Contenu du sommaire : Les politiques familiales
Revue | Economie et prévision |
Numéro | no 122, 1996/1 |
Titre du numéro | Les politiques familiales |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Les politiques familiales
- Présentation générale - Jean-Claude Ray p. 1-8
- La notion de sélectivité d'une prestation et ses mesures - Antoine Math p. 1-11 The Selectivity of a Benefit and its Measures by Antoine Math The concept of the selectivity of a welfare benefit covers a number of meanings, which need to be defined due to the many debates on this subject. A preliminary typology of selective benefits is developed. This typology has the merit of identifying three categories of selective benefits using objective criteria. Its drawback, however, is that it does not determine the extent of the selectivity of these benefits. Yet the all-encompassing concept of a benefit's selectivity makes it difficult to complete this typology with a single measure that can be used for all benefits. The selectivity of a welfare benefit can be evaluated using various indicators integrating the number of beneficiaries, sums spent and position in the distribution of income.
- Simulation des conséquences redistributives de divers modes de renforcement de la sélectivité des allocations familiales - Antoine Math, Michel Grignon p. 13-31 Simulation of the Redistributive Effects of Different Methods for Improving the Selectivity of Family Allowances by Michel Grignon and Antoine Math This paper evaluates the redistributive effects of different reforms aimed at improving the selectivity of family allowances. The redistributive effects are evaluated by measuring the decrease in inequalities and in poverty. The simulations hinge on two reforms: the means test and the taxation of family allowances. It is shown that family allowances currently paid without being based on means exercise a substantial vertical redistribution and that the additional redistributive effects do not depend so much on these reforms in themselves as on the use of sums saved and the total of these sums (and therefore indirectly on the extent of selectivity in the measures implemented). The decrease in inequalities brought about by family allowances would significantly sharpen only in the case of a redistribution of budget savings in the form of new benefits or an increase in existing benefits. The evaluation of the redistributive effects of a reform of family allowances alone, especially in terms of the decrease in poverty, also poses the problem of how to combine family allowances with other welfare policy mechanisms, in particular guaranteed minimum incomes. The paper also underscores the value and limits of simulation methods and redistributive effect measurement tools.
- L'influence de la clause de limite sur la durée effective de perception de l'allocation de parent isolé (API) - Sabine Chaupain p. 33-46 How the Time Limit on the Lone-Parent Allowance (LPA) Influences the Actual Duration of the Benefit by Sabine Chaupain Does the fact that the LPA is paid for a legally limited time period (one year or just over three years depending on the age of the youngest child) influence the behaviour of the beneficiaries? This paper endeavours to answer this question. We use longitudinal data from the file of all LPA beneficiaries in Meurthe-et-Moselle to estimate the probability of ceasing to claim the LPA based on the theoretical remaining LPA period and various sociodemographic characteristics. This Logit model produces the expected results that most LPA beneficiaries continue to claim the benefit through to the end of its legal period. Nevertheless, many beneficiaries stop claiming the LPA prematurely
- La complexité en question : les prestations familiales sont-elles simplifïables ? - Cédric Afsa p. 47-58 Complexity Questioned: Can Family Allowances Be Simplified? by Cédric Afsa Family allowances are remarkably complex. With their many objectives, they do not always have easily identifiable effects on aspects detached from the family domain. Moreover, their number and obscure allocation and calculation rules due to their abundance mean that the system is not easy to comprehend. The fact that families do not understand it could eventually have devastating effects on social cohesion. It is therefore crucial that it be simplified. At the same time, the ideal of an extremely simple and purely family-oriented benefit system is not only a pipedream, but also dangerous as it would seriously disrupt the efficiency, equity and unity of the welfare policy. A middle ground therefore needs to be found in a system reform that eliminates its complexity to make its different components and the links between them visible and legible.
- Incitation à l'interruption de l'activité professionnelle. Effets en termes d'emploi et de natalité - Elisabeth Rignols p. 59-68 The Incentive to Suspend Professional Activity: Effects on Employment and the Birth Rate by Elisabeth Rignols This paper analyses the effects on employment and the birth rate of a spouse's total or partial suspension of professional due to receiving the parental child rearing benefit (PCB) as well as the effects of the development of different types of child The first approach is microeconomic and looks at the classic case of a household with two children, one of which is under years old. The findings show that the payment of the PCB offsets the loss of income resulting from the total suspension of solely in the case of the low initial wage of the spouse and the payment of child care fees. The second approach is and shows, on first approximation, that the second-level PCB population could concern some 200,000 people with one-quarter these coming under the "windfall effect". Its impact on the birth rate is more difficult to evaluate as the birth of a child does necessarily correspond to financial criteria. The development of different types of child care, currently insufficient in number, lead directly to job creations. On the other hand, it could put a brake on the "freeing up of jobs" and bring the activity effect" into play. Lastly, it could encourage births by enabling parents to find a better balance between family life and life.
- Estimation de la perte de revenus salariaux de la femme en présence d'enfants - Christine Barnet-Verzat p. 69-81 Estimating the Loss in Earned Income for a Woman with Children by Christine Barnet-Verzat This paper sets out to make a contribution to the evaluation of the loss in earned income for women with children throughout working lives. Our method evaluates income curves from estimates of labour participation equations and wage equations survey data. The results show that the loss can be as high as one million French francs throughout the working life of a woman three children, that the timing of births has little effect on this, and that the sociocultural level is a determining factor. The of the cost of children taking the form of both a loss in income and a deterioration in human capital is largely confirmed.
- Activité féminine et garde des jeunes enfants : une analyse micro-économétrique - Olivier Guillot p. 83-94 Female Labour Market Participation and Child Care: a Microeconometric Analysis by Olivier Guillot In this paper, the decisions of women with young children to participate in the labour market and employ extra-household care are jointly analyzed using a multinomial Logit model. The cost of child care is explicitly included in the model: a hourly cost is estimated for each mother using a cost equation. This microeconometric study uses data from the 1986 wave of Lorraine household panel to show that the cost of child care has a negative effect on the probability of labour participation and employment of extra-household child care.
- Les liens entre RMI et chômage, une mise en perspective - Stéphane Jacobzone p. 95-113 Putting the Links between Minimum Income Support and Unemployment into Perspective by Stéphane Jacobzone The introduction of minimum income support in 1989 was accompanied by an increase in unemployment among unskilled The subsequent introduction of the single digressive unemployment benefit in 1992 altered the ways in which benefits were managed. The fact that the growth in the number of minimum income support beneficiaries has been on a incline since its introduction has raised a certain number of questions. This study proposes some elements for estimating the structural dynamics of the number of beneficiaries. It presents a picture of their profile and the development of profile. Modeling on time series then shows that unemployment benefit rejections, after a five-month lag and in 20% of the can be used to estimate how many people enter the system. The modeling of exits using a diffusion process enables a five- six-month forecasting model to be constructed. This work results in a forward-looking study on the dynamics of the mechanisms.
- Aides à la pierre : efficacité et redistribution - Pascal Hornung p. 115-131 Housing Grants: Effectiveness and Redistribution by Pascal Hornung The 1977 reform of the housing aid system gave personal housing grants precedence. This paper lays out the reasons for maintaining housing grants since this date and focuses in particular on their role as an instrument for correcting property inequalities. To this end, we compare the effectiveness of a subsidized loan, which is the most common form of housing grant, with that of proportional property taxation. The analysis uses an optimum taxation model, which clearly shows the efficiency-equity trade-offs that public authorities need to find in their new policies.
- La persistance dans la pauvreté et son évolution - Catherine Chambaz, Eric Maurin p. 133-152 Persistent Poverty and its Development by Christine Chambaz and Éric Maurin Around half of the population of households earning less than half of the median income per consumption unit is changes year. In France, as in many other industrialized countries, poverty is therefore often seen as a temporary phenomenon, when economic growth is steady. Li addition to the statistical observation, the study justifies the relevance of synthetic measures taking into account, on each date, the risks of households above the poverty line slipping into poverty and the poor households have of breaking out of poverty. We use an original data base derived from annual INSEE surveys of rotating household samples to calculate and analyze the poverty measures suggested by theoretical studies.
- Résumés - Summaries - Zusammenfassungen - Resúmenes - p. 154-157