Contenu du sommaire : Articulated meanings: Studies in gender and the politics of culture / Sens et cohérence : Etudes sur le vécu social des sexes et la politique de la culture
Revue |
Anthropologica ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 42, no 1, 2000 |
Titre du numéro | Articulated meanings: Studies in gender and the politics of culture / Sens et cohérence : Etudes sur le vécu social des sexes et la politique de la culture |
Articulated meanings: Studies in gender and the politics of culture / Sens et cohérence : Etudes sur le vécu social des sexes et la politique de la culture
- Articulated meanings: Studies in gender and the politics of culture. Introduction - McKenzie Aucoin P. p. 3-6
- Sens et cohérence : Etudes sur le vécu social des sexes et la politique de la culture. Introduction - McKenzie Aucoin P., Kennedy A.C., Lapointe J. p. 7-10
- Blinding the Snake: Women's Myths as Insubordinate Discourse in Western Fiji - McKenzie Aucoin P. p. 11-27
- A hopeless life? The story of a Koriak woman in the Russian far East - Rethmann P. p. 29-42
- Feminism, Anthropology and the Politics of Excision in Mali: Global and Local Debates in a Post-Colonial World - Gosselin C. p. 43-60
- Living Hierarchy in Yemen - Meneley A. p. 61-73
- The 'Deified' Heart: Huichol Indian Soul-concepts and Shamanic Art - MacLean H. p. 75-90
- Applying anthropology: Another view of museum exhibit development - Kahn M. p. 91-94
- Reply to Regna Darnell's 'Toward a history of Canadian departments of anthropology - Barker J. p. 95-97
- Book reviews. Grant Evans and Maria Siu-Mi Tam (Eds.). Hong-Kong: The anthropology of a chinese metropolis, 1997 - Woon Y.F. p. 99-100
- Book reviews. Anne M.O. Griffiths. In the shadow of marriage: Gender and justice in an African community, 1997 - Levin M.D. p. 100-101
- Book reviews. Pauline Greenhill and Diane Tye (Eds.). Undisciplined women: Tradition and culture in Canada, 1997 - Howard-Bobiwash H. p. 101-102
- Book reviews. David Palumbo-Liu and Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (eds.). Streams of cultural capital, 1997 - Greenhill P. p. 102-103
- Book reviews. Donald J. Lopez, Jr. Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Budhism and the west, 1998 - Calkowski M. p. 103-104
- Book reviews. Habiba Zaman. Patriarchy and Purdah: Structural and systemic violence against women in Bangladesh, 1998 - Rothenberg C. p. 104
- Book reviews. Homa Hoodfar. Between marriage and the market: Intimate politics and survival in Cairo, 1997 - Roseman S.R. p. 104-105
- Book reviews. Jean-Loup Amselle. Mestizo logics: Anthropology of identity in Africa and elsewhere, 1998 - Meintel D. p. 105-106
- Book reviews. Tomas Hammar, Grete Brochmann, Kristof Tamas and Thomas Faist (Eds.) : International migration, immobility and development: Multidisciplinary perspectives, 1997 - Wiest R.E. p. 107
- Book reviews. Jean-François Moreau (dir.). L'archéologie sous la loupe : Contributions à l'archéométrie, 1999 - Dubois J.M.M. p. 107-108
- Book reviews. Chantal Collard. Une famille, un village, une nation : La parenté dans Charlevoix, 1900-1960, 1999 - Tremblay M.A. p. 108-112
- Book reviews. Agnès Fine (dir.). Adoptions : Ethnologie des parentés choisies, 1998 - Campelo A. p. 112-113
- Book reviews. Ron Eyerman and Andrew Jamison. Music and social movements, 1998 - Rosenberg N.V. p. 113-114