Contenu du sommaire
Revue | Scandinavian Journal of Psychology |
Numéro | Vol. 42, no 5, 2001 |
- Development of a Swedish version of the adolescent coping orientation for problem experiences - Halvarsson K. p. 383-388
- The circumplex structure of affect: a Swedish version - Knez I., Hygge S. p. 389-398
- PLS model building: a multivariate approach to personality test data - Henningsson M. p. 399-410
- Validation of an ipsative personality measure - Martinussen M., Richardsen A.M. p. 411-416
- A Norwegian translation of the self-liking and competence scale - Silvera D.H. p. 417-428
- Emotion recognition and social adjustment in school-aged girls and boys - Leppänen J.M., Hietanen J.K. p. 429-436
- The relationship between cognitive abilities and maternal ratings of externalizing behaviors in preschool children - Andersson H.W., Sommerfelt K. p. 437-444
- Post-traumatic stress disorder in patients with coronary artery disease: a review and evalutation of the risk - Schmidt Pedersen S. p. 445-452
- Obsessive-compulsive symptoms, white noise and intrusions of self-relevant negative thoughts in a thought suppression paradigm - Smari J., Huld Hermodsdottir I. p. 453-458
- Memory deficits in young schizophrenics with normal general intellectual function - Landro N.I., Pape-Ellefsen E., Hagland K.O., Odland T. p. 459-466
- Psychological characteristics of women with eating disorders: permanent or transient features ? - Blaase H., Elklit A. p. 467-478