Contenu du sommaire
Revue | British Journal of Educational Studies |
Numéro | Vol. 44, no 1, 1996 |
- The research assessment exercise versus development in higher education: a response to Richard Pring - Kushner S. p. 5-8
- Towards a theory of learning - Ranson S., Martin J., Nixon J., McKeown P. p. 9-26
- "New" era values and the teacher-pupil relationship as a form of the poetic - Bonnett M. p. 27-41
- Between postmodernism and anti-modernism: the predicament of educational studies - Blake N. p. 42-65
- Values and further education - Halliday J. p. 66-81
- Cooperating in their own deprofessionalisation? On the need to recognise the "public" and "ecological" roles of the teaching profession - Bottery M., Wright N. p. 82-98