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Revue |
Géocarrefour Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon |
Numéro | volume 57, no 1, 1982 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Rédaction - p. 2
- Le Haut-Rhône français : lieu privilégié d'une recherche interdisciplinaire sur la gestion écologique des ressources en eau - Albert-Louis Roux p. 5-6
- Les apports en eau dans la vallée du Haut-Rhône français : essai de synthèse cartographique par exploitation de données biogéographiques et floristiques - Jacky Girel p. 7-23 Vegetation, climatical maps and meteorological centres give data used to realize a synthetical map which shows, in each river drainage-basin : — Annual rainfall (mean) ; — Seasonal rainfall (mean ) ; — Snow pack (Thickness and life) ; — Freezing (Number of day) ; — Temperature of the cold season (October to April). This document allows to estimate annual water-volume brought to the drainage basin of the Upper-french Rhône (above Lyon). Exceptional spells of flood, high or low water are shown by an analysis of data from meteorological stations located in the river drainage basin of each affluent.
- Types et zones d'écoulement des eaux dans les plaines et collines de la région de Morestel, Brégnier-Cordon. Première approche - Jean Pelletier p. 25-38 In the frame of a multi-purpose research project, this paper describes the hydrologic units of a little region of the upper Rhône basin : that of Morestel, Le Bouchage, Brégnier-Cordon. Here, seven units, very well individualised by their types of water movement both on the surface, in the soils, in the phreatic sheets, and in the vegetation... are described, with a qualitative approach. In the next five years a quantitative approach will be attempted in the same framework.
- A propos de quelques formes fluviales de la vallée du Haut-Rhône français - Jean-Paul Bravard p. 39-48 A study of two reaches of the French Upper Rhône marks out several geomorphological patterns with minor forms, each having its own dynamic evolution. The speed of renewal and disappearance of these units explains the dynamic evolution of the biocoenoses linked to these environments. The reserves set up along the rivers must allow the rejuvenation of fluvial land forms.
- Les « ensembles fonctionnels » : des entités écologiques qui traduisent l'évolution de l'hydrosystème en intégrant la géomorphologie et l'anthropisation (exemple du Haut-Rhône français) - Guy Pautou, Monique Richardot-Coulet, Claude Amoros p. 49-62 The upper Rhone hydrosystem has been partitioned into sub-systems, on the basis of ecological criteria. Every sub-systems, named « functional set », represents a stage of a chronosequence from the river ecosystem, towards the semi-aquatic ecosystems, and ending with the terrestrial system. Each chronosequence depends on geomorphological conditions. Man's activities may change the direction of these evolutionary processes and/or their rate of speed. The cartography of the functional sets will represent both their ecological characteristics, the geomorphohgical conditions giving rise to them and initiating their evolution, and the impact of the man's activities. Such documents may provide assistance to the ecological management of the water supply of the alluvial plain.
- L'incidence des activités humaines sur la dynamique de l'eau et l'évolution de la végétation dans la vallée du Haut-Rhône français - Jean-Paul Bravard, Guy Pautou p. 63-79 Until the XIXth century humain interventions did not modify the hydrological balances in the plains of the French Upper-Rhône. Since, embankments and drainage works have assisted land biocoenoses and impoverished wet environment potentiality. Therefore it is urgent to plan protection of these areas.
- Bibliographie rhodanienne - Yvonne Dugas de la Catonnière p. 81-86
- P. Ozenda, Les végétaux dans la biosphère - Jacques Bethemont p. 87