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Revue |
Géocarrefour ![]() Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon |
Numéro | volume 49, no 1, 1974 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Rédaction - p. 2
- Premières données sur la géographie urbaine de l'Ethiopie - Jean-Marc Prost-Tournier p. 5-36
- Les consommations domestiques d'électricité comme indicateur de vitalité régionale : l'exemple du département de l'Ain - Jean Praicheux p. 37-49 The inequal distribution of domestic electricity consumption in apparently indentical regions forms a useful indicator of standards of living. In rural regions, it also aids identification of the most dynamic elementary service centers. This simple method can easily be used in other circumstances, and allows, therefore, extensive comparoisons to be made.
- Evian-les-Bains, station thermale et touristique - Richard Sceau p. 51-75 Thermalism has made Evian a prosperous town, but it is affected by the seasonal character of employment and the dominance of certain economic activities. Several attempts have been made to extend the length of the tourist season and to increase interest in health-cures, but up till now no really satisfactory result has been obtained. The problem seems particularly important because thermal and tourist activity provides 1 250 jobs (of which 70 % are seasonal) whilst the permanent population is only just 6 000 people.
- Application de l'analyse factorielle en composantes principales à l'étude de la variabilité régionale et interannuelle des précipitations ardéchoises - Marie-Françoise de Saintignon, Serge Martin p. 77-92 This study uses 12 series of 40 annual rainfalls (1931 to 1970) previously controled and covering the department of Ardèche. Authors applied a multivariate factor analysis to the matrix (12 X 40) of annual precipitations. This points out two important factors of spatial dispersion : on one hand the « plateau du Coiron » and on the other hand the distance from the Rhône Valley. Projected on these two factors the observation-dots show graphically the annual variability of the spatial dispersion.
- Konrad Müller, Arbeitsaufwand und Arbeitsrhytmus in den Agrarlandschaften, Süd und Südostfrankreichs : Les Dombes bis Bouches-du-Rhône - Jacques Bethemont p. 93
- Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur Les Structures Régionales, L'Atlas permanent de Saint-Etienne et de sa région - Jacques Bethemont p. 94
- C.N.R.S., E.R. n°30, Carte climatique détaillée de la France au 1/250 000e. Valence - Guy Blanchet p. 94-95