Contenu du sommaire : Droit, politique, espace agraire au Brésil
Revue | Etudes rurales |
Numéro | no 131-132, 1993 |
Titre du numéro | Droit, politique, espace agraire au Brésil |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Introduction - Afrânio Garcia Jr. p. 9-18
- Des plantations aux villes : les ambiguïtés d'un choix - Lygia Sigaud p. 19-37 From Plantation to City : The Ambiguity of a Choice - The rural exodus in Brazil since the 1960s has often been interpreted as the consequence of extending labor rights to those who work the land. Accordingly, rising labor costs have forced bosses to get rid of permanent hired hands. This cause-effect explanation comes under critical examination : it does not account for social actors' behavior. Questions are raised about the social conditions underlying this exodus. In the Nordeste plantation area, bosses have not laid masses of workers off. Instead, the latter have themselves decided to leave. Light is shed on the origins of these choices ; and the social context is analyzed wherein they have been made.
- L'usine et la véranda. [Théâtralisation de la domination patronale] - Rosilene Alvim, José Sergio Leite Lopes p. 39-56 The Factory and the Veranda : Staging Domination - What were the procedures for recruiting labor to a big textile factory in the Nordeste from 1930 to 1950 ? Families from the countryside were attracted to settle in town and work in the factory. During an institutionalized ceremony in front of the veranda at the boss's house {casa- grande), families were presented to the boss. The similarities and dissimilarities are pointed out between this staging of the boss's authority and the traditional senhorlmorador relationship on sugar plantations, which also took place in the setting of the casa- grande' s veranda. This ceremony plays out a specific form of domination and illustrates the history, with all its contradictions, of how workers have internalized this domination.
- Espace du marché et mode de domination - Marie-France Garcia p. 57-72 The Marketplace and Form of Domination - The ethnographical analysis of the Serro-Azul marketplace, located in the middle of a big sugar plantation in the Nordeste, Brazil, casts doubt on the widely accepted idea that market relationships rime with freedom and open doors toward the world. Following a description of its historical, social and institutional context, the market is shown to be a way of restoring the senhors traditional domination over the morador. The concentration of land-holdings and the appearance of new actors in the local context threatens this form of domination.
- Le temps de la politique - Beatriz Heredia, Moacir Palmeira p. 73-87 The Time for Politics - How do political meetings during election campaigns affect the support that the inhabitants of rural communes give to the factions dividing local society ? Among the many sorts of public events abounding during campaigns, attention is focused on meetings as a staging of the encounter between the top and bottom of the social hierarchy and between rival political factions. These political ceremonies are essential to constructing a special moment, the time for politics, when the society can form networks of sociability other than those based on the family, neighbourhood and religious community.
- Reconversion des élites agraires. [Du pouvoir local au pouvoir national] - Afrânio Garcia Jr. p. 89-105 Converting Land-Holding Elites to National Politics - Following the 1930 revolution, the Brazilian state underwent unprecedented centralization. New public institutions were set up in order to modernize the country politically, economically and socially. The analysis of the biographies and political activities of this movement's two major leaders in the Nordeste - the one civilian, the other military - shows how descendants of the major plantation families contributed to the national state's reconstruction. Located in outlying areas, these families, on the decline, were looking for ways to improve their situation. The newly introduced institutional innovations and their newly acquired authority enabled descendants to establish or reinforce their allies' power at the local level.
Raisons et pratiques. Dialogue avec un éleveur ovin.
- I. Les raisons d'un éleveur sont notre raison de coopérer - Bernard Hubert, Jean-Pierre Darré p. 109-115
- II. Un élevage ovin sous un nouveau regard. [ De l'analyse zootechnique à l'analyse du dialogue avec les éleveurs ] - Etienne Landais, Jacques Lasseur p. 117-122
- III. Entretien entre Jacques Lasseur et Aimé A. [Transcription et analyse ] - p. 123-152
- IV. Construction des choses et sens des actes. Buts et moyens de l'analyse du dialogue entre J. Lasseur et Aimé A. - Jean-Pierre Darré p. 153-163
- V. Une application du concept de "modèle d'action". Pour une lecture zootechnique des pratiques d'élevage - Jacques Lasseur, Etienne Landais p. 165-180
Comptes rendus
- À propos d'une note critique sur l'ouvrage Les Dauphinois et leurs forêts aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles et des réactions qu'elle a suscitées de la part des auteurs - Braunstein Philippe p. 183
- Edmond Ortigues, Camps-la-Source, Pays des Chapeliers - p. 184-186
- Jean-Claude Muller, Le quotidien des Rukuba. - p. 186-187
- Anne Zink, L'héritier de la maison. Géographie coutumière du Sud-Ouest de la France sous l'Ancien Régime. - Bruneton-Governatori Ariane p. 187-190
- Marie- Claude Amouretti et Georges Comet, Des hommes et des plantes. Plantes méditerranéennes, vocabulaire et usages anciens - Cohen Isabelle p. 190-192
- El medio rural español. Cultura, paisaje y naturaleza. - Perez Rosario p. 192-195
- Aida Kanafani-Zahar, Mūne, la conservation alimentaire traditionnelle au Liban - Bonnain Rolande p. 195-196
- Manuelle Franck, Quand la rizière rencontre l'asphalte. Semis urbain et processus d'urbanisation à Java-Est (Indonésie). - Durand Frédéric p. 197-198
- Frédéric Durand, Les forêts en Asie du Sud-Est, recul et exploitation. Le cas de l'Indonésie. - Franck Manuelle p. 198-200
- David Roger Hainsworth, Stewards, lords and people. The estate steward and his world in later Stuart England. - Neveux Hugues p. 200-202
- J.-C. Chasteland, J. Véron, M. Barbiéri, eds., Politiques de développement et croissance démographique rapide en Afrique (Actes de la conférence internationale "Développement et croissance démographique rapide : regard sur l'avenir de l'Afrique", Paris, 2-6 septembre 1991). - Pilon Marc, Schlemmer Bernard p. 202-205
- Résumés/Abstracts - p. 207-209
- Livres reçus (sélection) - p. 210