Contenu du sommaire
Revue | Oceanic Linguistics |
Numéro | Vol. 43, no 2, 2004 |
- Phonation Types in Javanese - Thurgood E. p. 277-295
- The Phonetics Of Paicî Vowels - Gordon M., Maddieson I. p. 296-310
- The Efate-Erromango Problem in Vanuatu Subgrouping - Lynch J. p. 311-338
- The Argument Structure of Verbs with the Suffix -kan in Indonesian - Cole P., Son M.J. p. 339-364
- *t to k: An Austronesian Sound Change Revisited - Blust R. p. 365-410
- The Higher Phylogeny of Austronesian and the Position of Tai-Kadai - Sagart L. p. 411-444
- From Implicature to Construction: Emergence of a Benefactive Construction in Oceanic - Margetts A. p. 445-468
- Old Bikol -um- vs. mag- and the Loss of a Morphological Paradigm - Lobel J.W. p. 469-497
- Linguists, Literacy, and the Law of Unintended Consequences - Rehg K.L. p. 498-518
- Book Reviews. Catharina Williams-van Klinken, John Hajek and Rachel Nordlinger. Tetun Dili: A Grammar of an East Timorese Language. 2002. - van Engelenhoven A. p. 519-521
- Book-reviews. Bert Remijsen. Word-prosodic systems of Raja Ampat languages. 2001. - Thurgood G. p. 522-524
- Book-reviews. Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. Sourcebook on Tomini-Tolitoli languages: General information and word lists, 2001. - Blust R. p. 525-530
- Book-reviews. Karen Davis.Grammar of the Hoava language, Western Solomons. 2003. - Mosel U. p. 531-534