Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Géocarrefour ![]() Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon |
Numéro | volume 53, no 4, 1978 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Comité de rédction - p. 2
- Aménagement officiel et devenir du milieu rural en France - Jean Pierre Houssel p. 283-293 Since ten years about, public authority is interested by the problems of rural planning. However, results are not satisf acting. Two problems ought to be taken in order of consideration : the problem delayed with urban concentration ; the problem of inequality between rural places according io the groups dynamics.
- Les études écologiques du site de la centrale de Gravelines - Dominique Manteau p. 295-312 Ecological studies on the place of the nuclear plant in Gravelines-Dunkerque Long ecological studies are being conducted before any construction of nuclear plant. The sample of Gravelines central shows that a shore central is preferable to a continental one. However the actual state of our océanographie knowledge does not allow us to know with precision and durably all the risks of such a choice.
- Consommation d'espace et habitat individuel - Michel Coste, Jean Bonnier p. 313-337 Space consumption and individual housing The space consumption by urban growth and individual housing is perceived as a break affecting the equilibrium in traditional rural landscapes. It means however, the forcoming of a new equilibrium producted by an urban society with its social stress projected in the rural space.
- L'eau, facteur écologique de l'aménagement : l'exemple de l'Alsace - Jean Tricart, Anne-Rose Cloots-Hirsch p. 339-354 The water, ecological factor for space management : the case of Alsace region This publication deals with methodology of regional balance for water resource and its protection. The making of such a balance surpasses the traditional division between academic and applied research. Also see the bibliography.
- Aménagement officiel et devenir du milieu rural en France - Jean Pierre Houssel p. 283-293
Chronique rhodanienne
- Note sur l'essor touristique du département de l'Ardèche - Pierre Bozon p. 355-360
- Le colloque Géopoint 1978 à Lyon - Marc Bonneville p. 361-364
- Bibliographie rhodanienne - Yvonne Dugas de la Catonnière p. 365-377
- Note sur l'essor touristique du département de l'Ardèche - Pierre Bozon p. 355-360
Comptes rendus d'ouvrages
- Carte climatique détaillée de la France, feuille de Lyon - Jean-Bernard Suchel p. 379-380
- H. Vivian, Averses extensives et crues concomitantes dans l'arc alpin. Etude hydrométéorologique - Guy Blanchet p. 380-381
- A. Boudjikanian-Keuroghlian, Les Arméniens dans la région Rhône-Alpes - Jacques Bethemont p. 381-382
- Lucien Chavoutier, Saint-Bon-Courchevel, de la cellule rurale à la station phare - Louis Chabert p. 382
- Carte climatique détaillée de la France, feuille de Lyon - Jean-Bernard Suchel p. 379-380