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Revue | Anthropos : International review of anthropology and linguistics |
Numéro | Vol. 104, no 1, 2009 |
- The Early Magistrates and Kings of Kanem as Descendants of Assyrian State Builders - Lange D. p. 3-24
- How to Explain Access to the Field. Lessons from Fieldwork among the Yedina (or Buduma) of Lake Chad - Heiss J. P. p. 25-40
- Migration und Gewalt gegen Frauen. Über unsichtbare Migrationsgründe und Neuverhandlungen im Migrationsprozess - Wagner H. p. 41-61
- Les rites liés à la religion orthodoxe russe en France - Nicolini I. p. 63-80
- Hombre bárbaro versus hombre silvestre en la Nueva España ¿Ideas exóticas de origen europeo? - Thiemer-Sachse U. p. 81-92
- Jaillis sagrados. Textanalyse zweier Quechua-Gedichte - Mitzam M. p. 93-111
- Fuego, purificación y metamorfosis. Significación y simbolismo ígneo entre los Pilagá (Chaco Central, Argentina) - Idoyaga-Molina A. p. 113-129
- Homo socialis in Schwierigkeiten Befund und kulturtheoretische Perspektiven - Kneitz P. p. 131-159
- Überlegungen zur Verwendung einer tätowierten Maori-Spirale als Institutslogo - Schifko G. p. 161-165
- Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan's Framework for the Educational Uplift of the Indian Muslims during British Raj - Belmekki B. p. 165-172
- Shi'i Institution of Temporary Marriage in Tehran State Ideology and Practice - Niechcial P. p. 172-179
- Coffee, Gender, and Tobacco. Observations on the History of the Bedouin Tent - Saidel B. A. p. 179-186
- The Individual and Social Self. An American and African Illustration of Differences - Hamer J. p. 186-195
- Reviewing the Flores Hobbit Chronicles - Bednarik R. G. p. 195-198
- Indigenous Religions. A Review Essay - Geertz A.W. p. 198-202
- Book Reviews. Barker, John (ed.): The Anthropology of Morality in Melanesia and Beyond, 2007 - Gibbs P. p. 203-204
- Book Reviews. Berthod, Marc-Antoine : Doutes, croyance et divination. Une anthropologie de l'inspiration des devins et de la voyance, 2007 - Laburthe-Tolra P. p. 204-205
- Book Reviews. Borofsky, Robert, et al. : Yanomami. The Fierce Controversy and What We Can Learn from it, 2005 - Schröder P. p. 205-206
- Book Reviews. Buckler, Sarah: Fire in the Dark Telling Gypsiness in North East Englang, 2007 - Marx T. p. 206-207
- Book Reviews. Casey, Conerly, and Robert B. Edgerton (eds.) : A Companion to Psychological Anthropology. Modernity and Psychocultural Change, 2007 - Barlow K. p. 207-208
- Book Reviews. Centlivres, Pierre, et Micheline Centlivres-Demont : Revoir Kaboul. Chemins d'été, chemins entre l'Oxus et l'Indus, 1972-2005, 2007 - Schetter C. p. 208-209
- Book Reviews. Cole, Catherine M., Takyiwaa Manuh, and Stephan F. Miescher (eds.) : Africa after Gender?, 2007 - Schäfer R. p. 209-210
- Book Reviews. Collins, Randall: Violence. A Micro-Sociological Theory, 2008 - Hagedorn J.M. p. 211-212
- Book Reviews. Cornwall, Andrea, Elizabeth Harrison, and Ann Whitehead (eds.): Feminisms in Development. Contradiction, Contestations, and Challenges, 2007 - Schuerkens U. p. 212
- Book Reviews. de Bruijn, Miriam, Rijk van Dijk, and Jan-Bart Gewald (eds.): Strength beyond Structure. Social and Historical Trajectory of Agency in Africa, 2007 - Beidelman T.O. p. 212-213
- Book Reviews. Dostal, Walter (Hrsg.): Tribale Gesellschaften der südwestlichen Regionen des Königreiches Saudi-Arabien. Sozialanthropologisch Untersuchungen, 2006 - Lange K. p. 213-215
- Book Reviews. Engelke, Matthew, and Matt Tomlinson (eds.): The Limits of Meaning. Case studies in the Anthropology of Christianity, 2006 - Claffey P. p. 216
- Book Reviews. Finnström, Sverker: Living with Bad Surroundings. War, History, and Moments in Northern Uganda, 2008 - Beidelman T.O. p. 216-217
- Book Reviews. Fischer, Anja: Nomaden der Sahara. Handeln in Extremen, 2008 - Scholz F. p. 217-219
- Book Reviews. Fischer, Eberhard: Guro. Masks, Performances, and Master Carvers in Ivory Coast, 2008 - Völger G. p. 219-221
- Book Reviews. Fischer, Manuela, Peter Bolz, and Susan Kamel (eds.): Adolf Bastian and His Universal Archive of Humanity. The Origines of German Anthropology, 2007 - Rosinski F.M. p. 221-223
- Book Reviews. Fontein, Jan: The Art of Southeast Asia. The Collection of the Museum Rietberg Zürich, 2007 - Marschall W. p. 223-224
- Book Reviews. Good, Antony: Anthropology and Expertise in the Asylum Courts, 2007 - Kuppe R. p. 224-226
- Book Reviews. Green, Candace S., and Russel Thornton (eds.): The Year the Stars Fell. Lakota Winter Counts at the Smitsonian, 2007 - Siebelt D. p. 226-228
- Book Reviews. Hann, Chris, et al. : The Postsocialist Religious Question. Faith and Power in Central Asia and East-Central Europe, 2006 - Zielinska K. p. 228-229
- Book Reviews. Kahn, Hilary E: Seeing and Being Seen. The Q'eqchi' Maya of Livingston, Guatemala, and Beyond, 2006 - Piwowarczyk D.J. p. 229-230
- Book Reviews. Kan, Sergei A., and Pauline Turner Strong (eds.): New Perspectives on Native North America. Cultures, Histories, and Representation, 2006 - Siebelt D. p. 230-232
- Book Reviews. Knörr, Jacqueline: Kreolität und postkoloniale Gesellschaft. Integration und Differenzierung in Jakarta, 2007 - Moosmüller A. p. 232-233
- Book Reviews. Kummels, Ingrid: Land, Nahrung und Peyote. Soziale Identität von Rarámuri und Mestizen nahe der Grenze USa-Mexiko, 2007 - Schmidt B.E. p. 233-235
- Book Reviews. Ladányi, János, and Iván Szelényi: Patterns of Exclusion. Constructing Gypsy Eyhnicity and the Making of an Underclass in transitional Societies of Europe, 2006 - Scheffel D.Z. p. 235-236
- Book Reviews. Lesorogol, Carolyn K.: Contesting the Commons. Privatising Pastoral Lands in Kenya, 2008 - Spencer P. p. 236-237
- Book Reviews. McLean, Matthew: The Cosmographia of Sebastian Münster. Discribing the World in the Reformation, 2007 - Jensen J. p. 237-239
- Book Reviews. Magowan, Fiona: Melodies of Mourning. Music and Emotion in Northern Australia, 2007 - Treloyn S. p. 239-241
- Book Reviews. Maynard, Kent (ed.): Medical Identities. Health, Well-Being, and Personhood, 2007 - Schneider F. p. 241-242
- Book Reviews. Muller, Jean-Claude : Les chefferies dìì de l'Adamaoua (Nord-Cameroun), 2006 - Förster T. p. 242-243
- Book Reviews. Orosz, Kenneth J.: Religious Con?ict and the Evolution of Language Policy in German and French Cameroon, 1885-1939, 2008 - Kosack G. p. 243-244
- Book Reviews. Paramparik Karigar: Paramparik Karigar. An Association of Craftspersons: Gadwakam, Kalamkari, Mithila Kala, Mittikam, Tana Bana, 2006 - Gächter O. p. 244-245
- Book Reviews. Piepke, Joachim G. (Hrsg.): Kultur und Religion in der Begegnung mit dem Fremden, 2007 - Venbrux E. p. 246-248
- Book Reviews. Ramani, Shakuntala: Kalamkari and Traditional Design Heritage of India, 2007 - Gächter O. p. 246-248
- Book Reviews. Reinhardt, Thomas: Geschichte des Afrozentrismus. Imaginiertes Afrika und afroamerikanische Identität, 2007 - Rossbach de Olmos L. p. 248-250
- Book Reviews. Rey, Séverine : Des saints nés des rêves. Fabrication de la sainteté et commémoration des néomartyrs à Lesvos (Grèce), 2008 - Albert J.P. p. 250-251
- Book Reviews. Riese, Berthold: Aztekische Schöpfungs- und Stammesgeschichte, 2007 - Wiesenbauer B. p. 251-252
- Book Reviews. Rio, Knut Mikjel: The Power of Perspective. Social Ontology and Agency on Ambry Island, Vanuatu, 2007 - Turner J.W. p. 252-253
- Book Reviews. Rössler, Maren: Zwischen Amazonas und East River. Indigene Bewengungen und ihre Repräsentation in Peru und Bei der UNO, 2008 - Wörrle B. p. 253-254
- Book Reviews. Rowe, Ann Pollard, Laura M. Miller, and Lynn A. Meisch: Weaving and Dyeing in Highland Ecuador, 2007 - Spinnler A. p. 254
- Book Reviews. Rushing, Janice Hocker: Erotic Mentoring. Women's Transformations in the University, 2006 - Smith D. p. 254-255
- Book Reviews. Rust, Rebekka: Beschneidung im Geheimbund. Weibliche Genitalbeschneidung in Sierra Leone aus Kulturwiesenschaftlicher Sicht, 2007 - Schäfer R. p. 255-257
- Book Reviews. Sahadeo, Jeff, and Russell Zanca (ed.): Everyday Life in Central Asia. Past and Present, 2007 - Hesse K. p. 257-260
- Book Reviews. Schäfer, Rita: Frauen und Kriege in Afrika. Ein Beitrag zur Gender-Forschung, 2008 - Welpe I. p. 260
- Book Reviews. Schümer, Tanja: New Humanitarianism. Britain and Sierra Leone, 1997-2003, 2008 - Schäfer R. p. 260-261
- Book Reviews. Skultans, Vieda: Empathy and Healing, Essays in Medical and Narrative Anthropology, 2007 - Krönke F. p. 261-262
- Book Reviews. Smith, Frederick M: The Self Possessed. Deity and Spirit Possession in South Asian Literature and Civilization, 2006 - Schömbucher E. p. 262-264
- Book Reviews. Tan Chee-Beng (ed.): Southern Fujian. Reproduction of Traditions in Post-Mao China, 2006 - Chu J.Y. p. 264-265
- Book Reviews. Trakulhun, Sven: Siam und Europa. Das Königreich Ayutthaya in Westlichen Berichten 1500-1670, 2006 - Znoj H. p. 265-267
- Book Reviews. Wark, Mirja : Si'ira. La apreciada faja tejida de los indios Wayuu de la Guajira, en el límite septentrionnal entre Venezuela y Colombia, 2005 - Seiler-Baldinger A. p. 267-268
- Book Reviews. Willford, Andrew C.: Cage of Freedom. Tamil Identity and the Ethnic Fetich in Malezia, 2006 - Hutter M. p. 268-271
- Book Reviews. Wiseman, Boris: Lévi-Strauss, Anthropology and Aesthetics, 2007 - Schomburg-Scherff S.M. p. 271-272
- Book Reviews. Wynn, L. L.: Pyramids and Nightclubs. A Travel Ethnography of Arab and Western Imaginations of Egypt, from King Tut and a Colony of Atlantis to Rumors of Sex Orgies, Urban Legends About a Marauding Prince, and Blonde Belly Dancers, 2007 - Burns P. p. 273