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Revue |
Anthropos : International review of anthropology and linguistics ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 104, no 2, 2009 |
- Speaking to the ancestors. Religion as interlocutory interaction - Singleton M. p. 311-332
- Maskulinitat und geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt in Sudafrika - Schäfer R. p. 333-345
- Reenactment of a Myth. The Fon of Oku visits Lake Mawes (Cameroon) - Gufler H.J. p. 347-357
- An Assyrian successor state in West Africa. The ancestral Kings of Kebbi as ancient Near Eastern rulers - Lange D. p. 359-382
- Tourisme au Sahara et imaginaires sahariens - Minvielle J.P. p. 383-398
- Los indígenas chaqueños en la mirada de los jesuitas germanos. Idealizacion y disciplinamiento de los cuerpos - Citro S. p. 399-421
- También somos gente. Cambio cultural paradigmático warao - Wilbert W., Ayala Lafée-Wilbert C. p. 423-444
- Diagnose "Wolfspferd". Spontanbesessenheiten in der Dominikanischen Republik als AnstoB fur den Werdegang zum Heiler / zur Heilerin - Schaffler Y. p. 445-456
- Identities and space. The geographies of religious change amongst the Brao in Northeastern Cambodia - Baird I.G. p. 457-468
- Bui Hangi - The deity's human wife. Analysis of a myth from Pura, Eastern Indonesia - Rodemeier S. p. 469-482
- Santería Abroad. The short history of an Afro-Cuban Religion in Germany by means of biographies of some of its priests - Rossbach de Olmos L. p. 483-497
- Kosovo's masters and their influence on the local population throughout history - Kienzler H. p. 499-517
- Anton Quack (1946-2009) - Gächter O. p. 519-526
- Erich Drobec — Pionier der Ethnomedizin im Spannungsfeld Religion und Medizin - Kutalek R. p. 527-533
- A model chronology of the animal weights of Burma (Myanmar) - Mollat H. p. 533-542
- La morale de l'histoire. Thé et alcools en Inde - Mahias M.C. p. 542-549
- Identity politics and social exclusion in India's Northeast. A critique of nation-building and redistributive justice - Das N.K. p. 549-558
- The constellation of Orion and the cosmic hunt in Equatorial Africa - Vieira V. p. 558-561
- Comparative Mythology. A conference report (Second Annual Conference of the International Association for Comparative Mythology (IACM), Ravenstein, the Netherlands, August 19-21, 2008) - van Binsbergen W., Venbrux E. p. 561-564
- Die Notwendigkeit des Kontingenten. Paradoxien der informationsverarbeitung in den divinatorischen Kulturen - Cevolini A. p. 564-571
- Tackling ethnicity from different sides. Marc Howard Ross' work on culture and conflict. A review article - Schlee G. p. 571-578
- Book reviews. Les Amitiés Franco-Burkinabé. Traditions et modernité au Burkina-Faso, 2007 - Erny P. p. 579
- Book reviews. Barry Laurent. La parenté, 2008 - Muller J.C. p. 579
- Book reviews. Bergunder Michael. The South Indian Pentecostal Movement in the Twentieth Century, 2008 - Vassar Burgess R. p. 579-581
- Book reviews. Berliner David and Ramon Sarro (eds.). Learning Religion. Anthropological Approaches, 2007 - Scupin R. p. 581-582
- Book reviews. Bierlich Bernhard M. The Problem of Money. African agency and western medicine in Northern Ghana, 2007 - Senah K. p. 582-583
- Book reviews. Boskovic Aleksandar (ed.). Other people's anthropologies. Ethnographic practice on the margins, 2008 - Ballinger P. p. 583-584
- Book reviews. Brower Barbara and Barbara Rose Johnston (eds.). Disappearing Peoples ? Indigenous Groups and Minorities in South and Central Asia, 2007 - Gellner D.N. p. 585
- Book reviews. Chevron Marie-France. Anpassung und Entwicklung in Evolution und Kulturwandel. Erkenntnisse aus der Wissenschaftsgeschichte fur die Forschung der Gegenwart und eine ainnerung an das Werk A. Bastians, 2004 - Glenn Penny H. p. 585-586
- Book reviews. Clara van Groenendael, Victoria M. Jaranan. The horse dance and trance in East Java, 2008 - Hughes-Freeland F. p. 586-587
- Book reviews. Derlon Brigitte et Monique Jeudy-Ballini. La passion de l'art primitif. Enquête sur les collectionneurs, 2008 - Roth S. p. 587-588
- Book reviews. Diawara Mamadou, Paulo Fernando de Moraes Farias et Gerd Spittler (dir.). Heinrich Barth et l'Afrique, 2006 - Erny P. p. 588-589
- Book reviews. Gans Eric. The scenic imagination. Originary thinking from Hobbes to the present day, 2008 - Salmen J. p. 589-590
- Book reviews. Grant Bruce and Lale Yalçin-Heckmann (eds.). Caucasus Paradigms. Anthropologies, histories, and the making of a world area, 2007 - Boskovic A. p. 590
- Book reviews. Griefenow-Mewis Catherine (ed.). Afrikanische Horizonte. Studien zu Sprachen, Kulturen und zur Geschichte, 2007 - Mohlig W.J.G. p. 590-591
- Book reviews. Hahn Hans Peter and Georg Klute (eds.). Cultures of migration. African perspectives, 2007 - Newell S. p. 591-593
- Book reviews. Hanser Amy. Service encounters. Class, gender, and the market for social distinction in Urban China, 2008 - Tiedemann R.G. p. 593-594
- Book reviews. Hausner Sondra L. Wandering with Sadhus. Ascetics in the Hindu Himalayas, 2007 - Sharma A. p. 594-596
- Book reviews. Headrick Annabeth. The Teotihuacan Trinity. The sociopolitical structure of an ancient Mesoamerican, 2007 - Thiemer-Sachse U. p. 596-597
- Book reviews. Hesse, Karl. A Jos ! Die Welt, in der die Chachet-Baininger leben. Sagen, glaube und tanze von der Gazelle-Halbinsel Papua-Neuguineas, 2007 - Seib R. p. 597-598
- Book reviews. Heyden Ulrich van der (ed.). Das neue lexikon der Indianer Nordamerikas, 2008 - Kammler H. p. 598-600
- Book reviews. Itier César. El hijo del oso. La literatura oral quechua de la región del Cuzco, 2007 - Sendon P.F. p. 600-601
- Book reviews. Jomo K. S. and Jacques Baudo (eds.). Flat World, Big Gaps. Economic liberalization, globalization, poverty, and inequality, 2007 - Schuerkens U. p. 602
- Book reviews. Josephides Lisette. Melanesian Odysseys. Negotiating the self, narrative, and modernity, 2008 - Jebens H. p. 602-604
- Book reviews. Journet-Diallo Odile. Les créances de la terre. Chroniques du pays Jamaat (Jóola de Guinée-Bissau), 2007 - Kosack G. p. 604
- Book reviews. Kehl-Bodrogi, Krisztina: "Religion is not so strong here." Muslim religions life in Khorezm after socialism, 2008 - Droeber J. p. 604-606
- Book reviews. King J. C. H. and Christian F. Feest (eds.). Three centuries of Woodlands Indian Art, 2007 - Schierle S. p. 606-608
- Book reviews. Kosack Godula. MARAI - Als Tochter von Huva das Stierfest der Mafa erleben, 2007 - Husmann R. p. 608-610
- Book reviews. Kpoda Daniella. Das Bild der afrikanischen Frau in der deutschen und der franzosischen Kolonialliteratur und sein Gegenentwurf in der frankophonen afrikanischen Literatur der Kolonialzeit, 2009 - Kosack G. p. 610-611
- Book reviews. Le Roux Pierre, Bernard Selato et Jacques Ivanoff (eds.). Poids et mesures en Asie du Sud-Est. Systèmes métrologiques et sociétés = Weights and Measures in Southeast Asia. Metrological Systems and Societies ; 2 vols. Vol. 1 : L'Asie du Sud-Est austronésienne et ses marches ; vol. 2 : L'Asie du Sud-Est continentale et ses marches, 2004 et 2008 - Barnes R.H. p. 611-612
- Book reviews. Lyons Barry J. Remembering the Hacienda. Religion, authority, and social change in Highland Ecuador, 2006 - Worrle B. p. 612
- Book reviews. Maalu-Bungi Crispin. Littérature orale africaine. Nature, genres, caractéristiques et fonctions, 2006 - Kosack G. p. 613
- Book reviews. Mandel Ruth. Cosmopolitan anxieties. Turkish challenges to citizenship and belonging in Germany, 2008 - Suter-Reich V. p. 613-615
- Book reviews. Mathieu Nicole-Claude (ed.). Une maison sans fille est une maison morte. La personne et le genre en sociétés matrilinéaires et/ou uxorilocales, 2007 - Barry L. p. 615-616
- Book reviews. McLeod Hugh. The religions crisis of the 1960s, 2007 - Bronk A. p. 616-620
- Book reviews. Michaud Jean. "Incidental" Ethnographers. French catholic missions on the Tonkin-Yunnan Frontier, 1880-1930, 2007 - Quack A. p. 620-622
- Book reviews. Mimica, Jadran (ed.). Explorations in Psychoanalytic Ethnography, 2007 - Nuckolls C.W. p. 622
- Book reviews. Murdock Donna F. When women have wings. Feminism and development in Medellín, Colombia, 2008 - Watson-Franke M.B. p. 622-624
- Book reviews. Olupona Jacob K. and Terry Rey (eds.). Orisa devotion as world religion. The globalization of Yoruba religious culture, 2008 - Henry F. p. 624-625
- Book reviews. Perrin Michel. Voir les yeux fermés. Arts, chamanismes et thérapies, 2007 - Neumann Fridman E.J. p. 625-627
- Book reviews. Pine Frances and Joao de Pina-Cabral (eds.). On the margins of religion, 2008 - Glazier S.D. p. 627-628
- Book reviews. Pink Sarah (ed.). Visual Interventions. Applied Visual Anthropology, 2007 - Oester K. p. 628-630
- Book reviews. Porter Joy (ed.). Place and Native American Indian History and Culture, 2007 - Siebelt D. p. 630-631
- Book reviews. Rice Prudence M. Maya Calendar Origins. Monuments, Mythistory, and the Materialization of Time, 2007 - Prem H. p. 631-633
- Book reviews. Rodemeier Susanne. Tutu kadire in Pandai — Munaseli. Erzffilen und Erinnem auf der vergessenen Insel Pantar (Ostindonesien), 2006 - de Jong W. p. 633-635
- Book reviews. Rösing Ina. Der Verwundete Heiler. Kritische Analyse einer Metapher, 2007 - Schweitzer de Palacios D. p. 635-637
- Book reviews. Salleh Muhammad Haji. Romance and Laughter in the Archipelago. Essays on Classical and Contemporary Poetics of the Malay World, 2006 - Warnk H. p. 637
- Book reviews. Schmidt Bettina E. Einführung in die Religions-ethnologie. Ideen und Konzepte, 2008 - Rossbach de Olmos L. p. 637-639
- Book reviews. Schmidt-Lauber Brigitta (ed.). Ethnizität und Migration. Einführung in Wissenschaft und Arbeitsfelder, 2007 - Ackermann A. p. 639-640
- Book reviews. Smith, James Howard. Bewitching Development. Witchcraft and the Reinvention of Development in Neoliberal Kenya, 2008 - Beidelman T.O. p. 641-642
- Book reviews. Sökefeld Martin (ed.). Aleviten in Deutschland. Identhatsprozesse einer Religionsgemeinschaft in der Diaspora, 2008 - Kehl-Bodrogi K. p. 642-643
- Book reviews. Spittler Gerd. Founders of the Anthropology of Work. German Social Scientists of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries and the First Ethnographers, 2008 - Hylland Eriksen T. p. 643-644
- Book reviews. Thornton Robert J. Unimagined Community. Sex, Networks, and AIDS in Uganda and South Africa, 2008 - Beidelman T.O. p. 644-646
- Book reviews. Van Dongen Els and Ruth Kutalek (eds.). Facing Distress. Distance and Proximity in Times of Illness, 2007 - Steffen V. p. 646-647
- Book reviews. Whitten Norman E. Jr. and Dorothea Scott Whitten. Puyo Runa. Imagery and Power in Modem Amazonia, 2008 - Piwowarczyk D.J. p. 647-648