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Revue Géocarrefour Mir@bel
Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon
Numéro volume 50, no 1, 1975
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Rédaction - p. 2 accès libre
  • Variations de l'environnement écologique - Jean Tricart p. 5-17 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Ecological phenomena are characterised by their interdependance that can be observed through the ecosystems ruled themselves by energical flux. But these flux are not always constant, neither at the human life scale, nor at the geological eras'one. Their variations lead to the break of balances, elaborated during periods of relation stability, which infer the alternance of stages than can be seen in all parts of analysis, for example in morphogenesis and pedogenesis relations. Human being can have a great impact on the breaks of balance.
  • Electro-nucléaire et environnement dans la vallée du Rhône - Philippe Lebreton p. 19-34 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The safety of nuclear power plants is not as well as protected as on might think, especially in the case of breeders of the Super-Phenix type at Creys-Maluille (Isère). The consequences on the environment are numerous, for instance with problems like thermal pollution, the concentration of radio- nucleids, or the possible action of the radiations on nucleic acids. The specialization of tasks explains but does not justify the irresponsability of the technocrats facing the problems of the building of 19 000 MWé in the Rhone Valley.
  • La Dombes, milieu naturel ou milieu en équilibre ? Introduction à une éco-géographie de l'espace dombiste - Charles Avocat p. 35-58 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Within 30 km from Lyon, Dombes area sets a rather rare example of a weel-balanced environment in close vicinity to a city of 1 000 000 inhabitants. Although it is not obvious, Dombes area is not any longer natural but owes its more existence to generations of hard-working people. Thanks to hand-made pounds, this area, such as we know it today, was created, it is a fine example of a successful adaptation to an original, but poor, enrivonment. Unfortunately, today, the balance beetween man and soil tends to deteriorate for several reasons : over-shooting, impoverishing methods of culturation, ever-growing roads-traffic, direct or indirect threat of overbuilding. That is why Dombes area biotope is damaged and it is worrying for the future. Being aware of the rich flora and fauna of Dombes area, and, at the same time, of its fragility, should offer a chance of saving its most precious part.
  • La pollution des eaux dans le bassin du Doubs - Jean-Claude Wieber, Daniel Mathieu p. 59-75 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Within a few years, the pollution of the river Doubs has reached such a level as to become acute and permanent downstream Montbéliard. Since 1973, a plan for the preservation of the whole basin is being carried on. It will be developed within a period of fifteen years and will at least cost 300 Millions of francs. Such an effort implies a regional awareness and a bacis ecological education.
  • Le delta du Danube et son intégration dans l'espace économique roumain - Jacques Bethemont p. 77-95 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The delta of Danube, the largest in Europe with 434 000 ha area, and also noteworthy for its slight elevation and for the correlative extension of lakes and swamps, had developped for a long time a very simple economy on the basis of fishery. After the enlarging of the basis of this economy, the socialist authorities have promoted the industrial exploitation of reed {stuf) for production of cellulose. The results have been misleading but the process will not be radically transformed, as it already happened in many others deltas.
  • Chronique Rhône-Alpes

  • Comptes-rendus d'ouvrages