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Revue | The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute : Incorporating Man |
Numéro | Vol. 16, no 3, 2010 |
- Changing authentic identities: evidence from Taiwan and China - Brown M.J. p. 459-479
- The birth of design: a Kuna theory of body and personhood - Fortis P. p. 480-495
- 'In God's hands': Pentecostal Christianity, morality, and illness in a Melanesian society - Eves R. p. 496-514
- Discourse on the invisible: senses as metaphor among the Aruwund (Lunda) - Palmeirim M. p. 515-531
- Virginity testing as a local public health initiative: a 'preventive ritual' more than a 'diagnostic measure' - Wickström A. p. 532-550
- ‘HIV/AIDS is "our" business': the moral economy of treatment in a transnational mining company - Rajak D. p. 551-571
- Meyer Fortes and material culture: the published image and the unpublished resource - Insoll T. p. 572-587
- Ritual exchange and the fourth obligation: ancient Maya food offering and the flexible materiality of ritual - Morehart C.T., Butler N. p. 588-608
- Gas masks: material culture, memory, and the senses - Moshenska G. p. 609-628
- Theorizing social change - Dwyer P.D., Minnegal M. p. 629-645
- Review article. Boellstorff Tom. Coming of age in Second Life: an anthropologist explores the virtually human, 2008. Hinkelbein Oliver. Strategien zur digitalen Integration von Migranten: Ethnographische Fallstudien in Esslingen und Hannover, 2008. Kelty Chris. Two bits: the cultural significance of Free Software, 2008. Roig Antoni. Cap al cinema co.laboratiu: pràctiques culturals i formes de producció participatives, 2008 - Postill J. p. 646-650
- Review article. Fischer Edward F. (Ed.). Indigenous peoples, civil society, and the neoliberal state in Latin America, 2009. Postero Nancy Grey. Now we are citizens: indigenous politics in postmulticultural Bolivia, 2006 - Gledhill J. p. 651-653
- Book reviews. Byers A. Martin. Cahokia: a world renewal cult heterarchy, 2006 - Scarry J. p. 654-655
- Book reviews. Insoll Timothy (Ed.). The archaeology of identifies: a reader, 2007 - Clack TI. p. 655-656
- Book reviews. Hoeppe Götz. Conversations on the beach: fishermen's knowledge, metaphor and environmental change in South India, 2007 - Stacey N. p. 656-657
- Book reviews. Hughes David McDermott. From enslavement to environmentalism: politics on a Southern African frontier, 2006 - von Hellerman P. p. 657-658
- Book reviews. Caldwell Melissa L. (Ed.). Food and everyday life in the post-socialist world, 2009 - Klein J.A. p. 658-659
- Book reviews. Gewertz Deborah & Frederick Errington. Cheap meat: flap food nations in the Pacific Islands, 2010 - O'Connor K. p. 659-660
- Book reviews. Holtzman Jon. Uncertain tastes: memory, ambivalence, and the politics of eating in Samburu, Northern Kenya, 2009 - Abbots E.J. p. 661-662
- Book reviews. Abusharaf Rogaia Mustafa. Transforming displaced women in Sudan: politics and the body in a squatter settlement, 2009 - James W. p. 662-663
- Book reviews. Okano Kaori H. Young women in Japan: transitions to adulthood, 2009 - Martin R. p. 663-664
- Book reviews. Wilson Tamar Diana. Women's migration networks in Mexico and beyond, 2009 - Malkin V. p. 664-665
- Book reviews. Claas Ulrike. Das Land Entlang des Sepik. Vergangenheitsdarstellung und Migrationsgeschichte im Gebiet des mittleren Sepik, 2007 - Kaufmann C. p. 665-666
- Book reviews. Doron Assa. Caste, occupation and politics on the Ganges: passages of resistance, 2008 - Ciotti M. p. 666-667
- Book reviews. Hann John H. The Native American world beyond Apalachee: West Florida and the Chattahoochee Valley, 2006 - Harkin M.E. p. 667-668
- Book reviews. Kavanagh Thomas W. (Ed.). Comanche ethnography: field notes of E. Adamson Hoebel, Waldo R. Wedel, Gustav G. Carlson, and Robert H. Lowie, 2008 - Wightman A. p. 668-669
- Book reviews. Rey Séverine. Des Saints nés des rêves : fabrication de la sainteté et commémoration des néomartyrs à Lesvos (Grèce), 2008 - Argenti N. p. 669-670
- Book reviews. Smith Benjamin R. & Frances Morphy (Eds). The social effects of native title: recognition, translation, coexistence, 2007 - Wishart R. p. 670-671
- Book reviews. Sneath David. The headless state: aristocratic orders, kinship society and misrepresentations of nomadic Inner Asia, 2007 - Prior D. p. 671-673
- Book reviews. Stasch Rupert. Society of others: kinship and mourning in a West Papuan place, 2009 - von Poser A.T. p. 673-674
- Book reviews. Uhlmann Allon J. Family, gender and kinship in Australia: the social and cultural logic of practice and subjectivity, 2006 - Stivens M. p. 674-675
- Book reviews. Inhorn Marcia C. (Ed.). Reproductive disruptions: gender, technology, and biopolitics in the new millennium, 2007 - Clarke M. p. 675-676
- Book reviews. Lambert Helen & Maryon McDonald (Eds.). Social bodies, 2009 - Willen S.S. p. 676-677
- Book reviews. Lea Tess. Bureaucrats and bleeding hearts: indigenous health in northern Australia, 2008 - Holcombe S. p. 677-678
- Book reviews. Shaw Alison. Negotiating risk: British Pakistani experiences of genetics, 2009 - Pollard T. p. 678-679
- Book reviews. Godelier Maurice. In and out of the West: reconstructing anthropology, 2009 - Fardon R. p. 679-680
- Book reviews. Grenfell Michael (Ed.). Pierre Bourdieu: key concepts, 2008 - Wood M. p. 680-681
- Book reviews. Heimer Maria & Stig Thogersen (Eds.). Doing fieldwork in China, 2006 - Blum S.D. p. 681-682
- Book reviews. Waterston Alisse & Maria D. Vesperi (Eds). Anthropology off the shelf: anthropologists on writing, 2009 - Lindisfarne N. p. 682-683
- Book reviews. Bailey F.G. God-botherers and other true-believers: Gandhi, Hitler, and the religious right, 2008 - Alter J.S. p. 683-684
- Book reviews. Froerer Peggy. Religious division and social conflict: the emergence of Hindu nationalism in rural India, 2007 - Heitmeyer C. p. 684-685
- Book reviews. Makley Charlene E. The violence of liberation: gender and Tibetan Buddhist revival in post-Mao China, 2007 - Pirie F. p. 685-686
- Book reviews. Rodriguez Del Alisal Maria, Peter Ackermann & Dolores P. Martinez (Eds.). Pilgrimages and spiritual quests in Japan, 2007 - Matsunaga L. p. 686-688
- Book reviews. Soares Benjamin F. (Ed.). Muslim-Christian encounters in Africa, 2006 - Benthall J. p. 688-689
- Book reviews. Cox Rupert (Ed.). The culture of copying in Japan: critical and historical perspectives, 2008 - Sedgwick M.W. p. 689-690
- Book reviews. Gustafsson Mai Lan. War and shadows: the haunting of Vietnam, 2009 - Bayly S. p. 690-691
- Book reviews. Hinkson Melinda & Jeremy Beckett (Eds.). An appreciation of difference: W.E.H. Stanner and Aboriginal Australia, 2008 - Smith D. p. 691-692
- Book reviews. Stewart Pamela J. & Andrew Strathern (Eds.). Exchange and sacrifice, 2008 - Rio K. p. 692-694
- Book reviews. Al-Haj Majid & Rosemarie Mielke (Eds.). Cultural diversity and the empowerment of minorities: perspectives from Israel and Germany, 2007 - Weil S. p. 694
- Book reviews. Finnström Sverker. Living with bad surroundings: war, history and everyday moments in northern Uganda, 2008 - Leopold M. p. 694-695
- Book reviews. Knudsen Are. Violence and belonging: land, love and lethal conflict in the North-West Frontier province of Pakistan, 2009 - Marsden M. p. 695-696
- Book reviews. Kroslak Daniela. The role of France in the Rwandan genocide, 2007 - Daley P. p. 696-698
- Book reviews. Ott Sandra. War, judgment, and memory in the Basque borderlands 1914-1945, 2008 - MacClancy J. p. 698-699
- Book reviews. Oushakine Serguei Alex. The patriotism of despair: nation, war, and loss in Russia, 2009 - Tomlinson K. p. 699-700
- Book reviews. Schwenkel Christina. The American war in contemporary Vietnam: transnational remembrance and representation, 2009 - Bayly S. p. 700-701