Contenu du sommaire
Revue | Scandinavian Journal of Psychology |
Numéro | Vol. 37, no 3, 1996 |
- Gender differences in the development of depression - Ahnlund K., Frodi A. p. 229-237
- Lexical status of inflectional and derivational suffixes: Evidence from Finnish - Laine M. p. 238-248
- Prevalence and severity of anxiety, depression and Type A behaviors in angina pectoris - Smith D.F., Sterndorff B., Ropcke G., Gustavsen E.M., Hansen J.K. p. 249-258
- Long-term rod dark adaptation in man. Threshold measurements, rhodopsin regeneration and allosteric sensitivity regulation. An evaluation - Stabell U., Stabell B. p. 259-268
- Activity during unemployment and mental health - Underlid K. p. 269-281
- Sequencing actions: an information-search study of tradeoffs of priorities against spatiotemporal constraints - Gärling T. p. 282-293
- Visual search for positional relationships between pattern elements - Saarinen J. p. 294-301
- Post-decision consolidation over time as a function of gain or loss of an alternative - Svenson O., Malmsten N. p. 302-311
- Impaired tactual perception in children with Down's syndrome - Brandt B.R. p. 312-316
- Semantic distance and single cue use in category search - Saariluoma P., Kujala S. p. 317-328
- Procedural dependence in action memory: Effects of verbform and individual vs group conditions - Helstrup T., Molander B. p. 329-337