Contenu du sommaire : La chrétienté latine et les Slaves orientaux
Revue |
Revue des Etudes Slaves ![]() |
Numéro | vol. 70, n°2, 1998 |
Titre du numéro | La chrétienté latine et les Slaves orientaux |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
La chrétienté latine et les Slaves orientaux, sous la direction de Vladimir Vodoff
- Introduction - Vladimir Vodoff p. 287-288
- L'intervention de Grigorij Camblak, métropolite de Kiev, au concile de Constance (février 1418) - Gerhard Podskalsky, Michel Mervaud p. 289-297
- Un pamphlet anti-latin à Novgorod au XVe siècle ? - Vladimir Vodoff p. 299-307
- Les vaudois et la Russie - Cesare G. De Michelis p. 309-331
- Положение православного населения смоленщины в составе Речи Посполитой (20-е - 40-е годы XVII в.) - В. N. Florja p. 333-345
- La mission de Juraj Križanić en Moscovie - Valérie Chaillou-Geronimi p. 347-361
- Image et fonction des Slaves orientaux dans la pensée de Wojciech Kojałowicz S. J. - Giovanna Brogi Bercoff p. 363-375
- Jacques Jubé et l'union des Églises - Michel Mervaud p. 377-398
- L'odyssée religieuse de Vasilij Grigorovič Barskij à travers les chrétientés latine et grecque (1723-1747) - Pierre Gonneau p. 399-409 The Religious Odyssey of Vasilij Grigorovič Barskij Through Latin and Greek Christendom (1723-1747) Relating his pilgrimages through Poland, Hungary, Austria, Italy, the Greek islands, Mount Athos and the Near East, the Kievan Vasilij Barskij devotes a great deal of attention to the confrontation between Latin and Greek faiths. His testimony is a contrasted one. It includes sympathetic descriptions of Western European mores and even of specifically Catholic supports of worship, such as sculptures or musical instruments. Meanwhile, Barskij denounces «Papist» expansionism in traditionally «Greek» fields and tells several tales of violence commited by Catholics against Orthodoxs. Neither does Barskij spare his criticisms to the rigorist monks of the Athos (most of them Serbians or Bulgarians) who doubt the Orthodoxy of the Ukrainian people coming to the Holy Mountain. Well aware of the cultural gap between his native land, under the rule of the powerful Russian sovereign, and the cradle of Orthodoxy, under Ottoman yoke, Vasilij experiences a mix of respect and condescension towards the Greek «great Church in captivity». In the end, he elaborates a sort of climate theory, recognizing the validity of both Catholic and Orthodox faiths, within their ancestral boundaries.
- Paul Ier, l'ordre de Malte et l'Église romaine - Alain Blondy p. 411-430
- Между Россией и Зaпадом : жизнь и труды И. С. Гагарина : итоги и перспективы исследований - Leonid Shur p. 431-442
- Les Russes et la « dépolonisation » religieuse de l'Ukraine rive droite (1863-1914) - Daniel Beauvois p. 443-467
- L'intervention de Grigorij Camblak, métropolite de Kiev, au concile de Constance (février 1418) - Gerhard Podskalsky, Michel Mervaud p. 289-297
- L'Église d'Angleterre et l'orthodoxie russe : quelques exemples de relations - Nicolas Lossky p. 469-476 The Church of England and Russian Orthodoxy: A Few Examples of Relations The place of Britain within «Latin Christianity» is justified. A hypothesis is advanced concerning the 16th century in connexion with the Muscovy Company. After a brief mention of the 18th century Non-Jurors, the emphasis is entirely placed on the 19th century, with some little known effects of the Oxford Movement, and even more particularly on the 20th century with the foundation and development of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius by prominent Anglicans and members of the Russian emigration.
- Deux lettres de Vjačeslav Ivanov - Dimitri Ivanov p. 477-484 Two Letters of Vjačeslav Ivanov After years of reflexion Vjačeslav Ivanov decided, in 1926, to join the Catholic Church. Не informed the Vatican Congregation for the Eastern Church about his wish and asked to be authorized to use for this occasion a statement written by Vladimir Solov'ev instead of the usual formula, according to which the postulant «abjured» the Orthodox Church. Ivanov did not abjure. Не believed on the contrary that by professing the unity of the Universal Church one acts as a real member of Orthodoxy as it was before the quarrels and schisms. The Congregation, after consulting the Holy Office, agreed to the unusual proceeding. A year later, the 15 years old son of Ivanov, Dimitri, wrote to his father — then in Pavia — informing him about his intention to become a catholic. To his great surprise his father strongly objected and insisted that Dimitri go to the Russian Orthodox church, discuss the mater with the Rector, confess and, if the Rector allowed, receive Communion. Не should first become a good orhodox, before deciding. Dimitri obeyed. But a few months later he became dangerously ill. Не then returned to his previous decision and this time his father agreed. Не only regretted that in the hospital chapel it was not possible to celebrate the liturgy in the bizantine rite. As he later wrote to his friend, S. L. Frank, «the Catholic Church consists of two halves: the Latin Church and the Greek Church. The latter is not as numerous but essential on a spiritual level because preceding the course of history it accomplishes the wholeness of the Universal Church».
- L'Église d'Angleterre et l'orthodoxie russe : quelques exemples de relations - Nicolas Lossky p. 469-476
Le point sur la question
- Les relations entre le temporel et le spirituel dans la Russie moscovite : pistes de recherche - Pierre Gonneau p. 485-495
- Les relations entre le temporel et le spirituel dans la Russie moscovite : pistes de recherche - Pierre Gonneau p. 485-495
- Introduction - Vladimir Vodoff p. 287-288
Chronique bibliographique
Comptes rendus
- Troubetzkoy N. S., l'Europe et l'Humanité, traduction et notes de Patrick Sériot, précédé de Troubetzkoy, linguiste ou historiosophe des totalités organiques ?, par Patrick Sériot - Comtet Roger p. 497-501
- Richterová Sylvie, Ticho a smích : studie z české literatury (le Silence et le Rire : études sur la littérature tchèque) - Voisine-Jechová Hana p. 501-503
- Pospíšil Ivo, Zelenka Miloš, René Wellek a meziválečné Československo : ke kořenům strukturální estetiky (R. W. et la Tchécoslovaquie entre les deux guerres : aux racines de l'esthétique structurelle) - Voisine-Jechová Hana p. 503
- Россика : научные исследования по руссистике, украинистике, белорусистике, sous la direction de Jiří Gonzik - Etkind Efim p. 504-505
- Stang Håkon, The Naming of Russia - Comtet Roger p. 506-508
- Spiritual songs in Seventeenth-Century Russia : edition of the MS 1938 from Muzejnoe sobranie of the State museum in Moscow (GIM), transcribed and edited by Olga Dolskaya, editorial note by Hans Rothe - Mokienko Valeri M. p. 509-512
- Tynianov Iouri, Formalisme et histoire littéraire, traduit du russe, annoté et présenté par Catherine Depretto-Genty - Lanne Jean-Claude p. 513-514
- Weinstein Marc, Tynianov ou la poétique de la relativité - Lanne Jean-Claude p. 514
- Percova Nataľja, Словарь неологизмов Велимира Хлебникова = Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Sonderband 40 - Lanne Jean-Claude p. 515
- Образ поэта : Максимилиан Волошин в стихах и портретах современников, édition, introduction et notes de V. Kupčenko, postface et choix des illustrations par D. Losev - Albert Marie-Aude p. 515-517
- Čerubina de Gabriak, Исповедь, édition, notes et commentaires de V. P. Kupčenko, M. S. Landa et I. A. Repina, introduction de M. S. Landa - Albert Marie-Aude p. 517-519
- Marcadé Jean-Claude, l'Avant-garde russe - Lanne Jean-Claude p. 519-521
- Comtet Roger, Grammaire du russe contemporain - Camus Rémi p. 521-525
- Das Adjektiv im Russischen - Roudet Robert p. 525-528
- Apresjan Ju. D., Boguslavskaja O. Ju., Levontina I. В., Uryson E. V., Glovinskaja M. Ja., Krylova T. V., Новый объяснительный словарь синонимов русского языка - Mikaelian Irina p. 528-531
- Troubetzkoy N. S., l'Europe et l'Humanité, traduction et notes de Patrick Sériot, précédé de Troubetzkoy, linguiste ou historiosophe des totalités organiques ?, par Patrick Sériot - Comtet Roger p. 497-501