of réification in the "leisure class" constituted by conspicuous consumption, through a comparison of the novel with Veblen's analysis of the phenomenon.
Note critique
- Moi : mot de tonnerre-mensonge : Approche de l'œuvre de Hubert Fichte - Andreas Erb p. 139-145
Comptes rendus
- Francis Farrugia, Archéologie du pacte social : des fondements éthiques et sociopolitiques de la société moderne, Paris, l'Harmattan, 1994 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 146-147
- Gérard Namer, Le système social de Rousseau : de l'inégalité économique à l'inégalité politique, préface de Francis Farrugia, Paris, l'Harmattan, 1999, collection « Logiques sociales » - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 148-149
- Jacques Texier, Révolution et démocratie chez Marx et Engels, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, coll. « Actuel Marx Confrontations » - André Tosel p. 149-151
- Claude Lefort, La complication, retour sur le communisme, Paris, Fayard, 1999 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 151-153
- Antonio Negri, Le pouvoir constituant : essai sur les alternatives de la modernité, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, coll. « Pratiques théorique », 1997 / Il potere costituente : saggio sulle alternative del moderno, Sugar Co. Edizioni, 1992 - Christiane Veauvy p. 153-154
- Sonia Combe, Une société sous surveillance : les intellectuels et la Stasii, Paris, Bibliothèque Albin Michel, coll. « Idées », 1999 - Claudie Weill p. 155-156
- Gérard Leclerc, Le sceau de l'œuvre, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, coll. « Poétique », 1998 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 156-157
- Frédéric Vandenberghe, Une histoire critique de la sociologie allemande : aliénation et réification. Tome II, Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, Habermas, Paris, la Découverte/M. A.U.S.S., 1998, préface de Jeffrey C. Alexander - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 157-159
- Henri Provisor, Le rôle des mécanismes aveugles dans l'histoire qui se fait, l'événement historique, « les variables stratégiques » et l'interaction des boucles, Paris, IREP, 1998 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 159-160
- Jon Juaristi, El bucle melancolico. Historias de nacionalistas Vascos, Madrid, Espasa, « e Bolsillo », 1997 - Nicole Beaurain p. 160-161
- Bernard Friot, Puissances du salariat. Emploi et protection sociale à la française, Paris, la Dispute, 1998 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 162-163
- Claude Dubar, Pierre Tripier, Sociologie des professions, Paris, A. Colin, 1998, coll. « U » - Philippe Charrier p. 163-165
- Félicien Challaye, Un livre noir du colonialisme. Souvenirs sur la colonisation [1935], Paris, Éditions les Nuits Rouges, 1998 - Christelle Taraud p. 165-166
- Laurent Bazin, Entreprise, politique, parenté. Une perspective anthropologique sur la Côte d'Ivoire dans le monde actuel, préface de Gérard Althabe et Monique Sélim, Paris, l'Harmattan, coll. « Connaissance des hommes », 1998 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 166-168
- Marie-Blanche Tahon, Algérie. La guerre contre les civils, Québec, Les Éditions Nota Bene, 1998 - Christiane Veauvy p. 168-169
- Catherine Fourgeau, Mami Wata et autres contes pour aujourd'hui, Illustrateur : S'calpa, Paris, l'Harmattan, 1998 - Monique Sélim p. 169-170
Revue des revues
- Recherches internationales, n° 54, automne 1998, avec un dossier : « L'Allemagne après les élections » - p. 171-172
- Mil neuf cent. Revue d'histoire intellectuelle, n° 16, 1998 : « Figures d'intellectuelles » - p. 172-174
- Journal des anthropologues, n° 76 (1999) : « Situations de violence » - p. 174-175
- Abstracts (Résumés) - p. 176-177
- Ouvrages reçus - p. 178-182