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Revue |
Anthropos : International review of anthropology and linguistics ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 108, no 2, 2013 |
- Concerning Darwinism - Doomen J. p. 409-417
- Repräsentation indigener Identitäten und die Rolle moderner Technologien - Campregher C. p. 419-430
- "We're Back with Our Ancestors": Inuit Bowhead Whaling in the Canadian Eastern Arctic - Laugrand F.B., Oosten J.G. p. 431-443
- Die Konstruktion von Indigenität am Beispiel des Internationalen Walfanges Grölandische und japanische Walfänger im Streben nach Anerkennung - Sowa F. p. 445-462
- Una organología tradicional de los Andes septentrionales peruanos : en torno a los instrumentos musicales de la sierra de Lambayeque (distrito de Cañaris, provincia de Ferreñafe) - Rivera Andía J.J. p. 463-480
- De qué ríen los chacobos - Villar D. p. 481-494
- Das Böse im göttlichen Wesen : Der Mungokult der Bulsa und Koma (Nordghana) - Kröger F. p. 495-513
- Quand l'invisible devient visible : autopsie publique, lutte contre la sorcellerie et équilibres politiques locaux dans les hautes-terres de l'Ouest-Cameroun - Salpeteur M. p. 515-530
- Entgrenzte Religiosität. Die afrokubanische Santería-Religion in Europa zwischen Kult, Kunst und Kultur - Rossbach de Olmos L. p. 531-542
- Gender Dynamics in Andalusian Religious Brotherhoods - Jansen W., Driessen H. p. 543-552
- The Sexuality of Two Generations of Andalusian Heterosexual Couples: Social Reproduction and Arbitrary Biologisation of Gender Differences - Sommier B., Gourvès-Hayward A. p. 553-564
- The Romanian Ritual of Calusari : Between an Obsolete Meaning and a Preserved Structure - Kocój E. p. 565-575
- Remembered City, Lived-in City: Delhi as I Experienced, Delhi of My Consciousness - Srivastava V.K. p. 577-588
- Berichte und Kommentare. Bourdieu and the Analogical Transposition. The One into the Other - Sullivan R. p. 589-599
- Berichte und Kommentare. Bachelor-Halls, Sharing and Collective Living of the Muduvan Tribe in the Anamalai Hills of South India - Sathyanarayanan C.R. p. 599-604
- Berichte und Kommentare. Folksongs of North India. A Review Article - DeNapoli A. p. 604-608
- Berichte und Kommentare. Réalités coloniales congolaises : trois cas - Smith R.E. p. 609-612
- Berichte und Kommentare. The Gikuyu Religion and Philosophy: A Tool for Understanding the Current Religio-Political Debates in Kenya - Karangi M.M. p. 612-622
- Berichte und Kommentare. Os lenços de namorados. Amor e corpo - Nogueira C. p. 622-627
- Berichte und Kommentare. The Bird of Paradise, the Heraldic Animal of Papua New Guinea - Z’graggen J.A. p. 628-629
- Rezensionen. Apffel-Marglin, Frédérique. Subversive Spiritualities. How Rituals Enact the World, 2011 - Heinrich H. p. 631-632
- Rezensionen. El-Aswad el-Sayed. Muslim Worldviews and Everyday Lives, 2012 - Varisco D.M. p. 632-633
- Rezensionen. Barton Gary and Stefan Dietrich. This Ingenious and Singular Apparatus. Fishing Kites of the Indo-Pacific, 2009 - Marschall W. p. 634
- Rezensionen. Black Rachel E. Porta Palazzo. The Anthropology of an Italian Market, 2012 - Marovelli B. p. 634-635
- Rezensionen. Bloch Maurice. Anthropology and the Cognitive Challenge, 2012 - Wynn T. p. 635-636
- Rezensionen. Bolten Catherine E. I Did It to Save My Life. Love and Survival in Sierra Leone, 2012 - Knörr J. p. 636-637
- Rezensionen. Bordin Guy. On dansait seulement la nuit. Fêtes chez les Inuits du nord de la Terre de Baffin, 2011 - Nagy M. p. 637-638
- Rezensionen. Bowen John R. A New Anthropology of Islam, 2012 - Gächter O. p. 638-639
- Rezensionen. Brotherton R. Sean. Revolutionary Medicine. Health and the Body in Post-Soviet Cuba, 2012 - Huish R. p. 639-641
- Rezensionen. Casajus Dominique, Fabio Viti (Eds.). La terre et le pouvoir . A la mémoire de Michel Izard, 2012 - Chevron M.F. p. 641-644
- Rezensionen. Datta Birendranath. Cultural Contours of North-East India, 2012 - Wettstein M. p. 644-645
- Rezensionen. Descola Philippe. Claude Lévi-Strauss, un parcours dans le siècle, 2012 - Rivera Andía J.J. p. 645-646
- Rezensionen. Dole Christopher. Healing Secular Life. Loss and Devotion in Modern Turkey, 2012 - Dressler M. p. 646-649
- Rezensionen. Drover Lauren. Christen in Thailand. Am Beispiel der Karen und der Akha, 2012 - Mischung R. p. 649-650
- Rezensionen. Dupret Baudouin, Thomas Pierret, Paulo G. Pinto and Kathryn Spellman-Poots (Eds.). Ethnographies of Islam. Ritual Performances and Everyday Practices, 2012 - Green N. p. 650-652
- Rezensionen. Endres Kirsten W. and Andrea Lauser (Eds.). Engaging the Spirit World. Popular Beliefs and Practices in Modern Southeast Asia, 2011 - Baumann B. p. 652-653
- Rezensionen. Englund Harri. Human Rights and African Airwaves. Mediating Equality on the Chichewa Radio, 2011 - Al-brecht J. p. 653-654
- Rezensionen. Feinberg Richard and Richard Scaglion (Eds.). Polynesian Outliers. The State of the Art,2012 - Keller J.D. p. 654-655
- Rezensionen. Frembgen Jürgen Wasim. At the Shrine of the Red Sufi. Five Days and Nights on Pilgrimage in Pakistan, 2011 - Matzen I.S. p. 655-656
- Rezensionen. Galinier Jacques. Une nuit d'épouvante. Les Indiens Otomi dans l'obscurité, 2011 - Demanget M. p. 656-657
- Rezensionen. Gulbrandsen Ornulf. The State and the Social. State Formation in Botswana and Its Pre-Colonial and Colonial Genealogies, 2012 - Brada B.B. p. 657-659
- Rezensionen. Hauser-Schaublin Brigitta (Ed.). World Heritage Angkor and Beyond. Circumstances and Implications of UNESCO Listings in Cambodia, 2011 - Chapman W. p. 659-660
- Rezensionen. Headley Stephen C. Christ after Communism. Spiritual Authority and Its Transmission in Moscow Today, 2010 - Knox Z. p. 660-661
- Rezensionen. Hermann Elfriede (Ed.). Changing Contexts, Shifting Meanings. Transformations of Cultural Traditions in Oceania, 2011 - Pascht A. p. 661-664
- Rezensionen. Hoffmann Beatrix und Hansjörg Dilger (Hrsg.). Räume durch Bewegung. Ethnographische Perspektiven auf eine vernetzte Welt, 2012 - Berchem D.J. p. 664-666
- Rezensionen. Hüsken Ute and Frank Neubert (Eds.). Negotiating Rites, 2012 - Mirza S. p. 666-667
- Rezensionen. Inhorn Marcia C. and Emily A. Wentzell (Eds.). Medical Anthropology at the Intersections. Histories, Activisms, and Futures, 2012 - Heinemann L.L. p. 667-669
- Rezensionen. Iselin Regula. Die Gestaltung der Dinge. AuBereuropäische Kulturgüter und Designgeschichte, 2012 - Furrer N. p. 669-670
- Rezensionen. Kaskija Lars. Images of a Forest People. Punan Malinau - Identity, Sociality, and Encapsulation in Borneo, 2012 - Eghenter C. p. 670-671
- Rezensionen. Kästner Sibylle. Jagende Sammlerinnen und sammelnde Jägerinnen. Wie australische Aborigines-Frauen Tiere erbeuten, 2012 - Erckenbrecht C. p. 671-673
- Rezensionen. Khan Naveeda. Muslim Becoming. Aspiration and Skepticism in Pakistan, 2012 - Rozehnal R. p. 673-674
- Rezensionen. Koppel Tom. Mystery Islands. Discovering the Ancient Pacific Suva (Fiji), 2012 - Kasten E. p. 674-676
- Rezensionen. Kreinath Jens. The Anthropology of Islam Reader, 2012 - Mittermaier A. p. 676-677
- Rezensionen. Labate Beatrix Caiuby and Henrik Jungaberle (Eds.). The Internationalization of Ayahuasca, 2011 - Groisman A. p. 677-679
- Rezensionen. Leaf Murray and Dwight Read. Human Thought and Social Organization. Anthropology on a New Plane, 2012 - Milicic B. p. 679-680
- Rezensionen. Léon-Portilla Miguel. Fünfzehn Dichter aus der aztekischen Welt, 2011 - Wiesenbauer B. p. 680
- Rezensionen. Lima Edilene Coffaci de e Lorena Córdoba (Orgs.). Os outros dos outros. Relaçaoes de alteridade na etnologia sul-americana, 2011 - Altman A. p. 680-682
- Rezensionen. Linska Marion. Selbst-/Reflexion in der Kultur- & Sozialanthropologie, 2012 - Weigelt F.A. p. 682-683
- Rezensionen. Lyons Malcom C. The Man of Wiles in Popular Arabic Literature. A Study of a Medieval Arab Hero, 2012 - Wieringa E.P. p. 683-684
- Rezensionen. McNamara Laura A. and Robert A. Rubinstein (Eds.). Dangerous Liaisons. Anthropologists and the National Security State, 2011 - MacLeish K. p. 684-685
- Rezensionen. Martínez Sarasola Carlos. De manera sagrada y en celebración. Identidad, cosmovisión y espiritualidad en los pueblos indígenas, 2010 - Kradolfer S. p. 685-687
- Rezensionen. Mersmann Susanne. Die Musées du Trocadéro. Viollet-le-Duc und der Kanondiskurs im Paris des 19. Jahrhunderts, 2012 - Bonnet A.M., Wilmes D. p. 687-688
- Rezensionen. Miller Norman N. Encounters with Witchcraft. Field Notes from Africa, 2012 - Beidelman T.O. p. 688-689
- Rezensionen. Muehlebach Andrea. The Moral Neoliberal. Welfare and Citizenship in Italy, 2012 - Viazzo P.P. p. 689-690
- Rezensionen. Neofotistos Vasiliki P. The Risk of War. Everyday Sociality in the Republic of Macedonia, 2012 - Dimova R. p. 690-691
- Rezensionen. Omidian Patricia A. When Bamboo Bloom. An Anthropologist in Taliban's Afghanistan, 2011 - Hanifi M.J. p. 691-693
- Rezensionen. Paulus Christiane (Hrsg.). Amin al-Huli. Die Verbindung des Islam mit der christlichen Reformation, 2011 - Krasberg U. p. 693-696
- Rezensionen. Pestiau Joseph. Froidchapelle. Un village entre Sambre et Meuse, 1900-1950, 2012 - Parmentier I. p. 696
- Rezensionen. Pfaff-Czarnecka Joanna and Gérard Toffin (Eds.). The Politics of Belonging in the Himalayas. Local Attachments and Boundary Dynamics, 2011 - McGranahan C. p. 697-698
- Rezensionen. Phillips Susan A. Operation Fly Trap. L.A. Gangs, Drugs, and the Law, 2012 - Glazier M.H. p. 698
- Rezensionen. Picard David. Tourism, Magic, and Modernity. Cultivating the Human Garden, 2011 - Bendix R.F. p. 698-699
- Rezensionen. Ramos-Zayas Ana Y. Street Therapists. Race, Affect, and Neoliberal Personhood in Latino Newark, 2012 - Kath E. p. 699-700
- Rezensionen. Rapport Nigel. Anyone. The Cosmopolitan Subject of Anthropology, 2012 - Murphy T.E. p. 700-701
- Rezensionen. Riese Berthold. Mexiko und das pazifische Asien in der frühen Kolonialzeit, 2012 - Wiesenbauer B. p. 701-702
- Rezensionen. Robben Antonius C. G. M. and Jeffrey A. Sluka (Eds .). Ethnographic Fieldwork. An Anthropological Reader, 2012 - Ammarell G. p. 702-703
- Rezensionen. Schäfer Rita. Gender und ländliche Entwicklung in Afrika. Eine kommentierte Bibliographie, 2012 - Gärber B. p. 703-704
- Rezensionen. Schäffler, Hilde. Ritual als Dienstleistung. Die Praxis professioneller Hochzeitsplanung, 2012 - Braun S. p. 705-706
- Rezensionen. Schellenberger Uwe. Transmigration als Lebensstil. Selbstbilder und Erfahrungswelten von Pendlern zwischen Deutschland und Neuseeland, 2011 - Bade J.N. p. 706-707
- Rezensionen. Schlee Günther and Abdullahi A. Shongolo. Pastoralism and Politics in Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia, 2012 - Galaty J.G. p. 707-708
- Rezensionen. Schneider Katharina. Saltwater Sociality. A Melanesian Island Ethnography, 2012 - Rimoldi E. p. 708-710
- Rezensionen. Singer Merrill and Hans Baer. Introducing Medical Anthropology. A Discipline in Action, 2012 - Castañeda H. p. 710
- Rezensionen. Spittler Gerd and Michael Bourdillon (Eds.). African Children at Work. Working and Learning in Growing Up for Life, 2012 - Hampshire K. p. 710-711
- Rezensionen. Steuer Noemi. Krankheit und Ehre. Über HIV und soziale Anerkennung in Mali, 2012 - Greifeld K. p. 711-712
- Rezensionen. Strong Sarah M. Ainu Spirits Singing. The Living World of Chiri Yukie's Ainu Shin'yoshu, 2011 - Niemelä M.S. p. 712-714
- Rezensionen. Talmont-Kaminski Konrad. In a Mirror, Darkly. How the Supernatural Reflects Rationality, 2012 - Bronk A. p. 714-715
- Rezensionen. Telesca Ignacio y Gabriel Insaurralde (Eds.). Melià, escritos en homenaje, 2013 - Morando M.A. p. 715-717
- Rezensionen. Tung Tiffiny A. Violence, Ritual, and the Wari Empire. A Social Bioarchaeology of Imperialism in the Ancient Andes, 2012 - Léon Canales E. p. 717-718
- Rezensionen. Ulturgasheva Olga. Narrating the Future in Siberia. Childhood, Adolescence, and Autobiography among Young Eveny, 2012 - Mandelstam Balzer M. p. 719
- Rezensionen. Valsecchi Pierluigi. Power and State Formation in West Africa. Appolonia from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century, 2011 - van Kessel I. p. 720-721
- Rezensionen. Vogel Melissa A. Frontier Life in Ancient Peru. The Archaeology of Cerro la Cruz, 2012 - Léon Canale E. p. 721-723
- Rezensionen. Wade Geoff and Li Tana (Eds.). Anthony Reid and the Study of the Southeast Asian Past, 2012 - Marschall W. p. 723-725
- Rezensionen. Walsh Andrew. Made in Madagascar. Sapphires, Ecotourism, and the Global Bazaar, 2012 - Duffy R. p. 725
- Rezensionen. Yong Amos and Estrelda Y. Alexander (Eds.). Afro-Pentecostalism. Black Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity in History and Culture, 2011 - Gifford P. p. 725-726
- Miszellen. Nachtrag zu dem Rezensionsartikel von M. Knüppel, Zur Typologie der Jenissejischen Protokultur. In dem in Anthropos vol.108, n°1, 2013 - Piwowarczyk D.J. p. 727-730
- Miszellen. Der Bundesverband freiberuflicher Ethnolog_innen e.V. - Rein A. p. 730