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Revue |
Anthropos : International review of anthropology and linguistics ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 101, no 1, 2006 |
- 100 Years of Anthropos - Quack A. p. 3-7
- Inherited rules and new procedures in three trials in Canton Bo, southwestern Côte d'Ivoire - Adams M. p. 9-19
- Diviners, malams, God, and the contest for paramount chiefship in Mamprugu (Northern Ghana) - Tonah S. p. 21-35
- Islamisation and ethnic conversion in Nigeria - Harnischfeger J. p. 37-53
- The establishment of the princes' society in Oku, Cameroon: An enhancement of traditional culture or its adulteration ? - Gufler H., Bah N.J. p. 55-80
- Cyclicité, histoire et destin dans les systèmes de classes d'âge de l'Afrique de l'Est - Hazel R. p. 81-98
- Israels Religionsgeschichte aus ethnologischer Sicht - Lang B. p. 99-109
- The dynamics of identity reconstruction among Arab communities in the United States - el-Sayed el-Aswad p. 111-121
- "To inculcate respect for the Chinese." Berthold Laufer, Franz Boas, and the Chinese exhibits at the American Museum of Natural History, 1899–1912 - Haddad J. p. 123-144
- Ideología, simbolismo y relaciones de género en la construcción de la persona chacobo - Córdoba L. p. 145-158
- The urban manchinery youth and social capital in Western Amazonian contemporary rituals - Virtanen P.K. p. 159-167
- A Religiosidade popular na cultura caiçara. A Festa do Divino Espírito Santo em Iguape - Izidoro J.L. p. 169-178
- Inca Copacabana. A reconstruction from the perspective of the carved rocks - Christie J.J. p. 179-201
- Issues in the classification of kinship terminologies. Toward a new typology - Kronenfeld D.B. p. 203-219
- Männlichkeit und weiblichkeit : Wahrgenommene soziale akzeptanz bei jungen kalmyken - Wolfradt U., Schmidt A.E., Solvana S. p. 221-229
- Syncretism in religion - Pandian J. p. 229-233
- Economic systems of foraging, agricultural, and industrial societies - Dannhaeuser N. p. 233-238
- Drei neue Maya-Hieroglyphen kataloge - Riese B. p. 238-246
- Rezensionen. Aijmer, Göran: New year celebrations in central China in late imperial times, 2003 - Laamann L.P. p. 247
- Rezensionen. Arens, Werner, und Hans-Martin Braun : Die lndianer Nordamerikas. Geschichte, kultur, religion, 2004 - Siebelt D. p. 248-249
- Rezensionen.Ashforth, Adam: Witchcraft, violence, and Democracy in South Africa, 2005 - Beidelman T.O. p. 249-250
- Rezensionen. Bajalijewa, Toktobjubju Dshunuschakunowa: vorislamische glauben der Kirgisen, 2002 - Droeber J. p. 250-252
- Rezensionen. Barnard, Timothy P.: Multiple centres of authority. Society and environment in Siak and Eastern Sumatra, 1674-1827, 2003 - Dietrich S. p. 252-253
- Rezensionen. Biardeau, Madeleine: Stories about posts. Vedic variations around the Hindu goddess, 2004 - Sharma A. p. 253-254
- Rezensionen. Bichler, Gabriele Aïsha: Bejo, Curay und bin-bim? Die sprache und kultur der wolof im Senegal, (mit angeschlossenem Lehrbuch Wolof), 2003 - Meyer C. p. 254-256
- Rezensionen. Bowen, John R.: Islam, law, and equality in Indonesia. An anthropology of public reasoning, 2003 - Marschall W. p. 256-257
- Rezensionen. Brown, Michael F.: Who owns native culture ?, 2003 - Wörrle B. p. 257-258
- Rezensionen. Chibnik, Michael: Crafting tradition. The making and marketing of oaxacan wood carvings, 2003 - Volz A. p. 258-259
- Rezensionen. Cipolletti, María Susana (ed.) : Los mundos de abajo y los mundos de arriba. Individuo y sociedad en las tierras bajas, en los Andes y más alla. Tomo en homenaje a Gerhard Baer en su 70 cumpleaños, 2004 - Rosengren D. p. 259-261
- Rezensionen. Das, Veena, and Deborah Poole (eds.): Anthropology in the margins of the state, 2004 - Drubig R. p. 261-263
- Rezensionen. Dilger, Hansjörg: Leben mit AIDS. Krankheit, tod und soziale beziehungen in Afrika, 2005 - Rödlach A. p. 263-264
- Rezensionen. Dobler, Gregor : Bedürfnisse und der umgang mit dingen. Eine historische ethnographie der Ile d'Ouessant, Bretagne, 1800-2000, 2004 - Hahn H.P. p. 264-266
- Rezensionen. Endeley, Joyce, Shirley Ardener, Richard Goodridge, and Nalova Lyonga (eds.) : New gender studies from Cameroon and the Caribbean, 2004 - Röschenthaler U. p. 267-268
- Rezensionen. Fikentscher, Wolfgang : Culture, law, and economics. Three Berkeley lectures, 2004 - Reinhard W. p. 268-269
- Rezensionen. Finlayson, Clive: Neanderthals and modern humans. An ecological and evolutionary perspective, 2004 - Smith P.K. p. 269-270
- Rezensionen. Fischer, Steven Roger: A History of the Pacific Islands, 2002 - Bargatzky T. p. 270-271
- Rezensionen. Galinier, Jacques : The world below. Body and cosmos in Otomí Indian ritual, 2004 - Wiesenbauer B. p. 271-272
- Rezensionen. Gardner, Peter M.: Bicultural versatility as a frontier adaptation among paliyan foragers of South India, 2000 - Demmer U. p. 272-273
- Rezensionen. Gavin, Traude: Iban ritual textiles, 2003 - Gittinger M. p. 273-274
- Rezensionen. Glowczewski, Barbara : Rêves en colère avec les Aborigènes australiens. Alliances aborigènes dans le Nord-Ouest australien, 2004 - Bonnemère P. p. 274-275
- Rezensionen. Goodenough, Ward H. : Under heaven's brow. Pre-Christian religious tradition in Chuuk, 2002 - Erckenbrecht C. p. 275-277
- Rezensionen. Grijp, Paul van der: Identity and development. Tongan culture, agriculture, and the perenniality of the gift, 2004 - Sykes K. p. 277-278
- Rezensionen. Gufler, Hermann: Affliction and moral order. conversations in yambaland (Cameroon), 2003 - Schneider J. p. 278-279
- Rezensionen. Gütl, Clemens (Hrsg.) : “Adieu ihr lieben schwarzen.” Gesammelte schriften des Tiroler Afrika-missionars Franz Mayr (1865–1914), 2004 - Quack A. p. 279-281
- Rezensionen. Halperin-Kaddari, Ruth: Women in Israel. A state of their own, 2004 - Kamir O. p. 281-282
- Rezensionen. Hyland, Sabine : The Jesuit and the Incas. The extraordinary life of Padre Blas Valera, 2004 - Nowack K. p. 282-284
- Rezensionen. Kapfer, Reinhard : Die frauen von Maroua. Liebe, sexualität und heirat in Nordkamerun, 2005 - Kosack G. p. 284-285
- Rezensionen. Kasten, Erich (ed.): People and the land. Pathways to reform in post-soviet Siberia, 2002 ; Kasten, Erich (ed.) : Properties of culture – culture as property. Pathways to Reform in Post-Soviet Siberia, 2004 ; Kasten, Erich (ed.): Rebuilding identities. Pathways to reform in post-soviet Siberia, 2005 - Müller-Wille L. p. 285-286
- Rezensionen. Ketan, Joseph: The name must not go down. Political competition and state-society relations in Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea, 2004 - Seib R. p. 286-288
- Rezensionen. Knaap, Gerrit, and Heather Sutherland: Monsoon traders. Ships, skippers, and commodities in eighteenth-century makassar, 2004 - Rössler M. p. 288-289
- Rezensionen. Knauft, Bruce M. (ed.): Critically modern. Alternatives, alterities, anthropologies, 2002 - Rosinski F.M. p. 289-290
- Rezensionen. Koch-Grünberg, Theodor: Die xingu-expedition (1898–1900). Ein forschungstagebuch, 2004 - Cipolletti M.S. p. 290-292
- Rezensionen. Komter, Aafke E.: Social solidarity and the gift, 2005 - Otnes C. p. 292-293
- Rezensionen. Kraus, Michael : Bildungsbürger im urwald. Die deutsche ethnologische amazonienforschung (1884–1929), 2004 - Brandhuber G. p. 293-294
- Rezensionen. Kraus, Wolfgang: Islamische stammesgesellschaften. Tribale identitäten im vorderen orient in sozialanthropologischer perspektive, 2004 - Ganzer B. p. 294-297
- Rezensionen. Kremling, Verena: Zu kalt um aufzustehen? Einflüsse von identität und weltbild auf die entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit fulbe-viehhaltern im liptako (Burkina Faso), 2004 - Krönke F. p. 297-299
- Rezensionen. Lange, Dierk: Ancient kingdoms of West Africa. Africa-centred and Canaanite-Israelite perspectives, 2004 - Gronenborn D. p. 299-300
- Rezensionen. Lanik, Monika : Freie bürger und freimaurerinnen. Lokalpolitik am ende des 20. jahrhunderts, 2003 - Gronover A. p. 300-301
- Rezensionen. McCann, James C.: Maize and grace. Africa's encounter with a new world crop, 1500–2000, 2005 - Beidelman T.O. p. 301-302
- Rezensionen. MacClancy, Jeremy (ed.): Exotic no more. Anthropology on the front lines, 2002 - Müller M. p. 302-304
- Rezensionen. McKnight, David : Going the whiteman's way. Kinship and marriage among Australian aborigines, 2004 - de Rijke K. p. 304-306
- Rezensionen. Marx, Christoph: Geschichte Afrikas. Von 1800 bis zur Gegenwart, 2004 - Möhlig W.J.G. p. 306-308
- Rezensionen. Mauzé, Marie, Michael E. Harkin, and Sergei Kan (eds.): Coming to shore. Northwest coast ethnology, traditions, and visions, 2004 - Roth A.V. p. 308-310
- Rezensionen. Merry, Sally Engle, and Donald Brenneis (eds.): Law and empire in the Pacific. Fiji and Hawai'i, 2003 - Turner J. p. 310-311
- Rezensionen. Michels, Stefanie: Imagined Power Contested. Germans and Africans in the Upper Cross River Area of Cameroon, 1887–1915, 2004 - Röschenthaler U. p. 311-312
- Rezensionen. Murray, Colin, and Peter Sanders: Medicine Murder in Colonial Lesotho. The Anatomy of a Moral Crisis, 2005 - Schäfer R. p. 312-313
- Rezensionen. Ntukula, Mary, and Rita Liljeström (eds.): Umleavyo – The dilemma of parenting, 2004 - Schäfer R. p. 313-315
- Rezensionen. Pellow, Deborah : Landlords and lodgers. Socio-spatial organization in an Accra community, 2002 - Werthmann K. p. 315-316
- Rezensionen. Peterson, Derek R .: Creative writing. Translation, bookkeeping, and the work of imagination in colonial Kenya, 2004 - Beidelman T.O. p. 316-318
- Rezensionen. Rabben, Linda: Brazil's Indians and the Onslaught of Civilization. The Yanomami and the Kayapó, 2004 - Schröder P. p. 318-319
- Rezensionen. Riese, Berthold (Hrsg.): Crónica Mexicayotl. Die Chronik des Mexikanertums des Alonso Franco, des Hernando de Alvarado Tezozomoc und des Domingo Francisco de San Antón Muñón Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin, 2004 - Launey M. p. 319-321
- Rezensionen. Robinson, Rowena: Christians of India, 2003 - Heredia R.C. p. 321-322
- Rezensionen. Rubel, Paula G., and Abraham Rosman (eds.): Translating cultures. Perspectives on translation and anthropology, 2003 - Heeschen V. p. 322-323
- Rezensionen. Sanga, Glauco, and Gherardo Ortalli (eds.) : Nature knowledge. Ethnoscience, cognition, and utility, 2003 - Streck B. p. 323-325
- Rezensionen. Schareika, Nikolaus: Westlich der kälberleine. Nomadische tierhaltung und naturkundliches wissen bei den wodaabe südostnigers, 2003 - Volz V. p. 325-326
- Rezensionen. Seligmann, Linda J.: Peruvian street lives. Culture, power, and economy among market women of Cuzco, 2004 - Watson-Franke M.B. p. 326-327
- Rezensionen. Stelzig, Christine: Afrika am museum für völkerkunde zu berlin 1873–1919, 2004 - Röschenthaler U. p. 327-329
- Rezensionen. Tall, Aminatou: Das frobenius-institut unter eike haberland, 2005 - Jones A. p. 329
- Rezensionen. Voell, Stéphane: Das nordalbanische gewohnheitsrecht und seine mündliche dimension, 2004 - Thiessen I. p. 329-330
- Rezensionen. Williamson, Margaret Holmes: Powhatan Lords of life and death. Command and consent in seventeenth-century Virginia, 2003 - Schröder I.W. p. 330-331
- Rezensionen. Wolf, Eric R.: Pathways of power. Building an anthropology of the modern world, 2001 - Marschall W. p. 331-332
- Rezensionen. Yurkova, Irina : Der alltag der transformation. kleinunternehmerinnen in Usbekistan, 2004 - Schröder P. p. 332-334