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Revue |
Géocarrefour ![]() Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon |
Numéro | volume 55, no 1, 1980 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Comité de rédaction - p. 2
- Implantations industrielles et aménagements du territoire en Algérie - Georges Mutin p. 5-37 Land Planning in Algeria The big algerian effort for industrialization goes with a land management plan. It tries to correct regional disparities and to integrate the agricultural entreprise better or to improve employment. This action has been supporting for ten years but these goals have not yet been reached. The employment structure has been modified but unemployment is far from being resorbed : the employment rate of population has not changed between the two 1966 and 1967 census. Migration's movements to littoral poles are keeping up. Industrial setting up is often hastily choosen and makes the agricultural crisis increase by drawing off lands and men. The incontestable industrial dynamism sets the problem of the connections with the new sub-urban factories and the old town structures.
- Irrigation, désertification, développement des zones marginales : notes sur le cas du Pakistan - Pier Paolo Faggi p. 39-52 Irrigation, desertification and marginal development : some facts about Pakistan Salinisation development in the Indus valley, the Sind and Penjab provinces results from the extension of irrigation without any drainage system since the 2nd half of XIXth century. Drainage system restructuration has been carried out within the framework of the Pakistan State, only in incomplete way and with foreign financial help. Barani plan proposes an alternative pathway to this dépendance situation by develop ping and managing local resources with small hydraulic systems.
- Socialisme et aménagements ruraux en R.P.S. d'Albanie - Annie Fabre p. 53-68 Agrarian development and rural planning in the Socialist Albania's Western Lowlands Every landscape in present Albania should be considered as a newly built system. The agrarian development of the lowlands is the first step towards a comprehensive spatial organization ; its two main principles are to maximize the productivity of agricultural land and to optimize that of the large rural labour that is kept in the country. As the development is bound to a centralization of the agricultural structures, these villages are distributed according to a hierarchical pattern ; these very large collective agricultural units may be considered as basic functional parts of the administrative division of the albanian territory.
- Sur les particularités morphologiques observables aux marges de plaques lithosphériques. Exemples méditerranéens : Chypre, Céphalonie - Pierre-Yves Péchoux, Bernard Bousquet p. 69-78 On some specific morphological features observed near lithospheric plates' margins with special reference to Cyprus and Kefalinia The authors have collected fields observations between the southern slopes of the Troddos mountains (Cyprus) and the southern coastal districts of the island, in the vicinity of ancient Amathus ; they believe that deep rock fragmentation was caused in this area by the tectonic mechanism of subduction itself on this margin of a lithospheric plate, rather than by any morphoclimatic processus ; and they rely on this evidence to suggest that the alluvial and colluvial debris slopes in this area cannot be connected with any specific morphoclimatic phase. They refer also to the example of the Ionian island of Kefalinia, Greece, that lies in a comparable tectonic position.
- Implantations industrielles et aménagements du territoire en Algérie - Georges Mutin p. 5-37
- Bibliographie rhodanienne 1979 {et compléments années antérieures) - p. 79-87
Comptes rendus d'ouvrages
- Ouvrages récents sur l'énergie - Louis Chabert p. 89-90
- Cahier 3 de l'Aménagement du Territoire, La montagne, espace délaissé, espace convoité - Charles Avocat p. 91-92
- Benard R., Menguy G. et Schwartz M, Le rayonnement solaire. Conversion thermique et application - Guy Blanchet p. 92-93
- Ouvrages récents sur l'énergie - Louis Chabert p. 89-90
- Ouvrages reçus en 1979 - p. 93-95