Contenu du sommaire : Lieux de jeunes
Revue |
Agora débats/jeunesse ![]() |
Numéro | no 1, 1995 |
Titre du numéro | Lieux de jeunes |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Un projet : articuler recherche et questionnement professionnel... - Olivier Douard p. 6-8
- Un projet : articuler recherche et questionnement professionnel... - Olivier Douard p. 6-8
- Temps et espaces jeunes - Adil Jazouli p. 9-10
- Entretien avec une élue à Athis Mons (91) - p. 11-14
- Sociabilité juvénile en banlieue. L'exemple des rapports homme/femme - Kamel Rarrbo, Sylvain Aquatias p. 15-27 «The social patterns of suburban youth» Example of male / female relations. The sexual and generational differentiations studied through youth behaviourisms bring to the fore more complex and varied loyalties and social relations than expected. These social relations reveal an organisation of space and of groups in segregated inner cities based upon the male/female cleavage and age ranges. Female social patterns, less localised than those of boys, demonstrate a stronger tendency towards social advancement. Male social patterns, more territorially restricted, are based upon age group hierarchy. Reputation both for girls and boys remains a determinant factor in negociating personal status. The logics of self identification and presentation within these «enclaves» are essential to the complex relations which occur amongst young people from the same inner city.
- Le logement des jeunes - Michel Paillette p. 29-38 «Young people, housing and life projects» Up till now youth housing policy has been developped within the broader framework of sector-based programmes fora target public. With the ever increasing hardships faced by young people in numerous areas such as housing, governments should consider implementing a global policy aimed at helping young people achieve greater autonomy through access to housing. This policy should include three elements : 1/a housing policy for the disadvantaged 2/ an integration policy 3/ a territorialisation of the two preceding elements. This axe takes into consideration the wide spectrum of young people's circumstances, be it social and residential orientation, or the possibilities of social integration in relation to the environment.
- Terre d'accueil. Offrir aux jeunes des lieux porteurs d'espoir - Martine Cornillat p. 39-46 «Host country : haven oF opportunity for young people» A rural environment can also engender exclusion, perhaps less obvious than in an urban situation, but nevertheless dramatic. Women and young people are particularly affected. Mixed activities are often the only chance for some to be able to remain on the land. The «Host country» project, emphasising on this determination to re-direct agricultural activities, aims at including them in the alternative development programmes throughout the affected areas. They support a new approach to production, to economic exchanges and consumer habits. Although they do not specifically address young people, they nevertheless enable those who wish to stay on at local level to map out new plans for the future.
- Qui sont les jeunes ruraux ? - Bernard Roudet, Yves Lambert p. 47-56 Who are young country people ? According to the 1990 census, young country people represent 23,4 % of the 15-24 age range. If we compare young country people with the entire youth population, what comes to the fore is that rural youth sees itself essentially as more working-class, more rustic of course, but definitely from a workers' background. This article looks at similarities and differences between rural and urban youth in several areas, training and employment, lifestyles, religion, politics. It then goes on to analyse the attitudes of young country people towards the urban environment. It emerges that young country people on the whole see and do things in much the same way as urban dwellers, even if they re-adapt them to the characteristics of the rural environment. «Ruralness» is no longer linked to a strong cultural identity. It is especially seen as a life style which is characterised by the increasing emphasis on the quality of life. What is significant is the attraction exerced by rural communities on the outskirts of town.
- Le mépris des formes. Action publique, esthétique contemporaine et culture juvénile - Philippe Le Moigne p. 57-68 «A hearing For legitimate provocation» Public action, contemporary aesthetics and youth culture This article looks at the diverse logistics which provide a back-up, both from the state and local authorities to the public plebiscite of contemporary art. These aesthetic, radical and iconoclastic canons have a great deal in common with both the past and present forms of youth culture. However, the territories of these two cultures only very rarely overlap. Young people's creative achievements, when simply labelled as «dangerous self-expression» nevertheless continue to be associated with private, commercial and «intimist» business. On the other hand, public promotion of the visual arts relates rather more to a «fashionable radicalism» ; it contributes to a hearing for legitimate provocation, leading to tensions but also to a reappraisal of cultural qualifications and skills.
- Parcours d'une réforme : les I.U.T. A propos d'une circulaire : quel débat ? - Michel Bernard p. 69-80 Project and outline of a reform : The I.U.T.'s Pertaining to a circular : Which debate ? Strikes and demonstrations have once again marked the I.U.T. 's during the first term of 1995. The claims focussed especially on a circular cutting down on further education. In this article, the author aims at looking well beyond the circular. He recalls the main characteristics of the creation and evolution of the LU. T. 's, querying as to which debate be privileged ? He opts for a socio-economic historical analysis of the preceeding 50 years, conditions for a global project. It is within this perspective that the reform of the I. U. T. s, started 30 years ago, is to be situated. But this overall debate on higher education is quite senseless if it fails to take into account the link between initial training and continuing education, as well as the new transition towards adulthood. A more and more lengthy and painful transiton with which an increasing number of young people are familiar.
- Intégration et culture d'origine. Les jeunes maghrébins et turcs - Musa Kaval p. 81-91 «The changing role oF traditional culture in the integration process oF young Maghreb and Turkish immigrants». Although it may be possible to analyse the satisfactory working order of the integration processes of the various influxes of immigrants to France at the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century thanks to a certain cultural intimacy, it is equally important to bear in mind the fairly propitious socio- economic climate of the time. Nowadays 2nd generation young people of Maghreb and Turkish origin have to face the consequences of the widening gap between traditional family culture and that of the host country in a difficult economic climate. Since fairly recently this well-known and much studied phenomenom has started to reveal itself in a new light with the ever more powerful forward thrust of Islam, presented to young people as one of the solutions to their sense of disquiet and uneasiness. And yet surely today, such a cultural solution simply delays the integration of young people.
- La recherche sur la jeunesse en Europe. Redéfinitions et perspectives - Lynne Chisholm p. 93-106 European Youth Reasearch Before even starting to think about any future research on European youth it is necessary to acquire some background history on the subject. The European Community has always relegated youth policies to second place in community decisions. It is usually socio-economic pressure which is behind the occasional decisons which are made. Nevertheless it is possible to distinguish four political axes upon which to base future investigation. At present European youth research appears as a rather Utopie challenge. The most interesting perspectives in this area are those which compel Member States to transcend their own national framework and initiate genuine transnational research which will gradually extend beyond the rather fruitless comparative studies of today.
- Temps et espaces jeunes - Adil Jazouli p. 9-10
Lire, Faire lire
- Guide bibliographique. Contribution à l'histoire des professions sociales - Garcette Christine p. 107-108
- Le guide des 16-25 ans - Martins Andrée p. 108
- Jeunes mais citoyens. Quelle éducation pour quelle citoyenneté ? - De Linares Chantal p. 108-109
- La Vie Nouvelle, Histoire d'un mouvement inclassable, Jean Lestavel - Poujol Geneviève p. 109-110
- Les médiations en France : quels développements ? : Notre enfant d'abord : le divorce et la médiation familiale, M. Laroque et M. Théault ; La médiation : une justice douce, JP. Bonafé-Schmitt ; Médiations, institutions et loi dans la classe, F. Imbert - Duriez Pierre p. 110-115
- Sociologie de l'expérience, François Dubet - Guerin Chantal p. 115-116
- Guide bibliographique. Contribution à l'histoire des professions sociales - Garcette Christine p. 107-108
Carnet de champs
- Colloque ALTER. L'histoire du handicap est en pleine jeunesse - Vilbrod Alain p. 117-118
- Colloque UNESCO. L'intervention sociale en recomposition - Quet Véronique p. 118-119
- Premiers Entretiens Internationaux sur l'Enseignement à Distance - p. 119-120
- Colloque international «le questionnement social» - Richard-Zappella Jeannine p. 120
- Colloque ALTER. L'histoire du handicap est en pleine jeunesse - Vilbrod Alain p. 117-118
- Présentation de la rubrique - p. 121
- Ecole et nature. Pour une nouvelle relation de l'homme avec la nature et son environnement - Gérard Roland p. 121-123
- La F.N.O.R.S. ET LES O.R.S - p. 124
- Le Réseau de l'Economie Alternative et Solidaire - p. 126
- Réseau National Historique du Travail Social - p. 126
- Présentation de la rubrique - p. 121
Veille informative
- Animation et développement. Un diplôme de niveau II - p. 127
- Jeunes à l'écran. Première rencontre audiovisuelle internationale 7-8 juin 1995 à Marly-le- Roi - France Institut national de la jeunesse et de l'éducation populaire - p. 127-128
- La Bibliothèque «Jeunesse» de l'IMA - p. 128
- Est-il possible de faire une exposition pour ceux qui n'iront jamais la voir ? - p. 128-129
- Concours Sport & Recherche. Organisé par le Ministère de la Jeunesse et des sports - p. 129-130
- Pour ceux qui n'auraient toujours pas lu l'ouvrage de Gérard Mauger, nous vous recommandons vivement : Les jeunes en France. Etat des Recherches - p. 130
- Observatoire National des Mémoires - p. 130-131
- Animation et développement. Un diplôme de niveau II - p. 127