Contenu du sommaire
Revue | The Journal of Mind and Behavior |
Numéro | Vol. 28, no 3-4, 2007 |
- Why History Matters: Associations and Causal Judgment in Hume and Cognitive Science - Collier M. p. 175-188
- The Phenomenology of Freedom - Kapitan T. p. 189-202
- Process, Quantum Coherence, and the Stream of Consciousness - Choquette K.A. p. 203-232
- The Frontal Feedback Model of the Evolution of the Human Mind: Part 2, The Human Brain and the Frontal Feedback System - Noack R.A. p. 233-264
- The Knobe Effect: A Brief Overview - Feltz A. p. 265-277
- An Improved Reply to the Argument from Categorization - Earl D. p. 279-288
- Time, Thought, and Consciousness - Glicksohn J., Lipperman Kreda S. p. 289-305