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Revue | The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute : Incorporating Man |
Numéro | Vol. 18, no 2, 2012 |
- Dreams from Elsewhere: Muslim subjectivities beyond the trope of self-cultivation - Mittermaier A. p. 247-265
- Horse versus machine: battles in the betting shop - Cassidy R. p. 266-284
- `Dancing the image': materiality and spirituality in Andean religious 'images' - Tassi N. p. 285-310
- Negotiating impartial indicators: putting transparency into practice in the EU - Thedvall R. p. 312-329
- `A wondrous adventure': mutuality and individuality in Internet adoption narratives - Gay y Blasco P. p. 330-348
- Disjunctive comparison: citizenship and trade unionism in Bolivia and Argentina - Lazar S. p. 349-368
- Photography and the comparative method: the construction of an anthropological archive - Morton C. p. 369-396
- Culture and the absurd: the means and meanings of Aboriginal identity in the time of cultural revivalism - Cowlishaw G. p. 397-417
- Pastoral intensification in West Africa: implications for sustainability - Moritz M. p. 418-438
- Cultural anthropology and the question of knowledge - Fabian J. p. 439-453
- What I'm reading: Occupy economic anthropology - Maurer B. p. 454-460
- Review article. Botha Rudolf & Chris Knight (Eds.). The cradle of language, 2009. Botha Rudolf & Chris Knight (Eds.). The prehistory of language, 2009. Burling Robbins. The talking ape: how language evolved, 2005. Dunbar Robin. Grooming, gossip and the evolution of language, 1996. Tomasello Michael. Origins of human communication, 2008 - Goody E.N. p. 461-465
- Reviews. Fash Barbara W. The Copan Sculpture Museum: ancient Maya artistry in stucco and stone, 2011 - Freter A.C. p. 466-467
- Reviews. Scarre Chris. Landscapes of Neolithic Brittany, 2011 - Lillios K.T. p. 467-468
- Reviews. Schiffer Michael Brian. Behavioral archaeology: principles and practice, 2010 - Manley J. p. 468-469
- Reviews. Schefold Reimar, Peter J.M. Nas, Gaudenz Domenig & Robert Wessing (Eds.). Indonesian houses (vol. 2): survey of vernacular architecture in western Indonesia, 2008 - Bunn S. p. 469-470
- Reviews. Snead James E., Clark L. Erickson & J. Andrew Darling (Eds.). Landscapes of movement: trails, paths, and roads in anthropological perspective, 2009 - Argounova-Low T. p. 470-471
- Reviews. van der Hoorn Mélanie. Indispensable eyesores: an anthropology of undesired buildings, 2009 - Marchand T.H.J. p. 471-472
- Reviews. Larsen Clark Spencer (Ed.). A companion to biological anthropology, 2010 - Villmoare B. p. 472-473
- Reviews. Turnhull Paul & Michael Pickering (Eds.). The long way home: the meaning and values of repatriation, 2010 - Black S. p. 474
- Reviews. Cornwall Andrea (Ed.). The participation reader, 2011 - Hampshire K. p. 475-476
- Reviews. Hagberg Sten & Charlotta Widmark (Eds.). Ethnographic practice and public aid: methods and meanings in development cooperation, 2009 - Crewe E. p. 476-477
- Reviews. Sridhar Devi. The battle against hunger: choice, circumstance, and the World Bank, 2008 - Harriss-White B. p. 477-478
- Reviews. Brockliss Laurence & Heather Montgomery (Eds.). Childhood and violence in the Western tradition, 2010 - Heywood C. p. 478-479
- Reviews. Kipnis Andrew B. Governing educational desire: culture, politics, and schooling in China, 2011 - Halskov Hansen M. p. 479-480
- Reviews. Babidge Sally. Aboriginal family and the state: the conditions of history, 2010 - Weiner J.F. p. 480-481
- Reviews. Kipnis Andrew. China and postsocialist anthropology: theorizing power and society after Communism, 2008 - Steinmüller H. p. 481-483
- Reviews. Knörr Jacqueline & Wilson Trajano Filho (Eds.). The powerful presence of the past: integration and conflict along the Upper Guinea coast, 2010 - Richards P. p. 483-484
- Reviews. Little Walter E. & Timothy Smith (Eds.). Mayas in postwar Guatemala: harvest of violence revisited, 2009 - Linstroth J.P. p. 484-485
- Reviews. Ochs Juliana. Security and suspicion: on ethnography of everyday life in Israel, 2011 - Gee A. p. 485-486
- Reviews. Heald Suzette. Law and war in rural Kenya. DVD/PAL, 2010 - Osband N. p. 486-487
- Reviews. Niezen Ronald. Public justice and the anthropology of law, 2010 - Good A. p. 487-488
- Reviews. Andersson Trovalla Ulrika. Medicine for uncertain futures: a Nigerian city in the wake of a crisis, 2011 - Last M. p. 488-489
- Reviews. Edwards Jeanette, Penny Harvey St Peter Wade (Eds.). Technologized images, technologized bodies, 2010 - Richardson K. p. 489-490
- Reviews. Zigon Jarrett. HIV is God's blessing: rehabilitating morality in neoliberal Russia, 2011 - Tomlinson K. p. 490-491
- Reviews. Condry Ian. Hip-hop Japan: rap and the paths of cultural globalization, 2007 - Riviere M. p. 491-493
- Reviews. Goodman Jane E. Berber culture on the world stage: from village to video, 2006 - Boum A. p. 493-494
- Reviews. Jankowsky Richard C. Stambeli: music, trance, and alterity in Tunisia, 2011 - Collins R. p. 494-495
- Reviews. Day Abby. Belleving in belonging: belief and social identity in the modern world, 2011 - Benthall J. p. 495-496
- Reviews. Faller H Elen M. Nation, language, Islam: Tatarstan's sovereignty movement, 2011 - Sideri E. p. 496-497
- Reviews. Marshall Ruth. Political spiritualities: the Pentecostal revolution in Nigeria, 2009 - Renne E.P. p. 497-498
- Reviews. Inhorn Marcia C., Tine Tjornhoj-Thomsen, Helene Goldberg & Maruska La Cour Mosegaard (Eds.). Reconceiving the second sex: men, masculinity and reproduction, 2009 - Niehaus I. p. 498-499
- Reviews. Tengan Ty P. Kawika. Native men remade: gender and nation in contemporary Hawai'i, 2009 - O'Connor K. p. 499-500
- Reviews. Friedson Steven M. Remains of ritual: northern gods in a southern land, 2009 - MacGaffey W. p. 500-501
- Reviews. Kawano Satsuki. Nature's embrace: Japan's aging urbanites and new death rites, 2010 - Matsunaga L. p. 501-503
- Reviews. Kjaerulff Jens. Internet and change: an anthropology of knowledge and flexible work, 2010 - Swann N. p. 503-504
- Reviews. Sekine Yasumasa. Pollution, untouchability and Harijans, 2011 - Searle-Chatterjee M. p. 504-505
- Reviews. Lambek Michael (Ed.). Ordinary ethics: anthropology, language, and action, 2010 - Martin D. p. 505-506
- Reviews. Latour Bruno & Vincent Antonin Lépinay. The science of passionate interests: an introduction to Gabriel Tarde's Economic anthropology, 2010 - Candea M. p. 506-507
- Reviews. Biron Rebecca E. (Ed.). City/art: the urban scene in Latin America, 2009 - Norget K. p. 507-508
- Reviews. Dürr Eveline & Rivke Jaffe (Eds.). Urban pollution: cultural meanings, social practices, 2010 - Jervis Read C. p. 508-509
- Reviews. Mathews Gordon. Ghetto at the center of the world: Chungking Mansions, 2011 - Toulson R.E. p. 509-510