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Revue |
Cahiers du monde russe ![]() Titre à cette date : Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique |
Numéro | volume 27, no 2, avril-juin 1986 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- L'économie politique dans les universités russes au XIXe siècle, 1804-1884 - Wladimir Berelowitch p. 137-151 Wladimir Berelowitch, Political economy in Russian universities during the nineteenth century, 1804-1884. The present article dwells on the introduction of lectures on political economy in Russian universities during the nineteenth century and the subsequent progress of this course. The first teaching posts of political economy were organized in 1804 as a result of the vogue enjoyed by the ideas of Adam Smith stemming from the interest displayed in Western Lights. In the 1830' s and 1840' s , the teaching of political economy was extended to several establishments of higher education but it was subsequently supplanted by cameral sciences. At the end of the 1850' s and during the I860' s a new generation of liberal academics lectured on political economy. However, this "liberal" period was superseded by the rise of German and Austrian influences. Paradoxically, political economy had penetrated in the Russian universities by means of two movements of liberalism and in both cases turned to German models.
- Local politics in Catherine's Russia : The Gorokhov case - John P. Le Donne p. 153-171 John P. Le donne, Local politics in Catherine's Russia: the Gorokov case. Local politics is a neglected topic in Russian history. This article describes the evolution of a suit filed by a former voevoda against noblemen of Vologda province, who had accused him of violating the laws and taking bribes. The suit provides interesting information about judicial procedures, but it shows above all the means by which the local nobility was able to defend its interests through its control of the courts.
- А. Блок : « Жило двенадцать разбойников » (К истории создания поэмы « Двенадцать »)* - Samuel Schwarzband p. 173-190 Samuel Schwarzband, A. Blok: "Once upon a time there were twelve highwaymen". A study of Blok's autograph manuscripts of "The twelve" enabled the author of the present article to reconstruct the order in which the separate "chapters" were composed and to clarify the progress of Blok' s thought. After having completed his research on the history of the creation of "The twelve," the author drew the following conclusions: 1. Blok founded his composition on the methods used by silent movies; 2. partition into acts, author's comments, "subtitles" and the "accompaniment" allowed Blok to present his composition of distinct poems as an organized whole; 3. the distinctive feature of the poem is the presence of several lateral on-lookers: operator, commentator, pianist, character ("a man," "a passer-by," "a bourgeois").
- L'économie politique dans les universités russes au XIXe siècle, 1804-1884 - Wladimir Berelowitch p. 137-151
- Десять писем Довида Кнута - D. Knut, Gavriel Shapiro p. 191-208 Gavriel Shapiro, Ten letters of Dovid Knut. These letters of Dovid Knut, one of the more significant Russian poets who lived in Paris between the two World Wars, are addressed to his long-time friend Eva Kirschner and were written between the years 1936 to 1940. Dovid Knut ' s letters are of considerable interest, as they contain valuable information about the poet's personality and his interests in the late 1930' s. The letters also reflect the frame of mind of Jewish intelligentsia in Europe before and during World War II, their attitude towards the revival of a Jewish homeland and their anxiety regarding the rise of anti-Semitism and Nazism in Europe.
- Десять писем Довида Кнута - D. Knut, Gavriel Shapiro p. 191-208
Notes de voyage
- Notes sur l'attribution du nom au Daghestan - Frédérique Longuet-Marx p. 209-225 Frédérique Longuet-Marx, Notes on the attribution of a name in Daghestan. In this Soviet republic names have different origins. Some names are commemorative, generally borrowed from Muslim tradition, others are strategic, traditional or modern. When comparing their distribution among various nationalities in rural or urban areas, we note variations conditioned by the history of these peoples, the interethnic contacts and the locality where they reside. We observe a tendency among the population living in cities to preserve traditional values in spite of the diversity of attributed names.
- Notes sur l'attribution du nom au Daghestan - Frédérique Longuet-Marx p. 209-225
Notes et comptes rendus
- Savoir-vivre à Moscou, Pékin et Varsovie [Contribution à une sociologie de l'« homme nouveau »] - Thomas Lahusen p. 227-250
- Savoir-vivre à Moscou, Pékin et Varsovie [Contribution à une sociologie de l'« homme nouveau »] - Thomas Lahusen p. 227-250
- Résumés/Abstracts - p. 251-253