Contenu du sommaire : Autonomie et dépendance financière des jeunes.
Revue | Agora débats/jeunesse |
Numéro | no 3, 1996/1 |
Titre du numéro | Autonomie et dépendance financière des jeunes. |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- La catégorie "jeunesse" : structurante ou contraignante ? - Olivier Douard p. 6
Les débats : Autonomie et dépendance financière des jeunes
- Quelle autonomie dans la dépendance financière ? Pour un débat sur les revenus sociaux des jeunes - Marc Bessin p. 7-10
- Images symboliques de l'argent et classes d'âge - Annette Langevin p. 11-22 It is at the level of the family that the symbolic construction of the role of money in society is most directly perceived : which differentiates youth money from adult money. Other actors : the State, the bank, the media help confirm and complete this dual image. The deposit in a post office or a bank account is a special moment during which the symbolism of the money of young people takes on this dual register. On the one hand, a computerised currency with stable sources which is self-regenerating and on the other the currency of fundamental needs. The board and lodging provided by parents, the basic minimum salary, benefits, courses, scholarships ...are all part of the juvenilisation of those excluded from the exercice of complete adulthood Of those who are condemned to "pocket money", which does not lead to the adult symbolism of money.
- Adolescents, grands enfants, jeunes adultes et les prestations familiales - Philippe Steck p. 23-27 The 18-25 year old stratum is changing both through negative elements (family crisis, high youth unemployment) and more positive elements, such as the progress in schooling. Young people remain at home with their families for longer and have a very positive attitude towards them. Should young people be encouraged towards greater autonomy by giving them a special social status or by better supporting their family ? The autor opts for the second solution as a more pragmatic line to take. This requires the "enactment" of the family law of 25 July 1994 which at the end of the five year plan schedules an increase to 22 years of the age limitas a family dependent. He also wonders about providing new benefits to older children, which would be a near equivalent to the chil- drens' allowance for the under 3's. He considers that our family policy should have two "peaks" : early childhood and the zone adolescent-older children, young adults.
- Expression d'élues : entretiens avec Mme Darras, Vice-présidente du Conseil Général du Pas-de-Calais et Mme Bocandé, Vice-présidente en Seine-Maritime - p. 28-30
- Un pas vers l'autonomie : l'insertion par le logement. Débat avec des professionnels à Grenoble. - p. 31-38
- Jeunesse : de la dépendance à la Sécurité sociale - Daniel Cresson p. 39-46 Currently in France, young people are experiencing a generalised state of social insecurity. The 18 to 25 year olds, the students, employees, trainees and the unemployed are globally the poorest in the country. This has a direct effect on the state of their physical and moral health. Twenty years after acquiring the majority at eighteen, this still does not exist in the social sector. There is no adequation between the civil and social majority. The Federation of Insurance Companies proposes the implementation, based on three principles : autonomy, universality, globality, of a youth social security so that this population can live in social security. It will be materialized by the institution of a youth branch which will cover the risks inherent to this age range, such as poverty. Benefits will be granted in particular, and without expecting any return, to those young people with insufficient resources to live. These benefits, which are not to be a new minimum at the level of the basic mimum salary will enable young people to live decently and autonomously, to train, improve their skills and seek employment.
- Avoir 20 ans aujourd'hui.... Courage camarade - Francis Bailleau p. 47-56 In 1975, faced with the obvious consequences of the status of "young people" and the reversal of the employment market, the government laid the foundation stone to an edifice which it certainly did not expect to last. The continuing difficulties, an unhoped for social and political "calm" led to and consolidated, at the expense of both the young and the elderly, a form of short term management of the social consequences of the economic organisation which was being operated. The fringe of the active population had to absorb and did absorb, without toppling the base, the induced tensions of the new conditions of exercice of a salaried activity resulting from this redistribution of productive activities. The compromise which enabled France to emerge from the post war slump was "globally" conserved. In 1995, after twenty years of day to day management of the difficulties, the edifice can no longer take yet anather "face lift". The ceaseless construction of new categories to "fill up the cracks" should perhaps stand aside at last ? Surely the time has come for a redefinition of the meaning of the procedures for the "inclusion of disadvantaged young people ?"
"Points de vue"
- Circuler, accéder, consommer, un enjeu de citoyenneté - Jacques Guillou p. 57-68 For young people from disadvantaged communities the act of consumerism is a non-negligeable opportunity to test out the role of sub-citizen which is currently attributed to them. The theoretical equality of rights to consumerism is more or less obliterated depending on the manner in which managers of large shopping surfaces perceive young people. The latter often globally identify them as potential delinquents simply because they belong to that particular age group. This makes way for the image of a commercial era of youth which further outlines habitual exclusion but which must nevertheless be considered as an impediment to the accessing of citizenship by young people.
- Les jeunes en errance - François Chobeaux p. 69-78 Several thousand young adults are permanently on the move at present in France. They claim to be the voluntary actors of a life style which they have willingly adopted. They assemble in large numbers for music or drama festivals, and such gatherings pose problems of hospitality and of policing in the festival towns. An action-survey has been conducted for several years on these young people. It is structured round approaches based on an understanding of this public (ethnology, sociology, psychology health) and grass roots actions aiming at experimenting and developing temporary forms of hospitality during the festivals. It will also suggest procedures in prevention work and social inclusion adapted to the public.
- Les organisations de jeunesse en République Tchèque - Bretislav Hofbauer p. 79-88 The associative process of young childrens'/youth organisations in the Czech Republic has endured, in the course of this century, frequent and substantial changes the consequences of which are still currently to be observed. For both internal and external reasons the overall impact of organisations has been weakened ; membership potential has dropped from 45 % of the total youth population before November 1989 to 15 % at the present time. This situation has also been complicated by the existence of several coordinating and lead bodies who only work together on certain questions. This state of affairs is likely to remain. In future years organisations will need to rise to the challenge, offer young children and young people an especially attractive programme, set up a training system for the leaders, concentrate on developing the network of clubs and improve their social image.
- Un cinéma "pour" les enfants..? - Daniel Paris p. 89-98 All too frequently for adults, especially for parents, the cinema for a young public is restricted to Walt Disney animated films. The cinema as an art form, as a window on the world, despite the endeavours of certain to affirm this, tends to be forgotten, as are the numerous films which respect the intelligence, the sensitivity and the dignity of the child. At a time when the cinema runs the risk of being tumed into a simple market product, it is perhaps important to wonder about the meaning to give those images which are shown to children, particuarly via the question of the "cinema for children".
- Circuler, accéder, consommer, un enjeu de citoyenneté - Jacques Guillou p. 57-68
Lire, faire lire
- Madec (Annick) et Murar (Numa). Citoyenneté et politiques sociales. Paris : Flammarion, 1995 - Bier Bernard p. 101-102
- Henri (Jean-Paul). Le temps libre des enfants. Que Faire dans votre commune ? Toulouse : Milan, 1995 - Fréville Véronique p. 102-103
- Archambault (Edith) et Boumendil (Judith). - Le secteur sans but lucratif en France. Synthèse de la recherche effectuée dans le cadre du programme John's Hopkins de comparaison internationale du secteur sans but lucratif. CNRS Paris I Laboratoire d'économie sociale. - Edité par la Fondation de France, Mai 1995 - Bruneau Chantal p. 103-105
- Jeunesse en Autriche. Marly-Le-Roi : Document de l'INJEP n°19, 1995 - Précas Nikos p. 105
- Duret (Pascal). Anthropologie de la Fraternité dans les cités. Paris : PUF, 1996 - Labadie Francine p. 106-107
- Bazin (Hugues). La culture hip-hop. Paris : Desclée de Brower, 1995 - Chobeaux François p. 107-108
- Obin (Jean-Pierre) (dir.). La Face cachée de la Formation professionnelle. (Préface de Martine Aubry). - Paris : Hachette Éducation, 1995 - Meirieu Philippe p. 108-110
- Boutinet (jean-Pierre). Psychologie de la vie adulte. Paris : PUF, 1995. (Coll. Que sais-je ?) - Bessin Marc p. 111-112
- Esterle-Hedibel (Maryse). - Le rite et le risque. La culture du risque dans les bandes de jeunes de milieu populaire à travers la conduite routière. Thèse de Doctorat : UER de Sciences Sociales Sorbonne Paris V, 1995 - p. 113
- Bertrand (Paul). Itinéraire d'un éducateur de la première génération. (Présentation et commentaires de Françoise Têtard). - Saint-Agne : Eres, 1995 - p. 113
- Galland (Olivier) (dir.). Le monde étudiant. Paris : PUF, 1995 - p. 113
- Trajectoires de jeunes : chiffres à l'appui. INSEE : Économie et statistique, n° 283/284, 1995 - p. 113
- Le Breton (David). La sociologie du risque. Paris : PUF, 1995 - p. 114
- Rarrbo (Kamel). L'Algérie et sa jeunesse. Marginalisations sociales et désarroi culturel. Paris : L'Harmattan, 1995 - p. 114
- BLANC (Catherine). Jeunesse : le plus bel âge de la vie ? Recherches et Prévisions, n° 40. Paris : CNAF, 1995 - p. 114
- La situation différenciée des jeunes issus de l'immigration. Paris : Rapport du Haut Conseil à l'Intégration, 1995 - p. 115
- Mauger (Gérard) (dir.). Les mondes des jeunes. Sociétés Contemporaines, n° 21. - Paris : IRESCO-CNRS, diffuseur : L'Harmattan, 1995 - p. 115
- Duchesne (Sophie). Citoyenneté à la Française : tension entre particularisme et universalisme (Analyse d'entretiens "non-directifs"). Thèse de Doctorat : I.E.P. Paris, 1994. (Sous la direction de Jean Lecat) - p. 115
Carnet de champs
- Un sommet mondial consacré à la télévision pour les enfants ! Melbourne, mars 1995 - Auclaire Elisabeth p. 117
- Colloque Télécole L'enfant, la télévision et l'école Belfort, les 30 et 31 mai 1996 - p. 118
- Colloque Citoyenneté/Identités 22 et 23 Novembre 1995 INJEP-Marly-Le-Roi - Labadie Francine p. 118-119
- "Le Conseil des jeunes, une chance si vous voulez être entendu !" Strasbourg, du 3 au 5 novembre 1995 - Carrère Caroline p. 119-120
- Journées nationales d'études. Jeunesses et insertion, trajectoires spécifiques des jeunes non scolarisés, Montpellier, les 25 et 26 Janvier - p. 120-121
- 16ème Université d'été de la Communication, Hourtin (Gironde) du 28 Août au 1er Septembre 1995 - Bier Bernard p. 121-122
- Colloque sur l'insertion en milieu rural, Réalités et perspectives, 13-14 Novembre 1995 - De Linares Chantal, Davancens Odile p. 122-123
- Séminaire international Information et recherche sur la jeunesse, nouvelles approches, nouvelles stratégies : l'exemple européen INJEP, les 18 et 20 septembre 1995 - Belmas Marie-Paule p. 124-125
- Carrefour "Biennale de l'Education" - p. 125
- De l'innovation pédagogique à la rénovation politique du sport populaire, l'expérience FSGT Colloque FSGT, les 25, 26 et 27 Mai 1995 - p. 126-128
- Colloque "Ville et jeunesse : quelle communication ?" Université de Bordeaux III, Avril 1995 - p. 128
- Les rencontres de l'INJEP Cycle mensuel de conférences organisé par l'INJEP, en collaboration avec l'APRIEF et la Biennale de l'Education (Le programme Figure dans le n° 2 d'AGORA débats/jeunesses) - Mosconi Nicole p. 128-130
- L'engagement politique des jeunes et l'institution. 17 Octobre 1995 - Beillerot Jacky p. 130
- Le DEFA : une Formation pour quels métiers ? Journée d'étude le 18 novembre 1995, organisée par le Centre Public DEFA d'Aquitaine - Marque Jean-Claude p. 130-131
Veille informative
- Les Yeux d'Argos - p. 133
- Action Jeunesse - p. 133
- E.A.I.C.Y. European Association For leisure time Institutions of Children and Youth of great cities - p. 134
- La télé, ça nous regarde ! - p. 134
- Integration et ségrégation des jeunes gens dans un monde changeant : conséquences pour l'éducation - p. 135
- Rouletaboule. Un programme et des outils pédagogiques pour apprendre à gérer nos déchets - p. 135
- AFFUTS. Association Française pour des Formations Universitaires en Travail Social - p. 136
- Démographie occidentale : la baisse... - p. 136
- Lancement du projet Bande Dessinée "Pour toi Sandra" - p. 137
- La télévision Favorise l'obésité des jeunes - p. 137
- BIRD. Une base de données sur l'enfant et son environnement - p. 138
- Fondation Fun Radio pour la nouvelle génération - p. 138
- LIVRJEUN. Une banque de données sur la littérature pour la jeunesse - p. 139