Contenu du sommaire : Anthropology of sport / Anthropologie du sport
Revue |
Anthropologica ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 46, no 1, 2004 |
Titre du numéro | Anthropology of sport / Anthropologie du sport |
Anthropology of sport / Anthropologie du sport
- Getting into the game: Anthropological perspectives on sport. Introduction - Dyck N. p. 3-8
- Perspectives anthropologiques sur le sport : Mise en jeu - Dyck N. p. 9-15
- Anthropologists on home turf: How green is the grass? - Lithmann Y.G. p. 17-27
- Preoccupations and prejudices: Reflections on the study of sports imagery - King C.R. p. 29-36
- Scouting an anthropolgy of sport - Moore P. p. 37-46
- One country, one sport, endless knowedge: The anthropological study of sports in South Africa - Anderson C.M., Bielert T.A., Jones R.P. p. 47-55
- The saint, the sea monster, and an invitation to a dîner-dansant: Ethnographic reflections on the edgy passage, and the double edge, of modernity, Mayotte 1975-2001 - Lambek M. p. 57-68
- The self in Northern Canadian hunting societies: 'Cannibals' and other 'monsters' as agents of healing - Ferrara N., Lanoue G. p. 69-83
- Property, kinship and cultural capital: The ethics of modelling kinship in sustainable resource management - Wiber M.G., Lovell P. p. 85-98
- Book reviews. Bent Flyvbjerg, Nils Bruzelius et Werner Rothengatter. Megaprojects and risk. An anatomy of ambition, 2003 - Charest P. p. 99-100
- Book reviews. Molly Lee and Gregory A. Reinhardt with a foreword by Andrew Tooyak, Jr. Eskimo architecture: Dwelling and structure in the early historic period, 2003 - Dawson P.C. p. 100-101
- Book reviews. Alison Wylie. Rethinking from things: Essays in the philosophy of archaeology, 2002 - Evasdottir E. p. 101-102
- Book reviews. Jeannine Koubi : Histoires d'enfants exposés. Pays toradja, Sulawesi, Indonésie, 2003 - Girard M.P. p. 102-103
- Book reviews. Marcel Detienne (dir.). Qui veut prendre la parole?, 2003 - Gagnon P. p. 103-104
- Book reviews. Francine Saillant et Manon Boulianne (dirs.), 2003, Transformations sociales, genres et santé. Perspectives critiques et comparatives - Gautier A. p. 104-106
- Book reviews. Shanshan Du. 'Chopsticks only work in pairs' : Gender unity and gender equality among the Lahu of Southwest China, 2002 / Susan Mann and Yu-yin Cheng (eds.). Under confucian eyes: Writings on gender in Chinese history, 2001 - Holyoak L. p. 106-108
- Book reviews. Richard G. Fox and Barbara J. King (eds.), Anthropology beyond culture, 2002 - Johnson H. p. 108-109
- Book reviews. Marc-Olivier Gonseth, Jacques Hainard et Roland Kaehr (dirs.). X - Spéculations sur l'imaginaire et l'interdit, 2003 - Mirza V. p. 109-110
- Book reviews. Michael Billig. Barons, brokers and buyers: The Institutions and cultures of Philippine Sugar, 2003 / Sally Ann Ness. Where Asia smiles: An ethnography of Philippine tourism, 2003 - Mitchell L.M. p. 110-111
- Book reviews. Wolfart H.C. (ed.). Papers of the thirty-fourth algonquian conference, 2003 - O'Meara J. p. 112-113
- Book reviews. Virginia Kerns. Scenes from the high desert: The life and theory of Julian Steward, 2003 - Pinkoski M. p. 113-114
- Book reviews. Blair A. Rudes and David J. Costa (eds.). Essays in Algonquian, Catawban, and Siouan Linguistics in memory of Frank T. Siebert, Jr., 2003 - Proulx P. p. 114-116
- Book reviews. Barker, John and Douglas Cole (eds.). At home with the Bella Coola Indians: T.F. McIlwraith's field letters, 1922-4, 2003 - Thom B. p. 116-117