Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Economie et prévision ![]() Titre à cette date : Statistiques et études financières (Série orange) |
Numéro | no 43, 1980/3 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Présentation du modèle "Administrations publiques" - François Péronnet, Antoine Coutière, Jacques Bonacossa p. 3-11 Presentation of the «Administrations» model by J. Bonacossa, A. Coutière, F. Péronnet. The «Administrations» model was designed to answer a twofold preoccupation. Its prime purpose was a better appraisal of the interdépendances which exist between the different parts that make up France's Government administrations as a whole. In this respect, the description of the main institutional relations between them was indispensable, and enabled us to establish complete accounts for each of them. In connection with this, we strove to express, in terms of instruments of budgetary and fiscal policy, the margin within which economic authorities maneuver, without hesitating, out of a concern for realism, to regard as exogenous certain heavy trends on which the authorities globaly have little influence. Our second preoccupation was to allow for the possibility of extending our reflection to the macroeconomic level In this perspective, the framework of National Accounts was used because it was the one best suited to satisfy this concern. Thus, in particular, the consistency needed in budgetary and monetary policies prompted the authors of the model to draw the major inferences that need be drawn from the mode of financing of the different balances and its effects on the rest of the economy. The macroeconomic approach, which in France traditionaly grants preferential treatment to relations between households and entreprises, is thus completed by a more cogent consideration of relations between the public sector and the private sector.
- Les recettes fiscales des administrations publiques centrales dans le modèle "Administrations" (Recfisc) - Max Tabouillot, Patrice Mantz, Fabrice Hatem p. 13-33 The central government administrations'revenue derived from taxation in the «administrations» model (Recfisc) by F. Hatem, P. Mantz, M. Tabouillot. The way in which revenue derived from taxation is dealt with in the «Administrations» model has many original features compared with the corresponding equations of existing macroeconomic models: thus, the concern for facilitating the dialogue with all potential interlocutors has led to projecting this revenue both into the nomenclature of the Finance Act and into the more economic one of National Accounts. Above all, in this model, general Government taxes and local taxes are modehzed separately, just as are transfers of taxation revenue from the State to local administrations. Some of the most important equations of Recfisc (this acronym designates the projection block of the revenue derived from taxation by the State and by the various central administration services) are reductions of detailed models of the Bureau des études fiscales of the Direction de la prévision: such is the case mainly with the value added tax (Vat model) and the income tax (Mir 4, Emire models). In the latter case, the procedure faithfully traces the passing from the basis of assessment (taxable income) to the issuing of assessment lists, then to the actual collection. Particular care is given to solving the delicate question of the modeli- zation of the tax on the profits of corporate enterprises, which is a separate modelization for non financial corporate enterprises, for the Banque de France and for the other credit institutions and insurance enterprises. Featuring, in addition to the aforementioned reduced equations of taxation models, institutional or econometric equations as well. Recfisc is so designed as to permit easy execution of taxation policy variants Therefore the specifications retained include as often as possible the effective instruments of action of the public authorities (legal Vat rates, rates of the inland duty on petroleum products, bracket-raising rates for the income-tax schedule, for example). Like the «Administrations» model as a whole, Recfisc is made to be used in conjunction with a macroeconomic model (i e. Copain) with which it has multiple interrelations. Indeed, only such an integration can make it possible not only to appraise the evolution of revenue in such-and- such a macroeconomic scenario, but also and especially to gauge the consequences on the economy as a whole of decisions modifying taxation.
- Les dépenses des administrations publiques centrales dans le modèle "Administrations" - François Péronnet p. 35-50 The expenditures of central government administrations in the «Administrations» model by F Péronnet. Last paragraph, read : We deliberately departed from conventional ways of dealing with public expenditures by choosing to endogenize all items. This does not imply that a margin for maneuvering is denied economic policy it simply means that it becomes possible to analyze this economic policy m re lation to a central reference —supplied by the model— which reproduces past mechanisms.
- Les administrations publiques locales dans le modèle "Administrations" - François Péronnet p. 51-60 Local government administrations in the «Administrations» model by F. Péronnet. France's local government administrations («Administrations publiques locales» or «Apul») comprise an aggregate of administrations of territorial competence and essentially made up of local authorities. They play a privileged role in the development of community facilities. They have the possibility, in fulfilling the missions assigned them or which they wish to implement, of levying local taxes, and of contracting loans with specialized organizations to complete the financing of investments. Finally, they receive sizable subsidies from the State (particularly to ensure their functioning). This article presents an econometric model which describes a macro- economic behavior of the transactor Apul in National Accounts In this model, it is assumed that these administrations fix the amount of their revenue from taxation according to their current expenditures, and that they adjust the level of the facilities they install to the pressure of needs connected with urban development as a function of savings made and of subsidies received. The balance of the financing is taken care of by loans, but the need to resort to them may in part reduce the amount of gross fixed capital formation, by increasing the current expenditures for payments of interest due and repayment of loans, and by acting directly upon the decision to invest. The equations formalizing these fundamental mechanisms are completed by a set of relations permitting a description of the whole of the Apul account.
- Résumé - Summary - p. 62-63