Contenu du sommaire : Le climat de la France

Revue Géocarrefour Mir@bel
Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon
Numéro volume 65, no 2, 1990
Titre du numéro Le climat de la France
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Comité de rédaction - p. 2 accès libre
  • Les caractères généraux

    • Une théorie des limites climatiques et phytoclimatiques pour la France / A theory of climatic and phytoclimatic limits for France - Michel Lecompte p. 59-62 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      The diversity of French relief is a source of difficulty in the search for representative climatic boundaries. Dynamic analysis of climatic fields provides a qualified answer to this question, outside of the scope of traditional phytoclimatic systems. The significance of the limits can be estimated by the intensity of the opposition between the systems of atmospheric circulation which determine them. Correlation analysis of the floristic fluctuations of the vegetation enables this force to be measured with precision (dynamic phytoclimatology), without being unduly affected by French phytogeographical uncertainties. Finally, climatic limits are defined, in the following order, by the intersections between dynamic, climatic and vegetation fields.
    • Les conditions dynamiques moyennes du climat de la France / Mean dynamic conditions of French climate - Marcel Leroux p. 63-79 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      The diversity of French climate, resulting from the effect of factors operating at numerous different scales, masks the unicity (at the scale analysed) of the aerologi- cal component and therefore the relative functional simplicity of the dynamics of climate. The key meteorological factor of middle latitudes is the Polar Mobile High : it originates from the arctic basin and arrives on French territory either directly by passing to the east of Greenland, or more frequently from the North American area after crossing the North Atlantic Ocean. Interaction between this mobile factor and the specific geographical conditions of France, particularly the relief, dictates the permanent patterns of low-level circulation and the spatial distribution of rain-making conditions. These patterns are further modified by particular seasonal conditions : they gradually change from a winter situation characterised by a blocking of the zonal movement of Polar Mobile Highs, to a summer situation during which the southern part of the country is affected by air subsidence from the tropical margins (subsidence from the North Tropical High Belt).
  • La diversité régionale

  • L'évolution

    • L'évolution récente du climat en France / Recent evolution of climate in France - Gérard Petit-Renaud p. 138-144 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Study of the secular evolution of French climate in terms of rainfall and temperature is undertaken using synthetic indices showing both national and regional characteristics. Despite very important annual differences, on a secular scale rainfall levels appear stationary. Temperatures vary in a generally regular manner, with an eight-year cycle being detected. However, on average they have continued to increase, in line with world trends, excepting a break between 1961 and 1972. This development is related principally to summer temperatures, whereas winter temperatures indicate a stable secular trend.