Contenu du sommaire : Stratégies foncières et immobilières en milieu urbain
Revue |
Géocarrefour Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon |
Numéro | volume 64, no 3, 1989 |
Titre du numéro | Stratégies foncières et immobilières en milieu urbain |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Comité de rédaction - p. 2
- Journées urbaines et industrielles organisées par le comité national français de géographie à Lyon-Grenoble le 22-23 Septembre 1988 : Stratégies foncières et immobilières en milieu urbain / Building and housing strategies in urban milieu - Marc Bonneville p. 134
- Les mutations de la gestion immobilière urbaine : nouvelles pratiques et nouveaux acteurs / Changes in building and housing management : new practices and new actors - Marc Bonneville p. 135-139 Building an housing management sector's has registered important changes for the last few years. Its activities'field has been significantly broadened with the slow down of new construction rythm and the growing interest for maintenance and management problems. At the same time, new organizational forms have occurred in this profession, with the entering of major national groups integrating this activity with others connected services. As a consequence, these trends have lead to a large renewal of practices andstructures in this particular sector of the real estate management.
- Un acteur imprévu dans les stratégies foncières et immobilières en milieu urbain : le groupe Rhône-Poulenc à Lyon / An unlikely actor in urban planning and land use strategies : the industrial group Rhône-Poulenc in Lyon - Michel Laferrere p. 140-142 The world overproduction of chemical textiles forced Rhône-Poulenc to close eleven spinning mills between 1971 and 1988. In order to avoid the problem of industrial wasteland, the company has been involved in a relatively complex land management scheme in an attempt to attract buyers who will continue economic activity on the sites and safeguard employment. The scheme has been reasonably successful for three large factory sites within the Lyon urban area.
- Les pépinières d'entreprises en région lyonnaise / Nurseries for entreprises in Lyon area - Jean-Louis Masson p. 143-144
- Quelles stratégies pour les collectivités locales en matière d'immobilier d'entreprise / What strategies for local authorities about activities real estates buildings ? A professionnal point of view - Serge Hervé p. 145-146 ABSTACT Local or regional authorities whish to attract new firms on their own territories, but have often a quite vague sight of the various constraints the firms are coping with or of the new trends of the activities real estates building market. They have not either an exact idea on the appropriate strategy that they can develop facing this problem. This paper, proposed by a professional manager, tries to make clear some major aspects of the question.
- Nouvelles technologies et immobilier d'entreprise à Grenoble / New technologies and real estates buildings in Grenoble - Jacques Joly p. 147-152 Over the past fifteen years the pattern of industrial building has changed considerably. In Grenoble this renovation went hand in hand with an intense drive to develop the local potential for scientific and technical research. The success of the ZIRST, one of the first high-technology science parks in France, was largely due to the implementation of a scheme for leasing industrial buildings. Since then, the demand of medium-sized firms has required the creation of new types of building units and even of new enterprises. Private firms have stepped in to continue the work initiated by the Local Authorities. In conclusion, nurseries, new forms of the industrial development areas are judged to be the most sophisticated form of aid to local economic growth.
- Réhabilitation de logements et marché immobilier : le cas de St Etienne (1981-1987) / Households gentrification and real estate marketing : the case of St Etienne - François Tomas p. 153-157 Since the beginning of eighties Saint-Etienne is the french city which devoted greatest effort of rehabilitation of the real estate park. The analysis reveals that the of the real estate market encouraged more than slowed down this dynamism.
- Mutations technologiques et stratégies foncières et immobilières en région parisienne / Technological changes and landed-real estate strategies in parisian region - Bernard Dezert p. 158-161 The near parisian suburbs have been very struck by crisis, but industrial zones remain beneath the form of very specialized firms, with important high tech units and a network of little undertreating ventures. The industrial Wastelands are often more difficult to make disappear, particularly in North North West of Paris (Seine-Saint-Denis). Some municipalities have become promoters of new activities zones. The conversions are especially in near suburbs into warehouses and component parts department stores. The new activities poles are in the New Towns, the nearest zones of Orly and Roissy airports beneath form of high technology parks (of technological parks). The municipalities are so their proper real estate promoters but the new firms particularly by foreign capitals, prefer the new towns and the of international airports.
- De l'habitat aux propriétaires. Pour une reformulation de la question du logement / From housing to owners. A new formulation of the housing question - Jean-Paul Levy p. 162-168 In considering the question of housing in France in the late 1980s, account needs to be taken of the dramatic changes that have affected the Franch society and the French economy over at least two decades. When dealing with new housing, the utilisation of statistical data alone is no longer adequate. The development of theory depends on the use of a greater number of sources, not least due to their variable degree of reliability, behaviour and strategies in relation to property management, is always undertaken by direct investigation. This reveals a major change in attitudes lin ked to the renewal of structures of urban property ownership. On the basis of an overall appraisal of the processes of deterioration and improvment of the housing stock, this article enumerates the different types of lessors that exist.
- La production des bureaux dans l'agglomération lyonnaise / The making process of new office buildings in Toulouse metropolitan area - Guy Jalabert p. 169-173 The building of offices complexes in Toulouse urban centre suffered a dramatic increase in the latest years, and gives Toulouse the 4 th national rank. This development is explained on the one hand by the greater demand from local organisations which create technologies parks, on the second hand by the rivality of specialized building societies. One of them, of local origin, possess the greatest share of the market. The location of new offices buildings depends on the main industrial activities : space research, aeronautics, data processing, or service industries in the city center.
- Stratégies foncières et immobilières. Les parcs d'activités dans l'agglomération bordelaise / Land and building strategies. The parks of activities in the agglomeration of Bordeaux - J.P. Charrié p. 174-179 Like other regional metropolis, Bordeaux gives itself parks of activities so as to satisfy the demand of high technology firms or that of services more and more concerned with the impact of their brand image. These new industrial spaces are all located along the ring road surrounding the left bank of the Garonne, at the location of the tree main clover leaves. That of Merignac is the most attractive on account of the proximity of the airport and of the aérospatial complex. Bordeaux, in the lake area.and Pessac offer their equipments, whereas there is a certain delay in the building of Bordeaux-Technopolis.
- La question foncière au Japon. Repères / Real-estate issues in Japon. References - Philippe Pelletier, Marc Bourdier p. 180-188 In a first stage, the housing speculation wich is a main feature in Japan can not be explained by the lack of space or an overgrowing population but is related to an excessive concentration of population in a few metropolitan areas. Since the late XIX. s these metropolitan areas are suffering speculation leaded by firms or by private persons arguing from the liberal policy. As a result the official housing policy (my-homism) is unrealistic.