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Revue | The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute : Incorporating Man |
Numéro | Vol. 17, no 2, 2011 |
- What kinship is (part two) - Sahlins M. p. 227-242
- Dividuality in Amazonia: God, the Devil, and the constitution of personhood in Wari' Christianity - Vilaça A. p. 243-262
- The moving boundaries of social heat: gambling in rural China - Steinmüller H. p. 263-280
- Levels of indigeneity: the Maori and neoliberalism - McCormack F. p. 281-300
- Beyond the exemplary centre: knowledge, power, and sovereign bodies in java - Wilson L. p. 301-317
- The return of the broker: consensus, hierarchy, and choice in South African land reform - James D. p. 318-338
- Sources of danger and prosperity in the Peruvian Andes: mobility in a powerful landscape - Vindal Odegaard C. p. 339-355
- Mutable things: colours as material practice in the northwest of South Australia - Young D. p. 356-376
- Ethical moments: future directions for ethical review and ethnography - Simpson B. p. 377-393
- Review article. Exploring Easter Island. Laurens Q. (Ed.). 60 objets de l'Île de Pâques dans la collection de la congrégation des Sacrés-Coeurs de Jésus et de Marie, 2008. Orliac C. et M. Orliac (Ed. Q. Laurens). Rapa Nui. L'Île de Pâques, 2008. Orliac M. & C. Orliac (transl. P. Bahn). Trésors de l'Île de Pâques. Treasures of Easter Island. Collection de la congrégation des Sacrés-Coeurs de Jésus et de Marie, 2008. M. Pelletier. Regards sur l'Île de Pâques, 2008 - McCall G. p. 394-396
- Reviews. Joyce Arthur A. Mixtecs, Zapotecs, and Chatinos: ancient peoples of southern Mexico, 2010 - Lohse J.C. p. 397-398
- Reviews. Montelle Yann-Pierre. Palaeoperformance: the emergence of theatricality as social practice, 2009 - Rogers A. p. 398-399
- Reviews. Mortensen Lena & Julie Hollowell (Eds). Ethnographies and archaeologies: iterations of the past, 2009 - Clack T. p. 399-400
- Reviews. Korac MAJA. Remaking home: reconstructing life, place and identity in Rome and Amsterdam, 2009 - Kopnina H. p. 400-401
- Reviews. McGregor Joann & Ranka Primorac (Eds). Zimbabwe's new diaspora: displacement and the cultural politics of survival, 2010 - Fry P. p. 401-402
- Reviews. Wemyss Georgie. The invisible empire: white discourse, tolerance and belonging, 2009 - Evans G. p. 402-404
- Reviews. Gudeman Stephen (Ed.). Economic persuasions, 2009 - Carrier N. p. 404-405
- Reviews. Hewamanne Sandya. Stitching identities in a free trade zone: gender and politics in Sri Lanka, 2008 - Cross J. p. 405-406
- Reviews. Smith James Howard. Bewitching development: witchcraft and the reinvention of development in neoliberal Kenya, 2008 - Niehaus I. p. 406-407
- Reviews. Abelmann Nancy. The intimate university: Korean American students and the problems of segregation, 2010 - Moon O. p. 407-408
- Reviews. Doerr Neriko Musha. Meaningful inconsistencies: bicultural nationhood, the free market, and schooling in Aotearoa/New Zealand, 2009 - Spoonley P. p. 408-409
- Reviews. Burton Frances D. Fire: the spark that ignited human evolution, 2009 - Power C. p. 409-410
- Reviews. Coolidge Frederick L. & Thomas Wynn. The rise of Homo sapiens: the evolution of modern thinking, 2009 - Hovers E. p. 410-411
- Reviews. Engebrigtsen Ada I. Exploring Gypsiness: power, exchange and interdependence in a Transylvanian village, 2007 - Drazin A. p. 411-412
- Reviews. Haun Beverley. Inventing 'Easter Island', 2008 - Rosvik Andreassen O.I. p. 413
- Reviews. José R. Oliver. Caciques and Cemí Idols: the web spun by Taíno rulers between Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, 2009 - Glazier S.D., Figueredo A.E. p. 414-415
- Reviews. Padel Felix. Sacrificing people: invasions of a tribal landscape, 2009 - Tilche A. p. 415-416
- Reviews. Reed Susan A. Dance and the nation: performance, ritual, and politics in Sri Lanka, 2010 - Widger T. p. 416-417
- Reviews. Sutton Peter. The politics of suffering: indigenous Australia and the end of the liberal consensus, 2009 - Sansom B. p. 417-418
- Reviews. Vigil James Diego. The Projects: gang and non-gang families in East Los Angeles, 2007 - Mandel Butler U. p. 418-419
- Reviews. Vilaça Aparecida. Strange enemies: indigenous agency and scenes of encounters in Amazonia, 2010 - Lloyd G.E.R. p. 419-420
- Reviews. Santos-Granero Fernando (Ed.). The occult life of things: Native Amazonian theories of materiality and personhood, 2009 - Fortis P. p. 420-421
- Reviews. Tola Florencia Carmen. Les conceptions du corps et de la personne dans un contexte amérindien : Indiens toba du Gran Chaco sud-américain, 2009 - Llera Blanes R. p. 421-422
- Reviews. Hornborg Anne-Christine. Mi'kmaq landscapes: from animism to sacred ecology, 2008 - Westman C.N. p. 422-423
- Reviews. King E. Frances. Material religion and popular culture, 2010 - Tan M.Y. p. 424
- Reviews. McIntosh Janet. The edge of Islam: power, personhood, and ethno-religious boundaries on the Kenya coast, 2009 - Smith J. p. 425-427
- Reviews. Pelkmans Mathijs (Ed.). Conversion after socialism: disruptions, modernisms and technologies of faith in the Former Soviet Union, 2009 - Rasanayagam J. p. 427-428
- Reviews. Srinivas Tulasi. Winged faith: rethinking globalization and religious pluralism through the Sathya Sai movement, 2010 - Kent A. p. 428-429
- Reviews. Taylor James. Buddhism and postmodern imaginings in Thailand: the religiosity of urban space, 2008 - Vorng S. p. 429-430
- Reviews. Trix Frances. The Sufi journey of Baba Rexheb, 2009 - Henig D. p. 430-431
- Reviews. Wanner Catherine. Communities of the converted: Ukrainians and global evangelism, 2007 - Sapritsky M. p. 431-432
- Reviews. Marks Jonathan. Why I am Not a scientist: anthropology and modern knowledge, 2009 - Kwa C. p. 432-433
- Reviews. Raffles Hugh. Insectopedia, 2010 - Beisel U. p. 433-434
- Reviews. Jebens Holger. After the cult: perceptions of other and self in West New Britain (Papua New Guinea), 2010 - Rollason W. p. 434-435
- Reviews. Osborn Ann. The four seasons of the U'wa: a Chibcha ritual ecology in the Colombian Andes, 2009 - Walker H. p. 435-436
- Reviews. Paine Robert. Camps of the Tundra: politics through reindeer among Saami pastoralists, 2009 - Stammler F. p. 436-438
- Reviews. Sillitoe Paul & Jackie Sillitoe. Grass-clearing man: a factional ethnography of life in the New Guinea Highlands, 2009 - Roberts M.L. p. 438-439
- Reviews. Zanca Russell. Life in a Muslim Uzbek village: cotton farming after communism, 2010 - Sideri E. p. 439-440