Contenu du sommaire : Géographie des littoraux : la nature et les hommes
Revue |
Géocarrefour Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon |
Numéro | volume 74, no 1, 1999 |
Titre du numéro | Géographie des littoraux : la nature et les hommes |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Comité de rédaction - p. 2
- Editorial : Une tendance actuelle de la géographie des littoraux / An actual tendency in the geography of coasts - Verger Fernand, Paskoff Roland p. 3-6
- Eléments de réflexion pour une gestion plus cohérente d'un système anthropisé : exemple du littoral du delta du Rhône / Ideas on the more coherent management of an anthropised system : the example of the coasts of the Rhône delta - Sabatier François, Suanez Serge p. 7-25 A synthesis is proposed of coastal management policies in the Rhone detta over the last fifty years . Various key elements are highlighted which need to be taken into account in the future. First, the present situation concerning the appropriation of the coast (DPM) and human use made of is analysed. Emphasis is given to the importance of industrial and tourist activities and to their implications for the local socio-economic situation. Second, the history of coastal management policies is discussed. It shows the heterogeneity of both the engineering structures and the objectives ; in the latter case, many were only partially attained and often at an extremely high cost. Finally, this study recalls the present understanding of coastal morphosedimentary and hydrodynamicprocesses. On this basis a number of future scenarios are proposed concerning management strategies and their morphological implications.
- P. Pelletier, La Japonésie. Géopolitique et géographie historique de la surinsularité au Japon - Henriot Christian p. 26
- Tempêtes morphologiques et ouvrages de défense côtière : le cas du littoral oriental du delta du Rhône / Morphogenetic storms and coastal defence works : the case of the eastern coast of the Rhône delta - Bruzzi Carole p. 27-33
- Duhamel P, Sacareau I, Le tourisme dans le monde - Dewailly Jean-Michel p. 34
- Sédimentologie des plages de galets des côtes françaises de la Manche : application à la défense contre la mer / The sedimentology of shingle beaches on the French Channel coasts : its application to sea defence - Costa Stéphane p. 35-43 potential infiltration of the shingle spit, and thus, its reflective and dissipative aspects. They also contribute to the creation of small sandy swash bars on the lower foreshore. Such observations are of particular importance for beach filling policies. Indeed, concerning the shingle spit, its nourishment with ungraded products (shingle and sand), and not with sift materials, would reduce the cost of filling by 30% and increase its efficacy.
- Beimthien B, Géographie der Erholung und des Tourismus - Dewailly Jean-Michel p. 44
- Evolutions morphosédimentaires de quelques cordons de galets du bassin de la Manche au cours du XXe siècle / Shingle spits and human activity along the Channel coast in the 20th century - Morel Valérie p. 45-57 During the XXth century, the morphologic behaviour of shingle beaches in the Channel basin has reflected the fragility of coastal accumulations. Since 1950's, the more frequent breaks and submersions of the shingle beaches attest to their gradual breaking down. Because of human pressure in the coastal zone shingle beaches undergo sedimentary disturbances. Consequently, the shingle beaches cannot absorb the wave energy.
- A. Gamblin, Les littoraux, espaces de vies - Paskoff Roland p. 58
- A.-J. Pikart, J.-O Sawyer, Ecology and restauration of northern California coastal dunes - Paskoff Roland p. 58
- Le littoral des Bas-Champs de Cayeux (Somme) : conflits et controverses pour une stratégie de défense contre la mer / The Bas-Champs de Cayeux coast (Picardy) : conflicts and controversy over a sea defence strategy - Dolique Franck p. 59-64 The paper analyses the conservation policy devised for the Bas-Champs coast of Picardy. The policy proposes a coastal defence strategy that raises a large number of controversial issues, calling into question the overall management of this coast.
- Les hommes et la lutte contre l'érosion côtière sur le littoral de Sangatte (Pas-de-Calais, France)/ Man and the fight against coastal erosion on the Sangatte coast in northern France - Deboudt Philippe p. 65-74 This paper concerns the Sangatte sand-dune located at the western extremity of the North Sea coastal plain in France. Using historical evidence, the present study provides an overview of anthropic influences on the evolution of coastal dunes and coastal lowlands evolution since the 17th century- The author assesses the influence of human society on the development of the shoreline and the coastline. Changes in shoreline protection techniques and in the attitudes of coastal managers are also considered. The results of this study show that major changes in coastal protection and coastal mangement are related to storms. The main aspects of an experimental coastal protection programme are presented. The author examines the role of the different actors ("Service Maritime", "Conservatoire du Littoral") in coastal management. Past and present coastal managment are compared through the example of the experimental protection scheme of the Sangatte sand-dune (1993- 1997).
- Réouverture de polders et restauration du schorre en Angleterre : une technique paradoxale de défense contre la mer / Managed reheat programmes and the restructuring of saltmarshes in England - Goeldner Lydia p. 75-84 After having been largely eliminated by reclamation projects. Great Britain's saltmarshes have been threatened by a relative rise in the sea level as well. In England however, since the 1990s, they have benefited from an increasingly extensive environmental protection policy. This has primarily been due to the evolution of a sea defence policy which, henceforth, attributes a defence role to the saltmarshes. Thus, along the coasts of Essex, ecosystem rehabilitation has been experimented with as a direct result of managed retreat projects.
- La fréquentation touristique des espaces protégés littoraux : cas des réserves ornithologiques bretonnes de Cap Sizun et de l'île de Groix / Tourism in protected coastal areas : the case of the Cap Sizun and Ile de Groix reserves in Britanny - Baron Yeles Nacima p. 85-95 The network of coastal nature reserves in Brîtanny has been created in the late fifties by a regional conservation society, the SEPNB (Society for the study and conservation of nature in Brittany). It is based upon the distinction between sanctuaries, which are devoted to the nesting of marine birds, and the pedagogical reserves, which are managed with educational and touristic purposes. The aim of the article is to know if these latter objectives (broadening the naturalist knowledge and educating the public) are completed. The research has been based during the summer 1995 on a série of interviews in two nature reserves, namely the reserve of cap Sizun and the reserve located in the island of Groix. A qualitative analysis provides some results concerning the identification of visitors and enables to make further considerations about the representation of coastal places and about the touristic behaviour in nature reserves.
- Boyer M, Le tourisme de l'an 2000 - Houssel Jean-Pierre p. 96