Contenu du sommaire : Rhône-Alpes, région touristique
Revue |
Géocarrefour Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon |
Numéro | volume 63, no 4, 1988 |
Titre du numéro | Rhône-Alpes, région touristique |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Comité de rédaction - p. 2
- Rhône-Alpes, présentation d'une région touristique en France / Rhône-Alpes : an introduction to a tourist region in France - Janine Renucci p. 187-190
- Tourisme et produit touristique à Lyon / Tourism and tourist' products in Lyon - Janine Renucci p. 191-205 A large provincial metropolis, with little tourist activity until recently, has begun to be interested in tourism. It is the result of ten years of development during which public and private initiatives were combined, aided by a favourable economic situation. Lyons has become "an easily marketable tourist product" due to the ressources of both the town and adjacent areas. Nevertheless, the towns retains the features of a business centre where tourism is not the driving force of urban vitality, but its result.
- L'évolution des rapports de force dans l'aménagement de la montagne pour le ski, l'exemple rhonalpin / The changing balance of power in the development of mountainous regions for skiing : the example of the Rhône-Alpes region - Louis Chabert p. 206-211 The evolution of the conflicting right of decision about the skiing equipment of the mountains. Example of Rhone-Alps region. During the years of expanding development, the équipement of skiing areas was left to private investers, little concerned with environment. Since the Vallouise speech (1977) the State imposed an efficient juridiction that has yet been too constraining by local authorities. The law about the equipment and protection of the mountains (1985) at large gives them for the main part the right of decision but it reinforces the risk of overequipment.
- Les plans d'eau récréatifs en moyenne montagne : l'exemple de Rhône-Alpes / Recreational lakes in mid-altitude mountainous regions : the Rhône-Alpes example - Marie-Andrée Buisson, Robert Bergeron p. 212-225 The medium-sized mountain are as take up a great deal of territory within Rhône-Alpes region. Here, the population is faced with serious economic and social problems ; recreation and tourism facilities can contribute to solve at least some of them. This paper deals with the nature and the spatial distribution of lakes for leisure activities in this area and with their different impacts. The survey for four lakes allowed to specify their diversity and to study the stakes that they represent for the population and the local economy. Some of them have mainly a touristic function, others are mostly leisure-oriented for the locals. In any cases, the most interesting ones for the local collectivities are those the municipalities did not get too much into debt for their development.
- Les contrats de pays d'accueil dans la région Rhône-Alpes : une amorce de politique régionale de développement du tourisme en espace rural / The system of "contrats de pays d'accueil" in the Rhône-Alpes region : the beginning of a regional development policy for tourism in rural areas - Véronique Plancoulaine, Richard Sceau p. 226-236 The system of contracts for developing tourism represents a new approach to encouraging this activity in rural areas of the Rhône-Alpes region. This type of procedure allows the concentration, within a number of small regions, of a series of varied but inter-related developments which should provide the driving force for the expansion of tourism. As a result, the regional council has shown its desire to go beyond the simple stage of irregular financing of dispersed developments, to create a contractual policy for developing rural tourism. This new approach is confirmed by the creation of regional contracts for tourist development which extend the scope of this procedure to adapt it to the of rural zones in the Rhône-Alpes region.
- Le tourisme à Chamonix / Tourism at Chamonix - Michel Thénoz p. 237-245 Chamonix, the leading ski-resort in the French Alps , in terms of both its size and reputation, went through a severe growth crisis from 1965 to 1987. The growth in housing was not accompanied with the relevant sports and leisure facilities, therefore significant problems occured during the winter seasons (long queues at ski-lifts, frequent breakdowns in equipment...). The analysis carried out in this context shows that despite a few complaints Chamonix has maintained a strong image and a wide reputation among foreign and French customers. Its market position as an international ski-resort is well developed in relation to sports facilites but is still weak in commercial and cultural activities.
- Carte géomorphologique de la France, feuille nord-est - Bernard Etlicher p. 245
- Chronique hydrologique de la région Rhône-Alpes : année 1985 / Hydrological reports for the Rhône-Alpes region : 1985. - F. Nouvelot, Huguette Vivian p. 246-261