Contenu du sommaire
Revue | Etudes rurales |
Numéro | no 57, 1975 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Une nouvelle classification des exploitations agricoles françaises - Michel Lenco p. 7-34 A New Classification for French Farms. After acknowledging the increasing need for a classification of different farm types according to systems of production and taking into consideration technological and socio-economic structures, the author mentions the criteria and methods used in previous classificatory experiences and comments on their short-comings. He then discusses the kind of data necessary for a more objective and more scientific classification and explains the techniques used to analyze statistical information obtained on a sample of 6 000 farms. One of the tables accompanying this article gives the results of this classification, based on types of labor (part-time, full-time; family, hired) and principal forms of animal and/or plant production (cereals, green vegetables, dairy cattle, fowl, etc.). Several maps indicate the geographical distribution of another sample of 20 000 farms classified according to the 15 systems of production distinguished by the author.
- Contribution à l'étude des sociétés étagées des Andes : la vallée de Yucay (Pérou). Suivi de Quelques commentaires par J. V. Murra - Antoinette Fioravanti-Molinié p. 35-59 Contribution to the Study of Vertical Societies in the Andes: the Yucay Valley (Peru.) On the basis of a detailed analysis of "verticality" in a well-delimited Peruvian region, the author proves that the "vertical archipelago" model defined by J. Murra using data on pre-conquest Andean societies is still valid, even though the traditional economy has been modified. After describing the principal vertical environments of the Yucay Valley (the deep, narrow river valley with luxuriant vegetation; the high, snow-covered mountains; the arid, eroded plateau; the sub-tropical valleys), she studies the patterns of human settlement and exploitation associated with each ecological level, explaining the different systems of land tenure and the complementarity of economic activities as shown by the vertical exchange of both traditional and commercial products. With the introduction of a market economy, capitalist relations arise parallel to, or replace traditional reciprocal relations, characteristic of the production and distribution circuits that link the inhabitants of different levels. After presenting a table formalizing these various vertical relations, the author gives several examples illustrating how populations living at different levels differ not only economically and socially but also culturally and ideologically.
- Législation foncière et société rurale. L'application de la loi du 26 juillet 1873 dans les douars de l'Algérois - Alain Sainte-Marie p. 61-87 Land Legislation and Rural Society: the Application of the Law of July 26, 1873 in the Douars of Algérois. The author narrates the turbulent history of the Warmer law, a series of measures concerning land titles and designed to extend French civil territory and encourage official colonization in Algeria. The great number of incidents provoked by the application of this law indicates the extent to which it upset rural Algerian society, inciting community conflicts over ancestral lands and undermining family solidarity by contesting hereditary property rights. A wide variety of problems were encountered in trying to determine the "rightful" owners of both melk (private) and arch (collective or tribal) lands, and the numerous complaints and rectifications following various decisions, casts doubts on the value of such a law and on the competence of the commissioners recruited to enforce it. The accomplishments of these commissioners are reviewed in the light of their qualifications, prejudices, powers, and interpretations of the law in question. The author explains how the sequestrations and expropriations resulting from this legislation contributed to the impoverishment and confusion of rural populations, and he then discusses why the law was progressively abandoned, revealing the contradiction between colonial imperatives and traditional administrative and judiciary procedure. Above all, the failure of this land legislation, hastened by the mediocrity and inconsistency of its application, proves that it is impossible to impose an imported law on a coherent society with a profoundly different form of economic, social and judiciary organization.
- La jachère en Ecosse au XVIIe siècle : phase ultime de l'expansion d'une technique - François Sigaut p. 89-105 Summer- Fallow in 18th-Century Scotland: the Ultimate Phase in the Development of a Technique. A brief history of the origins of summer-fallow in Europe is followed by the analysis and comparison of terms used in various languages to designate this practice. Excerpts from an article published in the Farmer's Magazine in 1800 illustrate the technical problems posed by the introduction of summer-fallow in Scotland and relate the circumstances and results of one of the first experiences, citing the opinions of contemporary critics. Scottish farming prior to this innovation is described so that the reader can better comprehend the effects of summer-fallow and of wheat cultivation (with which it is associated) on the agricultural system. Although praised by agronomists and advocated by land owners, this practice was not always enthusiastically accepted by farmers, and it had barely reached the height of its development before beginning to disappear, challenged by other techniques associated with other crops. In conclusion, the author offers several examples of the introduction of summer-fallow in other countries (England, Finland, Denmark) and comments on the misunderstandings that hindered its acceptance in France.
Chronique scientifique
- IVe Congrès international de sociologie rurale - p. 107-108
Comptes rendus
- Amos Rapoport, Pour une anthropologie de la maison. - Beaudoux-Kovats Edith p. 109-110
- H. Mendras et M. Jollivet, Les collectivités rurales françaises. - Kayser Bernard p. 111-112
- Pierre Demolon, Le village mérovingien de Brébières (VIe-VIIe siècles). - Braunstein Philippe p. 112-113
- Victor Pérez-Díaz, Cambio tecnológico y procesos educativos en España - Mathieu Nicole p. 113-114
- Victor Pérez-Díaz, Emigración y cambio social. Procesos migratorios y vida rural en Castilla. - Coyaud L. M. p. 114-116
- M. Cernea et al., Două sate. Structuri sociale şi progres tehnic. Bucureşti, - Stahl Paul-Henri p. 116-117
- Alacahöyük. Ethnographische Skizzen eines anatolischen Dorfes. Ergebnisse einer Feldübung des Seminars für Ethnologie der Universität Bern. - Stahl Paul-Henri p. 118-119
- Harvey E. Goldberg, Cave Dwellers and Citrus Growers. A Jewish Community in Libya and Israel. - Kuczynski Liliane p. 119-122
- Henri Desroche (en collab. avec Zvi Gat), Opération mochav. D'un développement des villages à une villagisation du développement - Kuczynski Liliane p. 122-125
- Cahiers des Amériques latines, 1969, janv.-juin - Beaudoux-Kovats Edith p. 125-127
- Anthony L. La Ruffa, San Cipriano, Life in a Puerto-Rican Community. - Beaudoux-Kovats Edith p. 127-128
- Michel Gutelman, Réforme et mystification agraires en Amérique latine : le cas du Mexique. - Beaudoux-Kovats Edith p. 129-130
- Christian Taillard, « Géographie rurale des berges de la Nam Ngun dans la plaine de Vientiane, Laos ». - Eliard Aurore p. 130-133
Notes bibliographiques
- Paul Houée, Les étapes du développement rural. - Kayser Bernard p. 135
- H. Desroche et P. Rambaud, Villages en développement. Contribution à une sociologie villageoise. - Kayser Bernard p. 136
- Marcel Lalignat, L'intervention de l'État dans le secteur agricole. - Kayser Bernard p. 136
- Rose-Marie Painvin, Un métier... Agricultrice. - Dauphin Cécile p. 137-138
- Bernard Hourcade, La vie rurale en Haut-Ossau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques). - Kayser Bernard p. 138
- J. Ashton & W. Harwood Long, The Remoter Rural Areas of Britain. - Kayser Bernard p. 138
- Giovanni Tocci, Terra e riforme nel Mezzogiorno moderno. - Kayser Bernard p. 139
- Charlotte Gower Chapman, Milocca, a Sicilian Village. - Péchoux Pierre-Yves p. 139-140
- Juan Martínez-Alier, Labourers and Landowners in Southern Spain. - Kayser Bernard p. 140
- Amando de Miguel & Juan Salcedo, Dinámica del desarrollo industrial de las regiones españolas. - Kayser Bernard p. 141
- Müveltség és Hagyomány. Studia ethnologica Hungariae et centralis ac orientalis Europae - Stahl Paul-Henri p. 141
- Philippe Gabriel Eidelberg, The Great Rumanian Peasant Revolt of 1907. Origins of a Modern Jacquerie. - Stahl Paul-Henri p. 141-142
- Haralambie Chircă, Documenta Romaniae Historica. A : Moldova. - Stahl Paul-Henri p. 142-143
- Bernard Kayser, Pierre-Yves Péchoux, Michel Savignon, Exode rural et attraction urbaine en Grèce. - Stahl Paul-Henri p. 143
- Dimitre Anguélov, Le bogomilisme en Bulgarie. - Stahl Paul-Henri p. 143-144
- Sodologija Sela. Selo i poljoprivreda u drustveno-ekonomskom razvoju Jugoslavije. - Stahl Paul-Henri p. 144-145
- G.V. Osipov, Town, Country and People. - Kayser Bernard p. 145-146
- Jan Hinderink & Mübeccel Kiray, Social Stratification as an Obstacle to Development. A Study of Four Turkish Villages. - Kayser Bernard p. 146-147
- Abdulla M. Lutfiyya & Charles W. Churchill, Readings in Arab Middle Eastern Societies and Cultures. - Marthelot Pierre p. 147
- Avraham Daniel, Le mouvement coopératif en Israël. Kfar Habad - Stahl Paul-Henri p. 148
- Ewald Götz, Siedlerbetriebe im Bewässerungsgebiet des Unteren Medjerdatales. - Marthelot Pierre p. 148-149
- Hermanus Hoeting, The Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations. A Contribution to the Sociology of Segmented Societies. - Beaudoux-Kovats Edith p. 149-150
- Cynthia Nelson, The Waiting Village. Social Change in Rural Mexico. - Kayser Bernard p. 150
- Raymond Wilkie, San Miguel, a Mexican Collective Ejido - Kayser Bernard p. 151
- Polly Hill, Rural Hausa, a Village and a Setting. - Kayser Bernard p. 151-152
- Paul Hiebert, Konduru, Structure and Integration in a South Indian Village. - Kayser Bernard p. 152
- Akira Takahashi, Land and Peasants in Central Luzon, Socio-Economie Structure of a Philippine Village. - Kayser Bernard p. 152
- Bulletin de l'association des ruralistes français - p. 153-159
- Résumes/Abstracts - p. 161-164