Contenu du sommaire
- Quality of Life after Colorectal Cancer Surgery in Patients from University Clinical Hospital Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Trninic Z., Vidacak A., Vrhovac J., Petrov B., Setka V. p. 1-5
- Metabolic Syndrome, Anxiety, Depression and Suicidal Tendencies in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Schizophrenic Patients - Maslov B., Marcinko D., Milicevic R., Babic D., Dordevic V., Jakovljevic M. p. 7-10
- Bee Community as a Source of Energy in the Production of Food, Honey-plants in the Ecosystem of Croatian Forests' Hunting Grounds - Tucak Z., Beuk D., Jumic V., Tusek T., Vladimir-Knezevic S., Tolusic Z., Skrivanko M., Konjarovic A., Aladic K., Cupurdija E. p. 11-13
- Psychological Impact of Isotretinoin Treatment in Patients with Moderate and Severe Acne - Simic D., Situm M., Letica E., Zeljko Penavic J., Vurnek Zivkovic M., Tomic T. p. 15-19
- Biochemical Bone Turnover Markers: Significance in Patients with Osteoporosis - Mihaljevic I., Mudri D., Smolic R., Smolic M., Tucak-Zoric S. p. 21-24
- The Role of Prostacyclin in Modifying Acute Hepatotoxicity of Acetaminophen in Mice - Cavar I., Kelava T., Heinzel R., Culo F. p. 25-29
- Minor Malformations: Neonatal or Anthropological Story? - Sumanovic-Glamuzina D., Bozic T., Brkic V., Robovic A., Saraga-Karacic V. p. 31-35
- The Occurrence of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in Southern Parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Nikolic J., Kuzman I., Markotic A., Dakovic Rode O., Curic I., Bebek Ivankovic H., Grgic S. p. 37-42
- Virtual Endoscopy and 3D Volume Rendering in the Management of Frontal Sinus Fractures - Belina S., Cuk V., Klapan I. p. 43-51
- Endoscopic Features of Gastric Mucosa in Children Having Pathohistological Evidence of Helicobacter Pylori Infection - Tomic T., Persic M., Rajic B., Tomic Z. p. 53-57
- Cerebral Palsy: Early Diagnosis, Intervention and Risk Factors - Naletilic M., Tomic V., Sabic M., Vlak T. p. 59-65
- Advantages of Modified Osteosynthesis in Treatment of Osteoporotic Long Bones Fractures - Experimental Model - Sisljagic V., Jovanovic S., Mrecela T., Radic R., Belovari T. p. 67-71
- Prevalence and Risk Factors of the Rheumatoid Arthritis in Herzegovina Region in 2003-2005 - Damjanovic V., Vasilj I., Vlak T., Zelenika D. p. 73-77
- Comparative Outcome Analyses of Differently Surgical Approaches to Lumbar Disc Herniation - Lakicevic G., Ostojic L., Splavski B., Roth S., Vlak T., Brekalo Z., Ostojic M. p. 79-84
- Metabolic and Physico-chemical Urolithiasis Parameters in the First Morning Urine - Seric V., Dutour-Sikiric M., Mihaljevic I., Tucak-Zoric S., Bilic-Curcic I., Babic-Ivancic V. p. 85-92
- Snakebites in Mostar Region, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Curic I., Curic S., Bradaric I., Bubalo P., Bebek-Ivankovic H., Nikolic J., Polasek O., Bradaric N. p. 93-98
- Retinopathy and Nephropathy in Type 1 Diabetic Patients - Association with Polymorphysms of Vitamin D-Receptor, Tnf, Neuro-D and Il-1 Receptor 1 Genes - Bucan K., Ivanisevic M., Zemunik T., Boraska V., Skrabic V., Vatavuk Z., Galetovic D., Znaor L. p. 99-105
- Ground Reaction Force Analysis in Traumatic Transtibial Amputees' Gait - Kovac I., Medved V., Ostojic L. p. 107-114
- Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy: A 5-year Analysis of the Wartime and Postwar Period in South-Western Region of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Tomic V., Petrovic O., Petrov B., Bjelanovic V., Naletilic M. p. 115-119
- Intracellular Ca2+ Modulation during Short Exposure to Ischemia-Mimetic Factors in Isolated Rat Ventricular Myocytes - Pravdic D., Vladic N., Bosnjak Z.J. p. 121-126
- Relationship between Clinical Contourometric Measurements and Vertebral Rotation in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis - Cimic M., Kovac V., Smiljanic I., Kovac I., Cimic A., Smoljanovic T. p. 127-133
- The Connection between Coping Mechanisms, Depression, Anxiety and Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis - Brajkovic L., Bras M., Milunovic V., Busic I., Boban M., Loncar Z., Mickovic V., Gregurek R. p. 135-140
- Impact of Hemoglobin Concentration on Plasma B-type Natriuretic Peptid Level and Left Ventricle Echocardiographics Characteristics in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients - Rasic S., Hadzovic-Dzuvo A., Tomic M., Uncanin S., Coric S. p. 141-144
- Changes in Pulmonary Functional Parameters after Surgical Treatment of Idiopathic Scoliosis - Smiljanic I., Kovac V., Cimic M. p. 145-152
- Depression and Anxiety in Patients on Chronic Hemodialysis in University Clinical Hospital Mostar - Klaric M., Letica I., Petrov B., Tomic M., Klaric B., Letica L., Franciskovic T. p. 153-158
- Management of Helicobacter pylori-associated Diseases: Survey of Attitudes Changes among General Practitioners in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Mimica M. p. 159-163
- Diffusion Lung Capacity of Patients with Arterial Hypertension - Zelenika D., Karanovic N. p. 165-167
- A Case Repot of Madelung's Disease in a 69 Years Old Man - Juric M., Carapina M. p. 169-171
- Suicide and Emo Youth Subculture - A Case Analysis - Definis-Gojanovic M., Gugic D., Sutlovic D. p. 173-175
- Neurological Manifestation of Fabry Disease – A Case Report - Demarin V., Basic Kes V., Bitunjac M., Ivankovic M. p. 177-179
- Laparoscopic Operation of Hepatic Hydatid Cyst with Intraabdominal Dissemination - A Case Report and Literature Review - Busic Z., Lovric Z., Kolovrat M., Cavka V., Cavka M., Patrlj L., Kvesic A. p. 181-183
- Cardiovascular Risk Factors Research in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Vasilj I., Pilav A., Maslov B., Polasek O. p. 185-188
- Urolithiasis and Osteoporosis: Clinical Relevance and Therapeutic Implications - Bilic-Curcic I., Milas-Ahic J., Smolic M., Smolic R., Mihaljevic I., Tucak-Zoric S. p. 189-192
- Characteristics of Motor Vehicle Accidents in the Herzegovina Region - Ceremida-Dragisic M., Dragisic V. p. 193-197
- Risk Factors Associated with Cerebral Palsy in Newborns - Vukojevic M., Soldo I., Granic D. p. 199-201