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Revue | The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute : Incorporating Man |
Numéro | Vol. 19, no 2, 2013 |
- Declarations of dependence: labour, personhood, and welfare in southern Africa - Ferguson J. p. 223-242
- Comment: The dynamics of dependence - Bolt M. p. 243-245
- Comment: 'Be my boss!' Comments on South African and Amerindian forms of subjection - Bonilla O. p. 246-247
- Comment: Reclaiming the anthropology of claim-making - Englund H. p. 248-249
- Comment: Desirable dependence, or what we learn from Pentecostalism - Haynes N. p. 250-251
- Comment: Insistently, seeking social incorporation - Murray Li T. p. 252-253
- Comment: The anti-politics of 'Declarations of dependence' - Shah A. p. 254-255
- Comment: In the Shadow of time - White H. p. 256-257
- Reply to comments on ‘Declarations of dependence' - Ferguson J. p. 258-260
- In the shadow of industry: a study culturization in Papua New Guinea - Gilberthorpe E. p. 261-278
- The Chinese family as instituted fantasy: or, rescuing kinship imaginaries from the ‘symbolic' - Sangren P.S. p. 279-299
- ‘We are the true guardians of the environment': human-environment relations and debates about the future of the Chagos Archipelago - Jeffery L. p. 300-318
- Animal disease and the limits of local knowledge: dealing with ticks and tick-borne diseases in South Africa - Brown K., Ainslie A., Beinart W. p. 319-337
- 'Illuminating the broader context': anthropological and historical knowledge at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda - Eltringham N. p. 338-355
- Bride-service and the absent gift - Hugh-Jones S. p. 356-377
- Verticality - Lewis O'neill K., Fogarty-Valenzuela B. p. 378-389
- Comment: Going public: some thoughts on anthropology in and of the world - Driessen H. p. 390-393
- Comment: Hello world! Challenges for blogging as anthropological outreach - de Koning M. p. 394-397
- Comment: A wider audience for anthropology? Political dimensions of an important debate - Pelkmans M. p. 398-404
- Reviews. Barnard, Alan. Genesis of symbolic thought, 2012 - Daeges W. p. 405-406
- Reviews. Kronenfeld David B., Giovanni Bennardo, Victor C. de Munck and Michael D. Fischer (Eds.). A companion to cognitive anthropology, 2011 - Rapport N. p. 406-407
- Reviews. Scoditti Giancarlo M.G. Notes on the cognitive texture of an oral mind: Kitawa, a Melanesian culture, 2012 - Van Heekeren D. p. 407-408
- Reviews. Arnason Johann Pall and Bjorn Wittrock (Eds.). Nordic paths to modernity, 2012 - Sass D. p. 408-409
- Reviews. Meyer Christian & Felix Girke (Eds.). The rhetorical emergence of culture, 2011 - Carrithers M.B. p. 409-410
- Reviews. Taussig Michael. I swear I saw this: drawings in fieldwork notebooks, namely my own, 2011 - Skinner J. p. 410-411
- Reviews. Heinonen Paula. Youth gangs and street children: culture, nurture and masculinity in Ethiopia, 2011 - Webb D. p. 411-412
- Reviews. Levinson Bradley A.U. & Mica Pollock (Eds.). A companion to the anthropology of education, 2011 - Montgomery H. p. 412-413
- Reviews. Morning Ann. The nature of race: how scientists think and teach about human difference, 2011 - McGonigle I.V. p. 413-414
- Reviews. Okada Akito. Education and equal opportunity in Japan, 2011 - McVeigh B.J. p. 414-415
- Reviews. Diamond Jared. The world until yesterday: what can we learn from traditional societies? 2012 - Kuper A. p. 415-416
- Reviews. Tattersall Ian. Masters of the planet: the search for our human origins, 2012 - Power C. p. 416-417
- Reviews. Alliegro Enzo Vinicio. Antropologia italiana: storia e storiografia 1869-1875, 2011 - Fontefrancesco M.F. p. 417-419
- Reviews. Johnson Christopher H. & David Warren Sabean (Eds.). Sibling relations and the transformation of European kinship 1300-1900, 2011 - Konvalinka N. p. 419-420
- Reviews. Tilley Helen. Africa as a living laboratory: empire, development, and the problem of scientific knowledge, 1870-1950, 2011 - McGonigle I.V. p. 420-421
- Reviews. Tucker Erica L. Remembering occupied Warsaw: Polish narratives of World War, 2011 - Magee S. p. 421-422
- Reviews. Dew Kevin. The cult and science of public health: a sociological investigation, 2012 - Pearson G. p. 422-423
- Reviews. Inhorn Marcia C. & Emily A. Wentzell (Eds.). Medical anthropology at the intersections: histories, activisms, and futures, 2012 - Baer H.A. p. 423-424
- Reviews. Paton Diana & Maarit Forde (Eds.). Obeah and other powers: the politics of Caribbean religion and healing, 2012 - Littlewood R. p. 424-425
- Reviews. Bigenho Michelle. Intimate distance: Andean music in Japan, 2012 - Montero Diaz F. p. 425-426
- Reviews. Capwell Charles. Sailing on the sea of love: the music of the Bauls of Bengal, 2011 - Samuel G. p. 426-427
- Reviews. Navaro-Yashin Yael. The make-believe space: affective geography in a postwar - Argenti N. p. 427-428
- Reviews. Reichman Daniel R. The Broken village: coffee, migration, and globalization in Honduras, 2011 - Smith J. p. 428-429
- Reviews. Yarrow Thomas. Development beyond politics: aid, activism and NGOs in Ghana, 2011 - Douglas-Jones R. p. 429-430
- Reviews. Benson Michaela. The British in rural France: lifestyle migration and the ongoing quest for a better way of life, 2011 - Shurmer-Smith P. p. 430-431
- Reviews. Hastrup Frida. Weathering the world: recovery in the wake of the tsunami in a Tamil fishing village, 2011 - Simpson E. p. 432
- Reviews. Hazan Haim & Esther Hertzog (Eds.). Serendipity in anthropological research: the nomadic turn, 2012 - Bloom M. p. 433-434
- Reviews. Karlsson Bengt G. Unruly hills: a political ecology of India's Northeast, 2011 - McDuie-Ra D. p. 434-435
- Reviews. Pedersen Morten Axel. Not quite Shamans: spirit worlds and political lives in northern Mongolia, 2011 - Walter D. p. 435-437
- Reviews. Rollason Will. We are playing football: sport and postcolonial subjectivity, Panapompom, Papua New Guinea, 2011 - Walter H. p. 437-438
- Reviews. Skinner Jonathan (Ed.). Writing the dark side of travel, 2012 - Huberman J. p. 438-439
- Reviews. Knowlton Timothy W. Maya creation myths: words and worlds of the Chilam Balam, 2010 - Arnold D.E. p. 439-440
- Reviews. Uzendoski Michael A. & Edith Felicia Calapucha-Tapuy. The ecology of the spoken word: Amazonian storytelling and shamanism among the Napo Runa, 2012 - O'Driscoll E. p. 440-441