Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 41, no 4, 2000 |
- Effects of psychological defense on processing of neutral stimuli indicated by event-related potentials (ERPs) - Eriksen H.R., Nordby H., Olff M., et al. p. 263-268
- Androginy and creativity: a study of the relationship between a balanced sex-role and creative functioning - Jönsson P., Carlsson I. p. 269-274
- Post-decision consolidation: group members in different social settings compared to individual decision makers - Eisele P. p. 275-282
- The Maudsey obsessional-compulsive inventory and OCD in a Norwegian nonclinical sample - Stoylen I.J., Larsen S., Kvale G. p. 283-286
- The role of derivational morphology in vocabulary acquisition: get by with a little help from my morpheme friends - Bertram R., Laine M., Maria M. p. 287-296
- Posttraumatic symptomatology in children exposed to war - Vizek-Vidovic V., Kutervac-Jagodic G., Arambasic L. p. 297-306
- Development and validation of Swedish classical and modern sexism scales - Ekehammar B., Akrami N., Araya T. p. 307-314
- Persistence during extinction: are judgments of persistence affected by contingency information ? - Svartdal F. p. 315-328
- 20-Item Toronto Alexithymia scale: do difficulties describing feelings assess proneness to shame instead of difficulties symbolizing emotions? - Suslow T., Donges U.S., Kersting A., et al. p. 329-334