Contenu du sommaire : Mexico, regards sur la plus grande ville du monde
Revue |
Géocarrefour ![]() Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon |
Numéro | volume 63, no1, 1988 |
Titre du numéro | Mexico, regards sur la plus grande ville du monde |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Comité de rédaction - p. 2
- Editorial - Jacques Bethemont p. 1-2
- Mexico. Regards sur la plus grande ville du monde / Mexico. Views of the world's largest city - François Tomas p. 3-4
- Le tremblement de terre de Mexico: bilan du moyen terme / The earthquake of Mexico city: an intermediate evaluation - Claude Bataillon p. 5-8 Two years after the earthquake, the social-results-analysis displays a paradoxe. Lost of human-lifes and destruction have been relatively limited but the society seems to be suddenly aware of hidden problems : ineffecacity of a too centralized bureaucracy, pollution... Even if it is not yet possible to draw up the balance- sheet, we can think that the brutal trauma which permitted to discover how is acting the society has operated definitive modification.
- Logement locatif et dynamique de l'habitat dans la ville de Mexico / Rented housing and housing dynamics in Mexico city - René Coulomb Bosc p. 9-25 In the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City (ZMCM) the part of rent housing is decreasing quickly since I960. In absolute values, the whole number of rent housing is increasing, but differently between town center, first transition zone and outskirsts.
- J. Bonnet, Lyon et son agglomération, les enjeux d'une métropole européenne - Jacques Bethemont p. 26
- Mexico, ville industrielle / Mexico, an industrial city - Alain Vanneph p. 27-37 During the 20th century, Mexico City has growed, both as the largest town in the world, and as an important industrial centre. Inside the growing space of the city, no less than three industrial generations can be identified, each of them occupying and shaping different places, from the town to the outskirsts. But many difficulties lead to the hard problem of the industrial decentralization.
- Planification urbaine, gestion de l'espace et concepts d'urbanisme à Mexico / Town planning, space management and urbanism concepts in Mexico city - Daniel Hiernaux Nicolas p. 39-46 Since its beginnings, on the ruins of Tenochtitlán, in the 16th century, the expansion shape of the Mexico City has been in most cases the result of habits and of planning concepts we only begin to study the evolution of which. Except the president L. Cardena's efforts for planning , a liberal policy has prevailed until now. The result is a lack of both homogeneity and continuity, owing to the contradictions between lobbies and corporations ( for instance engeeners and towm aggravated the to control a town, the wild expansion of which is feared and in the same time brought about.
- Mexico sur pompage: le goulot d'étranglement / Mexico's water supply: a bottle-neck - Louis Panabiere, Claude Bataillon p. 47-54 The size of the agglomeration, the absence of a river and its situation in a basin situated at more than 2000 m. of altitude make the water supply one of the problems of Mexico. Thanks to considerables investments Mexico city has important quantités of water but must solve the problems of the decentralization of the industries which consume a lot of water in the same way the inegality between Federal District and the outskirts and between the rich and the poor.
- Quartiers centraux et stratégies socio-spatiales à Mexico / Central districts and socio-spatial strategies in Mexico-city - François Tomas p. 55-68 The recent evolution of the central areas in Mexico City lead us to wonder about the part played by the historic legacy and by the more or less opposed interventions of social actors. A concept of socio-spatial stratégie is useful to understand the way these areas has been shaped until 1910 and mostly their restructuration since that time.
- Les industries locales au Japon / Local industries in Japan - Katsutaka Itakura p. 69-78 The localised industries (jiba sangyo) are the descendants of the output system which had predominated until the Meiji. They managed to survive thanks to the domestic system and the mainly handmade tradition, and with the domination of the wholesaler over the sub-contractor because these industries were not financed by central banks. The author analyses the various types according to their first localization (capital, castle-towns and villages). He sets the problem of their future, connectid to the competition of newly developed industrial countries, either the production is focused on exports, essentially to the United States, or it is absorbed by the home market where the rise of the standard of living strengthenes the demands for luxuary and high quality goods. He steadilty maintains his assumptiun that the capacity of flexity of this system, which combines the know-how and modern technologies, is the only alternative to the crisis - extremely accute - in the country side.
- Chronique régionale : La dissymétrie des déplacements d'affaires Paris-Lyon / Imbalance in business travel between Paris and Lyon - François Plassard p. 79-80