Contenu du sommaire : La géographie de Maurice Le Lannou
Revue |
Géocarrefour ![]() Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon |
Numéro | volume 68, no 4, 1993 |
Titre du numéro | La géographie de Maurice Le Lannou |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Comité de rédaction - p. 2
- Introduction à la lecture de Maurice Le Lannou / Introduction to the works of Maurice Le Lannou - Nicole Commerçon, Jacques Bethemont p. 209-211 The ideas of Maurice Le Lannou and particularly his concept of man as an inhabitant were not diffused as widely as might seem desirable because of his reluctance to bow to the fashions of his day. However, the greater part of his views on the links between man and his surroundings remain highly relevant and appear implicitly in certain contemporary (and perhaps future) currents of geographical thinking.
- Pierre George, La géographie à la poursuite de l'histoire - Renée Rochefort p. 212
- Crépuscule de l'homme habitant ?/ Sunset of 'Man as an inhabitant' ? - Pierre George p. 213-214 The works of Maurice Le Lannou are based on the notion of 'Man as an inhabitant'. This idea is indissociable from a particular scale of activity which encourages intense links between a space, which by definition is limited, and man who has both modified this space and been modified by it. Currently this notion has been challenged by a change of scale in favour of much larger areas and by the dispossession of man as an inhabitant. With respect to Europe it remains to be seen whether the definition of a new spatial organisation will enable a new equilibrium to be found.
- Du verbe habiter et de son amère actualité / Concerning the verb to inhabit and its bitter contemporary meaning - Michel Sivignon p. 215-217 With the publication of the book Géographie Humaine a controversy arose between the concept of 'man as an inhabitant' and the materialist view of man as producer and consumer. For Maurice Le Lannou the notion of inhabiting implied the ideas of permanence, occupation, creation and living in symbiosis with a given place. The notion might appear out-dated, given the global scale of exchanges and the lack of spatial constraints on production. However, it takes on a particular meaning with respect to the present conflict in Yugoslavia which is characterised by the high process of ethnic cleansing. This process of 'territorial cleansing', which is much older and more widespread that is generally admitted, highlights the right to inhabit as an antidote against totalitarianism.
- Jacqueline Lieutaud, La Pouille. Un exemple de programmation industrielle dans le Mezzogiorno italien - Renée Rochefort p. 218
- Maurice Le Lannou et la Bretagne / Maurice Le Lannou and the region of Brittany - Huguette Flatrès, Pierre Flatrès p. 219-222 Maurice Le Lannou, a geographer originating from Brittany, also studied amongst other things, the geography of this region. His geographical vision of Brittany was by his origins and by his conception of geography. The development and destiny of Brittany interested him until the end of his days. He always remained faithful to his conception of geography, although Brittany was being radically transformed. It is thus necessary to show that after an initial period of complicity between the author and his region, this was followed by of confrontation.
- Les régions géographiques de la France vues par Maurice Le Lannou / The Geographical Regions of France by Maurice Le Lannou - Brigitte Prost p. 223-229
- O Balabanian, Commentaire de documents géographiques de la France - Christian Montes p. 230
- Maurice Le Lannou et l'Italie / Maurice Le Lannou and Italy - Calogero Muscara p. 231-238 The links between Maurice Le Lannou and Italy were longstanding and continuous. The geographical ideas of this little known pioneer, which focused on the question of spatial differentiation and the notion of 'man as an inhabitant', have again become topical with the rediscovery of regional geography. Maurice Le Lannou adopted an historical-geographic approach : he considered space in its totality, only taking into account the main features and processes which explain the interrelationship between geographical and historical factors and which give a distinctive character to an area. In studying Sardinia and the eastern border area of Italy he sought to demonstrate what had modified the relationships between different groups and their spatial settings and what had influenced the division of geographical space. However, it is questionable whether Italy is well-adapted to such an approach. Similarly, why was Sardinia chosen, for it is the country's most atypical region ?
- La Méditerranée dans l'oeuvre de Maurice Le Lannou / The Mediterranean Region of Maurice Le Lannou - Renée Rochefort p. 239-242 The Mediterranean is a constant theme in the works of Maurice Le Lannou. He studied numerous areas and aspects of this region, including Sardinia, the Islands, pastoral life, the towns, port activities, geopolitics and the question of the Mezzogiorno. Common to these different themes are the author's emphasis on a methodological approach, his mastery of the techniques of comparative analysis and above all his appreciation of both the elements of continuity and breaks in development which are essential characteristics of the Mediterranean world.
- L'Europe dans l'œuvre de Maurice Le Lannou / The theme of Europe in the works of Maurice Le Lannou - Nicole Commerçon p. 243-248 The question of Europe is at the heart of Maurice Le Lannou's work. This is evident in numerous publications, including the book entitled "Europe the promised land" which is the expression of his underlying interest in the area. It is also seen in his lectures, particularly those given at the Collège de France, on the geography of the European continent. In the context of a discipline with a feeling for place and in adopting a prospective viewpoint, Maurice Le Lannou aims to understand the paradox represented by Europe. As opposed to the official view of a united Europe, Maurice Le Lannou presents a divided, inward-looking Europe, dominated by America and increasingly absent from world political events. Its capacities of assimilation as well as its cosmopolitan character have rebounded against it. Europe has a long history of being favoured by its physical conditions, but at the same time has been constantly seeking an identity. Maurice Le Lannou believes in Europe, not as an illusion of growth, but rather as an area built on its cultural roots, having the ability to take a moral stance over the north-south dialogue and to respect differences other than those determined by commercial or institutional links.
- Bibliographie de Maurice Le Lannou - p. 249-256
- Stendhal, Voyage en France - Claude Cretin p. 257-258
- Chronique rhodanienne, L'automne pluviométrique 1993 dans le sud du couloir rhodanien - Marcel Leroux p. 259-263
- A propos de quelques publications récentes sur le Mexique et Mexico - François Tomas p. 265-267
- Bibliographie rhodanienne - Yvonne Dugas de la Catonniere p. 269-281