Contenu du sommaire : Centres et périphéries urbaines
Revue |
Géocarrefour ![]() Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon |
Numéro | volume 64, no 1, 1989 |
Titre du numéro | Centres et périphéries urbaines |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Comité de rédaction - p. 2
- Editorial - François Tomas, Jacques Bonnet p. 1
- Centre et périphérie. Eléments d'une problématique urbaine / Centre and periphery : elements for a framework of urban analysis - François Tomas, Jacques Bonnet p. 3-12 Before 1975 the crisis affecting central areas was part of a wider "urban crisis" characterised by the growth of new central business quarters and by the development of large peripheral residential estates. Since then the existence of a "social crisis", a much greater diversification of the sources of capital invested in urban . centres and the disappearance of a clearly defined set of location factors have accorded the city's image a new and influential role. In the eyes of both residents and urban planners or investors, it is this image which will entrance the value of residential areas and potential sites for investment.
- Le centre et ses périphéries dans la prospective de Lyon 2010 / The centre and its peripheral regions in the future context of Lyon 2010. - Marc Bonneville p. 13-21 The present paper attempts to analyse the process and the content of some recent prospective studies and planning projects. concerning the Great Lyon area. The author examines more precisely the new way which has been adopted in the treatment of relationships between the central city an its suburbs and farther its regional peripheral circum-areas. He insists on the potential consequences and risks of an unequal and selective development which is strongly supported by recent proposals.
- Y.Veyret-Mekdjian, B.Valadas, P.Vitte, C. Jamot, Un guide géographique régional : l'Auvergne - Bernard Etlicher p. 22
- L'Isle d'Abeau: un enjeu économique pour Rhône-Alpes / L'Isle d'Abeau : an economic challenge for the region of Rhône-Alpes - Jacques Bonnet p. 23-29 ABSTRACT Although thenewtown of l'Isle d'Abeau was conceived in 1968, twenty years later its development still remains of interest. However, the proposed scale of the project has been reduced and, above all, the aims of the new town are now different : they are less related to urban form and more to economic growth. The town's development concerns the future of the whole metropolitan region of Lyon.
- Jacques Joly, Jean-François Parent, Grenoble de 1965 à 1985. Paysage et politique de la ville. - Marc Bonneville p. 30
- Banlieues contemporaines et stratégies communales. Quelques exemples dans la Loire / Contemporary suburbs and communal strategies : examples from the department of the Loire. - Claude Cretin p. 31-39 When zoning is more or less carried out, and when it superposes itself upon an inherited communal division, outstanding connections of this new space become transverse. Therefore, part and position of suburban parishes do not depend,as much as before, on relationships with the inner city. In middle size towns, such as Roanne, the interdépendance and the competition tend to a balance. So it is within a great urban centre, St-Etienne for instance, but one's discerns also the evolvment to a wide and "polycentric"
- Commission présidée par Jean Carriere, Rhône-Alpes: une prospective - Marc Bonneville p. 40-42
- Les stratégies urbaines communales de l'agglomération grenobloise / The urban strategies of communes in the Grenoble agglomeration. - Louis Freschi p. 43-48 For the last ten years there has no longer been just one but several lines of thinking concerning the urban development of the Grenoble agglomeration. A large numvber of the peripheral communes have formulated their own strategies, distinct from that of the city's central commune, which itself has increasingly moved away from the broad outlines given in the structure plan. A close link exists between the strategies of the suburban communes and their urbanistic, social, political and, above all, fiscal chracteristics.
- Réseau urbain et flux téléphoniques : l'exemple de Rhône-Alpes / Urban networks and telephone flows : the example of Rhône-Alpes. - Jean Labasse p. 49-53 The analysis of intra-regional telephone flows reveals the relative weakness of the links between the east and west of Rhône-Alpes region. A retrospective study shows that the of the links between the various towns of the region and Paris has been strenghhened
- Nicole Commerçon, La dynamique du changement en ville moyenne: Chalon, Mâcon, Bourg - Renée Rochefort p. 54
- Bibliographie rhodanienne - Y. Dugas de la Catonniere p. 56-60